Either MMS or, better yet, a combination of 100% pine turpentine treatment, followed by borax treatment and high doses of probiotics.
Have to kill off the parasites first, then pull out the heavy metals (in this order to avoid heavy Herx reaction), and then repopulate the gut with healthy flora and fauna.
MMS can be very hard to tolerate. The pine turpentine on sugar cubes, like grandma used to give mom and dad to de-worm them, has zero side effects and is much more palatable. Plus, you don't have to take it nearly as many times per day.
The pine resin treatment should run for 6 weeks or so, with 4 days on and three days off each week. Four days should be consecutive. Start off with just a drop or two on a sugar cube and slowly work up to the recommended dosage for age/weight. Start counting the days of treatment once you reach the optimum dose.
The Borax treatment, 1/16th of a teaspoon of Mule Team, plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda mixed in one liter of water for children, given in divided doses throughout the day. Again, 4 days on and 3 days off, for 6-8 weeks.
Afterward, load him up on probiotics, preferably from natural sources, being careful to avoid those containing strep varieties. (You don't even want to know about PANDA's, which looks like overnight OCD on acid. It is cured with protracted use of antibiotics, which screws up the gut even more.)
Do the footwork. Look up these treatments. Best of luck.
I have mine in slightly warm water or squash (cordial)
Maybe 1/10 of a teaspoonful of clean pure household borax.
I guess if it's giving you a headache you need to reduce the dose.
Borax does detox heavy metals and fluoride from your body, maybe you were having a detox effect.
I don't remember to take it every day, you shouldn't anyway, maybe 5 days out of 7 max, but I don't remember to take it anywhere near that often and the bit that I do remember staves off the arthritis.
Yeah, that's a little unusual for someone under 40... I'm on the other side of 40 and I have similar issues. For the past year I've been taking a good collagen supplement, glucosamine chondroitin, and I stay VERY physically active... gym 5 days a week, aerobics in the form of rowing 20 minutes each day followed by an hour of rigorous, age-appropriate weigh lifting (squats, bench presses, lunges, shoulder work, abs and core, traps, laterals, etc.
Further, not vaxxed or boosted, eat a good healthy diet (fish, easy on the red meat, lot of salads and vegetables, AND I think it helps that I don't smoke or drink alcohol, as these will aggravate just about any condition you can mention.
So with all this I have reduced joint aches and the "cement mixer" sounds that come from my body to a mere occasional pop. These things work for me, I hope that will help you.
Regarding collagen, what most don't realize is that the stuff you see on the shelf mostly is beef collagen which is primarily types I and IX which is what your skin and hair are mostly composed of. Cartilage, ligaments and tendons are mostly type II collagen and for that you want to be consuming chicken collagen. Type II is found in chicken bones and egg shells, and before someone says "just drink broth bro" while broth is good for you if the collagen is not hydrolyzed most of it will not be properly absorbed. I added in chicken collagen to my diet and my tendonitis that had been bothering me for months suddenly started fading after a few weeks, it was dramatic.
Also the collagen cycle is slow, it usually takes several weeks to notice changes hence why many go through a 30 day supply and then cry that it was a scam online.
It's been well studied that those who took 10g of collagen with 50mcg of vitamin C post workout saw joints recover at least twice as fast. I prefer to put it in my pre-workout so that all the movement helps circulate it into my joints as i get my muscles pumped up as the lymphatic system is heavily involved in transporting the peptides and that is driven by body movement as it has no pump like the heart to drive it.
In reality, if you eat beef or chicken along with a healthy amount of animal fats, your body will be able to create all the collagen it could possibly need, no supplements required.
And as always, everybody is different. If your regimen works for you, by all means continue on it!
Yeah and I'm quoting from my own experience, beef collagen did nothing it was adding chicken collage into the mix that made the difference. And no eating chicken is not going to do it unless you're somehow also eating the bones and the egg shells, good luck with that.
