Has fluid in his lungs. Fever over 100. Oxygen was in the 60s at home & got up to 90s with oxygen in the ER. They think the appendix is infected too.
As much as we disagree, he is the one who taught me to question everything & look on both (all) sides of every issue to figure out what both sides were refusing to discuss.
He will likely be healed up here soon, really my mother & family could use strength to care for him as he recovers. He hit his head a few weeks ago & hasn't quite been the same... Though still as stubborn as ever 😆
When it is time for him to go, it is his time. The family could really just use some support & blessings. Likely everyone in this board could use more during these times too.
Heavenly Father we ask that you look over and guide your subject through these difficult times. Please help him recover so he may again enjoy the love of his family and friends.
Dia duit.
Thank you!
Prayers, fren.
My FIL (in his eighties) was on death's door recently, and (((they))) decided to take him off all his meds and then sent him home to die (no room, they said). He has now started to recover. I had a suspicion that he was over-medicated. So many doctors, and so many meds.
Be careful with what they prescribe, is my suggestion.
That's encouraging to hear! Glad for y'all!
I am so glad your FIL is recovering.
I wish he was still as skeptical as he was while I was growing up. I was floored when I was listening to my mother tell me all the prescriptions he has. For some reason he stopped looking for truth outside of "experts" sometime after all of us children graduated. He never did that while I was growing up. His lessons to me growing up (about seeking facts & truth in all things) were a major point of contention between us in the past couple of decades unfortunately. I just don't know what changed.
Very happy your Father in law got out in time. I won't tell my story here but it sure does align with yours. I believe they purposely highly medicate these victims w/ psychotropics so they have no clue wtf is going on and just offer themselves up to the white coat cult. There is ZERO oversight and accountability so basically they can actually do w.e. tf they want with impunity. Heartbreaking and disgusting.
Heavenly Father I have sinned, forgive me.
Hear my prayer for this Family and bring them comfort, peace and understanding.
Thank you!
Praying that the Lord is glorified through your father and family, and that He may see fit to restore him.
Thank you!
Praying for your family.
I really appreciate it 😊
You have it, anon. Praying for a full recovery.
Thank you very much.
Dear God heal this person's father and return him to health.
Thanks 🤗
God Bless you and your family.
Prayers for your family to feel the Lord's presence. May He hold and comfort your loved ones through this time. May He also give you all strength and patience to care for your father.
I really appreciate this. Thank you!
Sending. Prayers 🙏✨️
Prayers and love from Minnesota
Thank you from the everlasting hills.
🙏🙏🙏🙏 90 is like a B Watch to get him to 95 and above. Make sure they do an MRI on his heart when he is able. Sounds like congestive heart failure. Recoverable. Sounds worse than it is likely to be. Just remember that 60’s is like an F minus.
Absolutely, thank you.
Prayers on the way!
Ours is a big family. We look out for each other. God Bless you and your father!
Thank you!
Thanks 💗
Prayers coming your way,fren. All the best to you and all your family.
I appreciate it 💓
Prayers on the way fren.
Thank you 🤍
Praying for Father and Bless all of those who love him.
I appreciate this 🫂
Prayers sent 🙏
Thank you ❤️
I really appreciate this. McCoy was one of his favorite characters.
Hopefully you understand this GIF https://imgflip.com/gif/7xtyew
😆 I love it!
May you be strengthened by His strength, and comforted by His love. Prayers up for you and your family. God bless.
I really appreciate your prayer.
Will pray, pede. Cast those cares on the Lord Jesus. Entrusting our hopes to Him and His hands will always be the best place for them.
He has always pulled me though & I am so grateful my parents instilled a deep love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, into every single one our our hearts.
Thank you!
Praying for your Father and your family Bobbin. Also that Our Father with Heal your disagreements. He IS Our Perfect Healer! 🙏🙌🤍
Thank you. I have hope he will heal everything. He taught me to question every single thing in this world. I guess he never thought that meant his judgment LOL
Covid tested the love of our family briefly (he was the only one that got caught up in the fear porn for a short time). Ultimately he started to question everything & realized he had been lied to. Of course it was because he had seen something about Covid being destroyed by 30 seconds of sunlight on the news. At least he got there faster than most who were sucked into the narrative. Unfortunately that was after he had a single Covid shot & had convinced my mom (stopped taking flu shots for a couple decades) to take one too.
I was adamant that my family would not take it at all & my siblings all refused the shots too. My dad blamed me. I am just glad the lessons he taught me in my youth stuck.
I'm glad that the lesson stuck, too Bobbin and also that you are hopeful about his healing.🙏🤍
Praying for your father and your family.
Thank you!
Prayers up. Keep us posted, plz.
Here is the update.
Will do. He was stable when I left last night (my wife is in that hospital every day & by God's grace didn't end up being forced to take the shot). Just waiting to see if the infection decreases & then will decide how to go about some gal stones.
May the spirit of Jesus wash over your father 🙏
Thank you so much for this.
Praying for your Dad and all of you.
Thank you very much.
Praying for your dad and for your whole family, HB.
Thanks ditzee!
Praying for you and your family, with my stubborn faith in the Almighty Creator as the absolute best Healer and Sustainer. May He provide all the strength and blessings and miracles that your family needs. According to His will and timing. In Jesus' name, Amen. 🙏
Thank you for this & it really is all in God's hands.
He raised a great kid! Prayer submitted!
I like to think so, thank you very much!
Dear Heavenly Father, please be with HonestBobbin and her family as they care for her dad. Please let her mom get some rest while Dad’s in the hospital. In Jesus’ name we ask this. Amen. Tbh, it can be hard when the person you’re caring for is cranky or unappreciative. I pray that there are good times together, as well. Hang in there and take the time to rest, too. A good sleep and a lazy day can recharge you quite a bit.
He certainly tries his best to make good memories with grandkids & to show his love through, sometimes poorly thought out, actions. His heart is in the right place & he has been incredibly helpful often.
I am so grateful that he gave us such an amazing example of putting family first & that things can always be replaced. He gave up almost his entire inheritance when a couple of my uncles needed extra funds to help with recovery & medical bills for my cousins. There was zero fighting among my father's siblings outside of who could give their portions of inheritance away fastest to help family. All middle class, but all class acts as a family. I hear about how inheritance has torn apart friends familial relationships & it is just such a foreign concept to me.
My parents did well.
edit - LOL anon gender roles can be confusing without faces. My wife makes me sew because I only had brothers & my mother was determined to teach me life skills to pass on to my future daughters (cooking, sewing, art basics, etc...) I still laugh when someone realizes that I am the one who helps sew costumes instead of my wife. She couldn't make a bobbin thread correctly if he life depended on it. Her mother on the other hand does great upholstery work LOL
What an incredible family. Money is a tool. Your father and family are thinking right, in my eyes. I had to chuckle when I found out I “misgendered’” you. I typed my post comment and then changed it yesterday. My husband sews, as well. How is your dad today?
I just got the call that his inflammation is down & the antibiotics worked well. They are planning surgery to remove the stones later today.
Amazing how fast God works, eh? Praise be to Him!
It never ceases to amaze me. Thank you again!
Amen to that fren. I pray God comes to your father's aid and gives him a full healing and blesses your family with love and strength. Everyone is in need of this in these days.
Thank you for this.
We decree and declare through all that is holy that your father will emerge stronger and more powerful in Jesus’ name. No weapon formed against your dad will succeed. Strength and courage for your mom and family.
Thank you for this. I have never heard a prayer quite like this & I love it!