I'm 100% convinced the people running and working in these government agencies like FEMA, FBI, DHS, etc are demons or at the very least soul-less beings as no American citizen "human" Would do such things to fellow Americans in need.
One of my friends commented on the Trump "they're eating the dogs" and I'm like "they are. We're arresting south east Indians for poaching here in Canada. You think people from a significantly poorer country that has a cannibalism problem aren't going to do that?"
Did not compute. They went silent for a half hour.
Is the goal they want in their own heads power and inability to be held accountable for anything…. OR…. do they simply want to be able to accuse someone else of their failures?
Those things are related, of course, but either way, these people seem to be seed of the Accuser. Sons and daughters of the Adversary.
I was comparing their brain to something like an old TV like Star Trek when they ask the computer a question and it comes back with insufficient data because the MSM hasn't provided the talking point yet. I know, obscure at best. I was pretty tired when I posted that.
You are correct of course - they are always looking for a way to shift blame - just like their father the devil and accuser of the children of God.
Mayorkas needs to be arrested immediately. DHS and FEMA need to be audited now while he is still the head of DHS. The American public needs to see exactly where that money went. That slippery bastard can't be allowed to squirm away.
Nothing big ever follows "this time I'm really going to do it. Stay tuned!" I've seen too much from the likes of Jack Maxey, Gregggggg Philips, and Dom Lucre to believe this woman.
FEMA is also our enemy now? Like All these white people in the govt all sold out or have they all been replaced by DEI hired and that's why it's one nightmare after another???
FEMAs main purpose isn’t for disasters. Which is why they usually screw up disaster efforts, much like Katrina.
DEI isn’t the issue.
The federal government is a communist sleeper superstate. The more they feign incompetence the more power and funding they assume. Look at COVD. How the excuse for more centralized power is that they couldn’t force their medical will onto people effectively. Forward failure.
meanwhile trillions of dollars annually are diverted to secret off-the-books black ops projects where the government studies and creates things to kill human beings with, everything from more DUMBS, weapons, secret flying vehicles, viruses, chimeras and worldwide systems for trafficking human children and deadly illegal drugs.
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to think about or know these things. The truth is coming out in many many ways and methods. As astounding as it is to have to face that the secret families and societies in control of our country are attempting to eliminate us. It like a very bad B movie about villains.
Handcuff Mayorkas with his hands behind his back for his GITMO MILITARY TRIBUNAL and strangle him to death. Livestream it for all to see. Set him free. 😍
I'm 100% convinced the people running and working in these government agencies like FEMA, FBI, DHS, etc are demons or at the very least soul-less beings as no American citizen "human" Would do such things to fellow Americans in need.
Yup. Your average street criminal is no where near this evil.
Yeah there called Democrats
Not demons just traitors--getting their 30 pieces of silver. They could be Satanist though!
Cultists. Same as their voter base.
One of my friends commented on the Trump "they're eating the dogs" and I'm like "they are. We're arresting south east Indians for poaching here in Canada. You think people from a significantly poorer country that has a cannibalism problem aren't going to do that?"
Did not compute. They went silent for a half hour.
Search for a counter-point.... Searching .... insufficient data...tilt, tilt
Counter point…
So here’s the question:
Is the goal they want in their own heads power and inability to be held accountable for anything…. OR…. do they simply want to be able to accuse someone else of their failures?
Those things are related, of course, but either way, these people seem to be seed of the Accuser. Sons and daughters of the Adversary.
I was comparing their brain to something like an old TV like Star Trek when they ask the computer a question and it comes back with insufficient data because the MSM hasn't provided the talking point yet. I know, obscure at best. I was pretty tired when I posted that.
You are correct of course - they are always looking for a way to shift blame - just like their father the devil and accuser of the children of God.
Glad someone said it. Unensouled people are real.
Discover the truth on "ensoulment" and so many dilemmas and issues become crystal clear
Evil satanist pedos 100% run the world and the sooner these worthless scum are removed the better. Their end times are approaching.
First with Epstein and then Diddy, and the common denominator "crimes against children" that will "lead to another to another to another to another" Q
i'm sorry, what did she say? i wasn't paying attention...
...but when i searched her name, i found out she has a based podcast. win!
So you're saying that if this was a topless podcast, you would pay more attention?
i mean, i use antennapod, which is audio-only... ..so... ...i guess, yes?
If you are a real guy, yes, very hard to hear what she says.
She is pretty
Us low hanging fruit guys, just get in a trance.