I didn't know there were different types of collagen, thanks. If you do make bone broth, add a splash of apple cider vinegar because it helps break those bones down. Another old-timer source of collagen is chicken feet but I admit I haven't eaten them myself. I just know the livestock farmer I worked for ground them up along with other scraps for the dogs and they were exceptionally beautiful and healthy.
I'll add the glucosamine. I'm not vaxxed and otherwise we follow a similar lifestyle regimen. Exercise does help "blow the dust out" and strengthening the muscles surrounding my joints is wise. Thanks
Medical Massage Therapist of 28 years 2 cents. How often don you take you car in for oil change or tune up? When was the last time you took your meat suit in for a tune up/ oil change. Tight muscle to tendon to bone, pull you out of alignment, chiro put back, 2 daya ater your in the same place, a quality therapist will relax and stretch the muscle, removes waste build up in the tissues, speed up lymph sysm (cellular waste) circulation recovery.
Your Chiro should know of some reputable Massage Therapists. You can go the the massage professional associations, ABMP or AMTA sites, they will have a search options to find a Therapist with the the modalities you're looking for. Hope that helps friend.
I have to pop my back and neck quite often. A result of many years of high g’s. A vertical hang of some sort will do it. I just support my body weight with my arms on the kitchen counter. Your discs plump up a bit when you are sleeping. Stuff for knee tissue might help as well. Sometimes tight muscles pull the spine out of alignment. That is my neck issue. That and I broke it in college.
Look into neck training. Ever since I got my Ironneck harness and train in all 4 directions once a week I very rarely feel any neck discomfort. I also noticed that I can rotate my head further and don't need to turn my upper body anymore while checking blind spots while driving. Don't worry that you'll get a "thick neck", nobody ever got swole by accident and a muscular neck does not cause sleep apnea that's caused by a fat neck as it doesn't support itself. Also even adding just a little amount of strength to your neck greatly decreases your risk of injury or death in a vehicle crash.
Thanks. I actually have a very strong neck. I used to be a wrestler in High School and College. I use a travel neck pillow at night. It helps, but I still have to pop it a few times a day. My C-6 pinches a nerve that goes to my ring and little finger. It could be worse.
You said that you exercise but you didn't say what you mean by exercise. I recommend to take up weight lifting. Most of these "popping" issues are from muscles, especially stabilizers, that have gotten weak over time from lots of sitting and avoiding many movement patterns so your joints become unstable and easily shift out of alignment. Even "active" people can still have these issues if they only train a few movements in limited directions. Start by getting your strength back and consider consulting with a physical therapist or research online for mobility exercises. I'm 42 and I've fixed all of my joints by doing bodybuilding 2-3 times per week. My dad has also made incredible progress in his early 70s and he has no gall bladder either so he takes ox bile supplements to replace his lack of own bile for fat digestion.
And some of these creaking noises though will never go away entirely, you just rarely hear them unless there's no background noise. All of the tendons in our bodies make some noise as we move, try working out in a totally silent room and you'll hear noises you never thought your body was making.
Don’t know if bile deficiency is related to joint issues but this may be something to look into if you haven’t yet. My naturopath recommended digestive enzymes with bile salts (suspecting pancreatic insufficiency) to help break down fats & proteins and aid vitamin/ nutrient absorption.
Interesting, my family Dr. had no suggestions for the onset of diverticulosis other than don’t eat seeds & nuts and go to ER if you have to, Anyhow, I gave info to two family members who’ve had their gall bladders removed (no suggestions from their drs either). It’s made a huge improvement for all of us.
FGMIA mods if I’m breaking any rules with links & I’ll remove. Just thought this may help some here. And agree with you Drink...health win is lacking. Maybe we need a GAW Health or Maga Health daily sticky of our own like Gen Discussion?
I love Dr. Berg. He's really helped on my intermittent fasting and keto progress and I take his electrolyte supplement. I WISH I still had a gallbladder. I went to 5 different doctors over 7 years with complaints and they all diagnosed me with tl;dr psychosomatic issues. But it was a gallbladder so blocked up it was termed a "porcelain gallbladder".
I'm not surprised, my dad and a friend had their gallbladders out and neither was told by the docs about bile salts or digestive enzymes to make up for it. My dad only found out about them from me when he told me his bloodwork showed low vitamin D and testosterone, he didn't know that the lack of a gallbladder was making it harder to him to absorb fat soluble vitamins and that he was going to need extra sunlight and that the falling D levels was going to sabotage his T levels in turn. Now his levels are returning to normal naturally after rectifying those issues.
You do not have to remove your clothes with a quality Therapist, if that is an issues, if you do most clients leave their unders on, but you are always covered with sheet and blanket, except the area they are working on. Wear running shorts for stretching.
If the set up is a lawn lounge chaise and a towel, that is not a quality Therapist, that is human trafficking situation that I have personally seen, and those poor asia women are living in the back, cleaning themselves with buckets of water in the back, yes here.
Apologies fren, I have to remove this post. It's too off topic for this forum. I'm sure if you comment in the daily chat post linked below, someone can point you in a helpful direction.
I would consider the obvious first before going down the road of nutrition or spine issues: your pillow. I'd recommend a memory foam contour pillow...worked for me.
When you have your gallbladder out, then your liver has to work harder. Try to eat better. The Japanese like a product called Tudca that helps with the bile in your liver. Interesting enough, when Mayo clinic started out, 1/3 of their business was sending people home with castor oil packs. Wrapping a castor oil soaked cloth over your side/ liver at night can really help your liver and digestion. The first night I did that, I slept like a baby! Sounds weird but it really makes a big difference. You can get more info from queenofthethrones.com Avoid stuff in boxes and bags (all processed) for a start. Try real European sourced bread. Stop using American bread. And Use high quality all natural nutritional supplements. The cheap ones can be very harmful. ( cheap vitamin E is made from petroleum base! Cheap calcium can be Limestone base) Get rid of the recliner. They may be comfortable, but they are really bad for you. Try piliates, tai chi or bigan yoga. Start simply but just stretching out the muscles on a regular basis really helps.
Do you include plenty of sea salt in your diet? Seems like the missing piece.
Boron is just one of the elements in sea salt, and many people recommend it for joint pain, specifically arthritic pain. But either way, salt is a necessary blood component, needed for the proper exchange of nutrients going into the cells and removing waste from them. "Salt is bad" is another of the most damaging medical psyops, a straight-up lie.
If you're interested, reply and I'll link you to the doctor I follow, a big advocate for sea salt with tons of explanation.
I like "trace minerals" brand supplement which contains boron. Also of note regarding salt: iirc 30% of people are iodine deficient so don't forget to get that somehow.
Make sure to deseed your stash before you roll the joint. ~ Tommy Chong
But seriously, I found that the prescription drug, Gabapentin, provided me more relief than Oxycodone did, after I had lower back surgery. That was a long time ago, before I was awake so I didn't research it. Doc prescribed it, so I ate it. But it did work on my lower back pain.
It may be due to new 5G cell towers erected near your home or office. I had to move to get away from the towers they setup beside my old house. I felt like my joints aged 20 years over night. My wife was plagued by migraines. After buying a home in the country, all was resolved by the 3rd week here. No more joint stiffness and pain.
I'm going to keep calling bullshit on 5G scaremongering. We've had it here for years already and yet I've had no decrease in my health or issues in improving it. There's at least two 5G devices right here on my desk as I type this. It doesn't help your case when "electrosensitives" cry that an unplugged wifi router somehow is causing a headache just from them seeing it. Sounds more likely that you moved out of a house with hidden mold issues.