Low hanging melons indeed kek
I will declare on behalf of 99.89% of men.
She is a cutie!
Yes. Very distracting, I wish these intelligent ladies would not do this, it kind of dilutes their message and reduces them to eye candy.
Great reporting otherwise, I’ll check out her podcast too, thanks for the heads up.
Wish they would not do what? Seriously?
The boob profile shot with tight fitting tops.
Mayorkas needs to be arrested immediately. DHS and FEMA need to be audited now while he is still the head of DHS. The American public needs to see exactly where that money went. That slippery bastard can't be allowed to squirm away.
Well they need to work on their cloning program because that dude look like they ordered him off temu.
That woman is off the charts ridiculously attractive.
I dated a woman like her in my early days. It was a damn battle every time we went out to eat or in public.
Every guy that thought they had game was on her.
Here is the thing with woman like that.
They have to decide you are the one and give in. Otherwise, as a guy, you are fighting off every stupid flirt she gives off.
That girl I dated early in my days?
She recently reached out to me. She is still super beautiful. Her husband got addicted to drugs and they divorced.
I remember him. He warned me when I was dating her, to be good to her, lol.
I also remember telling her, not warning her, he was a bad guy.
We were on lake Conroe and he took us out on his cigarette boat. He said bend your knees, because of some crazy power his boat had.
I replied, "dude, my knees are 5000% stronger than this fiberglass hull, punch it as I stand strong and tall!".
I was AOK.
Think the salesmen that sold him the boat, had him believing a lot of fantasy.
I also believe that girl recently reached out to me, because she saw, the fiberglass hull was indeed, weaker than my knees.
Well cigars are stronger than cigarettes so....
Until her outrage gets targeted at you on a daily basis. 😂
Hell yes...whip those sources out!!! 😁😁😁
Not that long ago,democrats pretended to love America......
I found it difficult to concentrate on that video for some reason.
Nothing big ever follows "this time I'm really going to do it. Stay tuned!" I've seen too much from the likes of Jack Maxey, Gregggggg Philips, and Dom Lucre to believe this woman.
Put up or shut up.
Ha FEMA wording is to damn funny, just like the letter from the 51 for hunter. Money hasnt been "Diverted".... it was already gone!
You never piss off a cute brunette with big natural breast.
Who is leading FEMA.
They do not even have rule #1 contained.
FEMA is also our enemy now? Like All these white people in the govt all sold out or have they all been replaced by DEI hired and that's why it's one nightmare after another???
FEMAs main purpose isn’t for disasters. Which is why they usually screw up disaster efforts, much like Katrina.
DEI isn’t the issue. The federal government is a communist sleeper superstate. The more they feign incompetence the more power and funding they assume. Look at COVD. How the excuse for more centralized power is that they couldn’t force their medical will onto people effectively. Forward failure.
"I'm going to" usually is met with uneventful silence. At worse, an untimely death.
Jack Maxey
Greggggggggg Philips
Dom Lucre
Looks like uneventful silence is the route this one is taking. Completely unsurprising.
Fuck FEMA. They are useless. All the reports I'm getting from the west is there are a few GS-13s on the ground and that's about it.
I concur. She is a liar.
Oh yeah fema big mad and still has much control at X. Just received a 12hr for basically saying the gallows wait for the traitors at fema.
As long as there is rot at the top, the rest will be spoiled.
So has she released anything?
This should be playing at Times Square
meanwhile trillions of dollars annually are diverted to secret off-the-books black ops projects where the government studies and creates things to kill human beings with, everything from more DUMBS, weapons, secret flying vehicles, viruses, chimeras and worldwide systems for trafficking human children and deadly illegal drugs.
You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist to think about or know these things. The truth is coming out in many many ways and methods. As astounding as it is to have to face that the secret families and societies in control of our country are attempting to eliminate us. It like a very bad B movie about villains.
Still silence on this one? Unsurprising.
Blackmail is a powerful currency
Handcuff Mayorkas with his hands behind his back for his GITMO MILITARY TRIBUNAL and strangle him to death. Livestream it for all to see. Set him free. 😍
So any update on this?
Breanna Morello didn't kill herself.
Had to be said.
The cadence of how this woman speaks is like 21st Century "Valley Girl".
Oh boy. I can't take it.
Articles in vid:
Men of culture, we find ourselves gathered again..........
Half my brain was “these treasonous fuckers must hang!!” The other half was “hot damn those knockers are huge”.