Well that's pretty bold to call my lived experience bullshit. Kiss my ass. I just flew home from Montreal and by my 4th day there the joint pain came back to where I could barely use my left shoulder. Now since about 48 hours back home it is getting better again. So my lived experience trumps your attitude and obtuse mind. By the way it is the signal towers outside that cause the issues not the receivers on your desk lol. Same thing applied to my mother in-law when she would visit for a few days she would get migraines as well that would subside when she got home to her place out in the country.
And my lived experience cancels out yours since we each have a small sample size of one household. This game goes both ways. So far nothing you've described rules out mold since you keep describing the classic signs.
Also the devices on my desk are still transmitters, that's how two-way radio works. The signal strength falls off by inverse square law so the field from those little devices is stronger than the field from the tower down the road just from me being closer to them. Maybe learn how EMF actually works before spouting off.
We lived in the house 10 year with no issues prior to those towers going up. That was the only variable to change. And no you are wrong that it only affected me. Several other neighbours had similar symptoms since the towers went up as well.
Go to a physical therapist. mine showed me a few simple exercises to build some neglected muscles. Not bulk muscle building, just paying some attention to a few neglected. Made a world of difference. Just another note... check costs... insurance wanted a $125 copay, out of pocket was $82
Either MMS or, better yet, a combination of 100% pine turpentine treatment, followed by borax treatment and high doses of probiotics.
Have to kill off the parasites first, then pull out the heavy metals (in this order to avoid heavy Herx reaction), and then repopulate the gut with healthy flora and fauna.
MMS can be very hard to tolerate. The pine turpentine on sugar cubes, like grandma used to give mom and dad to de-worm them, has zero side effects and is much more palatable. Plus, you don't have to take it nearly as many times per day.
The pine resin treatment should run for 6 weeks or so, with 4 days on and three days off each week. Four days should be consecutive. Start off with just a drop or two on a sugar cube and slowly work up to the recommended dosage for age/weight. Start counting the days of treatment once you reach the optimum dose.
The Borax treatment, 1/16th of a teaspoon of Mule Team, plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda mixed in one liter of water for children, given in divided doses throughout the day. Again, 4 days on and 3 days off, for 6-8 weeks.
Afterward, load him up on probiotics, preferably from natural sources, being careful to avoid those containing strep varieties. (You don't even want to know about PANDA's, which looks like overnight OCD on acid. It is cured with protracted use of antibiotics, which screws up the gut even more.)
Do the footwork. Look up these treatments. Best of luck.
I second the borax. it has improved my joints including a very badly injured knee with arthritis.
Do you have any further advice with that? I tried it in water but it was giving me a headache so I stopped.
Oh, that's interesting.
I have mine in slightly warm water or squash (cordial)
Maybe 1/10 of a teaspoonful of clean pure household borax.
I guess if it's giving you a headache you need to reduce the dose.
Borax does detox heavy metals and fluoride from your body, maybe you were having a detox effect.
I don't remember to take it every day, you shouldn't anyway, maybe 5 days out of 7 max, but I don't remember to take it anywhere near that often and the bit that I do remember staves off the arthritis.
Thank you! I tried borax a while ago but reading your dosage recommendation: I think I put in too much and didn't add baking soda.
Weird sleeping posture maybe?
Side sleeper, so probably.
Yeah, that's a little unusual for someone under 40... I'm on the other side of 40 and I have similar issues. For the past year I've been taking a good collagen supplement, glucosamine chondroitin, and I stay VERY physically active... gym 5 days a week, aerobics in the form of rowing 20 minutes each day followed by an hour of rigorous, age-appropriate weigh lifting (squats, bench presses, lunges, shoulder work, abs and core, traps, laterals, etc.
Further, not vaxxed or boosted, eat a good healthy diet (fish, easy on the red meat, lot of salads and vegetables, AND I think it helps that I don't smoke or drink alcohol, as these will aggravate just about any condition you can mention.
So with all this I have reduced joint aches and the "cement mixer" sounds that come from my body to a mere occasional pop. These things work for me, I hope that will help you.
Regarding collagen, what most don't realize is that the stuff you see on the shelf mostly is beef collagen which is primarily types I and IX which is what your skin and hair are mostly composed of. Cartilage, ligaments and tendons are mostly type II collagen and for that you want to be consuming chicken collagen. Type II is found in chicken bones and egg shells, and before someone says "just drink broth bro" while broth is good for you if the collagen is not hydrolyzed most of it will not be properly absorbed. I added in chicken collagen to my diet and my tendonitis that had been bothering me for months suddenly started fading after a few weeks, it was dramatic.
Also the collagen cycle is slow, it usually takes several weeks to notice changes hence why many go through a 30 day supply and then cry that it was a scam online.
It's been well studied that those who took 10g of collagen with 50mcg of vitamin C post workout saw joints recover at least twice as fast. I prefer to put it in my pre-workout so that all the movement helps circulate it into my joints as i get my muscles pumped up as the lymphatic system is heavily involved in transporting the peptides and that is driven by body movement as it has no pump like the heart to drive it.
This is marketing materials you're quoting.
Similar pitch can be found here - https://www.znaturalfoods.com/blogs/articles/the-difference-between-beef-chicken-and-marine-collagen
In reality, if you eat beef or chicken along with a healthy amount of animal fats, your body will be able to create all the collagen it could possibly need, no supplements required.
And as always, everybody is different. If your regimen works for you, by all means continue on it!
Yeah and I'm quoting from my own experience, beef collagen did nothing it was adding chicken collage into the mix that made the difference. And no eating chicken is not going to do it unless you're somehow also eating the bones and the egg shells, good luck with that.
I didn't know there were different types of collagen, thanks. If you do make bone broth, add a splash of apple cider vinegar because it helps break those bones down. Another old-timer source of collagen is chicken feet but I admit I haven't eaten them myself. I just know the livestock farmer I worked for ground them up along with other scraps for the dogs and they were exceptionally beautiful and healthy.
Thanks...I've been taking collagen supplements for almost 3 years and I definitely see a difference.
I'll add the glucosamine. I'm not vaxxed and otherwise we follow a similar lifestyle regimen. Exercise does help "blow the dust out" and strengthening the muscles surrounding my joints is wise. Thanks
Medical Massage Therapist of 28 years 2 cents. How often don you take you car in for oil change or tune up? When was the last time you took your meat suit in for a tune up/ oil change. Tight muscle to tendon to bone, pull you out of alignment, chiro put back, 2 daya ater your in the same place, a quality therapist will relax and stretch the muscle, removes waste build up in the tissues, speed up lymph sysm (cellular waste) circulation recovery.
This right here.
Thank you. Any tips/advice on getting a medical massage vs just one that feels good?
Your Chiro should know of some reputable Massage Therapists. You can go the the massage professional associations, ABMP or AMTA sites, they will have a search options to find a Therapist with the the modalities you're looking for. Hope that helps friend.
It does, thank you friend!
I have to pop my back and neck quite often. A result of many years of high g’s. A vertical hang of some sort will do it. I just support my body weight with my arms on the kitchen counter. Your discs plump up a bit when you are sleeping. Stuff for knee tissue might help as well. Sometimes tight muscles pull the spine out of alignment. That is my neck issue. That and I broke it in college.
Look into neck training. Ever since I got my Ironneck harness and train in all 4 directions once a week I very rarely feel any neck discomfort. I also noticed that I can rotate my head further and don't need to turn my upper body anymore while checking blind spots while driving. Don't worry that you'll get a "thick neck", nobody ever got swole by accident and a muscular neck does not cause sleep apnea that's caused by a fat neck as it doesn't support itself. Also even adding just a little amount of strength to your neck greatly decreases your risk of injury or death in a vehicle crash.
Thanks. I actually have a very strong neck. I used to be a wrestler in High School and College. I use a travel neck pillow at night. It helps, but I still have to pop it a few times a day. My C-6 pinches a nerve that goes to my ring and little finger. It could be worse.
How many years ago did you wrestle though and how have you kept up that neck strength since?
It has been 30 years since it had to work hard. Just isometrics since then.
Definitely me, I hold all my tension in the neck and shoulders
You said that you exercise but you didn't say what you mean by exercise. I recommend to take up weight lifting. Most of these "popping" issues are from muscles, especially stabilizers, that have gotten weak over time from lots of sitting and avoiding many movement patterns so your joints become unstable and easily shift out of alignment. Even "active" people can still have these issues if they only train a few movements in limited directions. Start by getting your strength back and consider consulting with a physical therapist or research online for mobility exercises. I'm 42 and I've fixed all of my joints by doing bodybuilding 2-3 times per week. My dad has also made incredible progress in his early 70s and he has no gall bladder either so he takes ox bile supplements to replace his lack of own bile for fat digestion.
And some of these creaking noises though will never go away entirely, you just rarely hear them unless there's no background noise. All of the tendons in our bodies make some noise as we move, try working out in a totally silent room and you'll hear noises you never thought your body was making.
Mostly just cardio because I'm a SAHM, but I think I've found a CrossFit gym that has childcare. Thanks for the input
Don’t know if bile deficiency is related to joint issues but this may be something to look into if you haven’t yet. My naturopath recommended digestive enzymes with bile salts (suspecting pancreatic insufficiency) to help break down fats & proteins and aid vitamin/ nutrient absorption.
Interesting, my family Dr. had no suggestions for the onset of diverticulosis other than don’t eat seeds & nuts and go to ER if you have to, Anyhow, I gave info to two family members who’ve had their gall bladders removed (no suggestions from their drs either). It’s made a huge improvement for all of us.
We use NOW brand: https://www.nowfoods.com/products/supplements/super-enzymes-capsules
FGMIA mods if I’m breaking any rules with links & I’ll remove. Just thought this may help some here. And agree with you Drink...health win is lacking. Maybe we need a GAW Health or Maga Health daily sticky of our own like Gen Discussion?
I love Dr. Berg. He's really helped on my intermittent fasting and keto progress and I take his electrolyte supplement. I WISH I still had a gallbladder. I went to 5 different doctors over 7 years with complaints and they all diagnosed me with tl;dr psychosomatic issues. But it was a gallbladder so blocked up it was termed a "porcelain gallbladder".
I'm not surprised, my dad and a friend had their gallbladders out and neither was told by the docs about bile salts or digestive enzymes to make up for it. My dad only found out about them from me when he told me his bloodwork showed low vitamin D and testosterone, he didn't know that the lack of a gallbladder was making it harder to him to absorb fat soluble vitamins and that he was going to need extra sunlight and that the falling D levels was going to sabotage his T levels in turn. Now his levels are returning to normal naturally after rectifying those issues.
Kamala knows a lot about creaking/popping joints. That's why she wears knee pads a lot.
Can almost see the pads under her pantsuits
You do not have to remove your clothes with a quality Therapist, if that is an issues, if you do most clients leave their unders on, but you are always covered with sheet and blanket, except the area they are working on. Wear running shorts for stretching.
If the set up is a lawn lounge chaise and a towel, that is not a quality Therapist, that is human trafficking situation that I have personally seen, and those poor asia women are living in the back, cleaning themselves with buckets of water in the back, yes here.
Apologies fren, I have to remove this post. It's too off topic for this forum. I'm sure if you comment in the daily chat post linked below, someone can point you in a helpful direction.
That's okay. Thank you for letting me get in a few comments.
I would consider the obvious first before going down the road of nutrition or spine issues: your pillow. I'd recommend a memory foam contour pillow...worked for me.
When you have your gallbladder out, then your liver has to work harder. Try to eat better. The Japanese like a product called Tudca that helps with the bile in your liver. Interesting enough, when Mayo clinic started out, 1/3 of their business was sending people home with castor oil packs. Wrapping a castor oil soaked cloth over your side/ liver at night can really help your liver and digestion. The first night I did that, I slept like a baby! Sounds weird but it really makes a big difference. You can get more info from queenofthethrones.com Avoid stuff in boxes and bags (all processed) for a start. Try real European sourced bread. Stop using American bread. And Use high quality all natural nutritional supplements. The cheap ones can be very harmful. ( cheap vitamin E is made from petroleum base! Cheap calcium can be Limestone base) Get rid of the recliner. They may be comfortable, but they are really bad for you. Try piliates, tai chi or bigan yoga. Start simply but just stretching out the muscles on a regular basis really helps.
Do you include plenty of sea salt in your diet? Seems like the missing piece.
Boron is just one of the elements in sea salt, and many people recommend it for joint pain, specifically arthritic pain. But either way, salt is a necessary blood component, needed for the proper exchange of nutrients going into the cells and removing waste from them. "Salt is bad" is another of the most damaging medical psyops, a straight-up lie.
If you're interested, reply and I'll link you to the doctor I follow, a big advocate for sea salt with tons of explanation.
Yes sodium is only bad in extreme excess and what is more important is the ratio of potassium and other electrolytes to balance the sodium.
I like "trace minerals" brand supplement which contains boron. Also of note regarding salt: iirc 30% of people are iodine deficient so don't forget to get that somehow.
Make sure to deseed your stash before you roll the joint. ~ Tommy Chong
But seriously, I found that the prescription drug, Gabapentin, provided me more relief than Oxycodone did, after I had lower back surgery. That was a long time ago, before I was awake so I didn't research it. Doc prescribed it, so I ate it. But it did work on my lower back pain.
It may be due to new 5G cell towers erected near your home or office. I had to move to get away from the towers they setup beside my old house. I felt like my joints aged 20 years over night. My wife was plagued by migraines. After buying a home in the country, all was resolved by the 3rd week here. No more joint stiffness and pain.
I'm going to keep calling bullshit on 5G scaremongering. We've had it here for years already and yet I've had no decrease in my health or issues in improving it. There's at least two 5G devices right here on my desk as I type this. It doesn't help your case when "electrosensitives" cry that an unplugged wifi router somehow is causing a headache just from them seeing it. Sounds more likely that you moved out of a house with hidden mold issues.
Well that's pretty bold to call my lived experience bullshit. Kiss my ass. I just flew home from Montreal and by my 4th day there the joint pain came back to where I could barely use my left shoulder. Now since about 48 hours back home it is getting better again. So my lived experience trumps your attitude and obtuse mind. By the way it is the signal towers outside that cause the issues not the receivers on your desk lol. Same thing applied to my mother in-law when she would visit for a few days she would get migraines as well that would subside when she got home to her place out in the country.
And my lived experience cancels out yours since we each have a small sample size of one household. This game goes both ways. So far nothing you've described rules out mold since you keep describing the classic signs.
Also the devices on my desk are still transmitters, that's how two-way radio works. The signal strength falls off by inverse square law so the field from those little devices is stronger than the field from the tower down the road just from me being closer to them. Maybe learn how EMF actually works before spouting off.
We lived in the house 10 year with no issues prior to those towers going up. That was the only variable to change. And no you are wrong that it only affected me. Several other neighbours had similar symptoms since the towers went up as well.
Go to a physical therapist. mine showed me a few simple exercises to build some neglected muscles. Not bulk muscle building, just paying some attention to a few neglected. Made a world of difference. Just another note... check costs... insurance wanted a $125 copay, out of pocket was $82
Welcome to olde.
Whenever I hear symptoms like that, I think Lymes. But yea, what others said.
Yep, very familiar with the phenomenon. It's called "You're getting old".