I just heard somewhat larpy stuff on X but within that potential larp laid out the fact that Asheville has large Wiccan community and tunnels so that peaked my interest...
"In mountains of North Carolina, a witch was one of the most terrifying things you could encounter."
One of the most famous and globally powerful witches is Gloria Vanderbilt of the famous Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC...
A less dark take confirms their are tunnels indeed via MSN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jx6TCWnUn8Q
In this link one the cities locals mentions that the tunnels run past the Biltmore building and under the Masonic temple https://youtu.be/uBqIyu0hIfk?si=9mDbjL24OlKa8Y1m
In short Asheville has a huge wiccan/witchcraft community and is less safe than 99% of US cities. There is a network of tunnels underneath the town that their city counsel won't admit to maintaining but will admit to potentially being used for prohibition reasons. The tunnels run under the masonic temple and past the castle related to of one of the world's most notorious witches, Gloria Vanderbilt (Mother of Anderson Cooper, CNN).
So frens, maybe a lithium mine in Asheville is better than the alternative. Keep your chin up and pray :)
I'm still trying to understand how the mystery religions and the many pantheons of Babylonia, Egypt, Mithra, and Greek/Roman all intersect with each other along with Satanism and occult paganism. I'm not understanding how the elite all embrace this stuff without it conflicting, much less connecting together.
Why did the secret societies choose symbolism as their language?
It was their way of mocking God after changing the languages at Babel perhaps? As in, try changing our languages again!
Makes perfect sense to me
The ancient 'gods' are the fallen angels.
I'm gravitating toward that connection, I just need more supporting information.
Not really going to find it when that history predates written words.
I think they do have conflicts and in-fighting. They're held together by very dark beliefs, but I think they would betray each other in a heartbeat to save themselves. But I think their core beliefs align, like Anton LaVey and Michael Aquino who left LaVey's cult and started his own with "Set" being the god he worships.
I highly recommend these two Probably Alexandra videos to answer all of those questions.
An Incovenient History: https://youtu.be/62Hok9BkYcY
An Inconvenience Religion: https://youtu.be/hTYqrlUMsBg
Thanks for sharing. Edit your comment, on each link take ? out & everything behind it. I don’t know the details, I’m not tech savvy, many people have shared here, everything behind the ? is tracking your location or maybe IP address. This happens on a lot of links; shopping & social media
Ahh, good point, thank you. I removed the tracking from the links.
Your welcome fren.
Thanks for these, I'm always looking for podcasts/documentaries about the elite cults and mystery religions.
That was deep. Thanks for the insight.
Some of this can be accredited to the colleges around. Young men and women just getting out and are exploring them selfs. Druidic shops are the place for best interaction. Some just have that mentality. But if I was to open a “magic” shop I so do it near an all women’s school.
what is the thing they believe in? I've been trying to figure it out for some time and there is so much nested symbolism and allegory it's very hard to get to the center of it no matter how many Kabbalah books you read. Perhaps these mysteries are truly only revealed (if they are revealed to peons at all) through the modern mystery schools of masonry?
I think their core belief is to serve themselves. Like Aleister Crowley and, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." They turned to the "dark path" to gain power over others. Which, according to the Bible, is considered sorcery by God. They are trying to remove the concept of "free will," along with removing our ability to speak freely, move freely, etc. Especially those who believe in Jesus and those who don't want global governance.
This is exactly what I've been trying to understand. What common mystic or occult belief among elitist cults connects them all?
It's frustrating if you are looking for an answer beyond "Satanism" or "Crowley" because if you actually look at those primary sources, there are a lot of contradictory claims about the nature of the belief system - and because the elites seem to have an occult need to mix truth with fiction, things are further obfuscated.
I also believe there are competing "branches" of occult elites, which FURTHER confuses things.
This exactly.
I was doing research on a group called HOGAR R.E.S.A. here in Florida and my research took me into the Ashville NC & Greenville SC areas for heavy Child & mmother trafficing. There's a huge Church east of Greenville SC surrounded by Muslim mosque communities. I had turned my research into Veritas and was told by them to stand down, they would finish the research. It's hard to know who to trust with what we find? I thank GOD for his Discernment and our Q Brothers and sisters. This is truely Biblical!
Wow! Thanks for that. 🙏
This could be Gods work to destroy the satanists who live there, flood the tunnels and destroy their places of sacrifice.
A friend told me about a small Caribbean shop where he saw people bringing in live animals but NEVER saw anyone bring out any live animals. He assumed they did voodoo. At some point, a few years later a tornado landed on JUST their building & demolishing it.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
Take out some innocent people at the same time?
Unfortunately yes. We are in a global war, innocents do get killed. I wish there could be a war where no civilians are killed, but there is no such scenario.
Well you mentioned God. I am pretty sure he can do things that do not hurt innocent lives.
Exactly my thought.
Look up the stories of those who hiked the Appalachian Trail. There are multiple reports and stories of the “Crazies” and supernatural. Our mountain folk are not to be fucked with. They are out there doing their thing. Now as far as the new witches/wiccans out there look at Sylvia NC.
My brother hiked the trail 2 year ago. He made it safe. Started in Georgia and picked him up north of Nannahala. The woods hold a lot of secrets. Just because we have technology doesn’t mean we fully understand the shit that goes on out there.
Always be safe and prepared. Pick your stops carefully. Act with confidence and get the hell back on the road. I’ll wear a CC charge before I end up dead.
Yeah, this stuff gets real crazy. I try to be aware of it but don’t have … any desire to dive too deep.
It all reminds me of the scene in Hot Fuzz where it turns out that all these sweet people in this idyllic village had been gruesomely offing people because “they obstructed the view” or “didn’t trim his hedges properly.”
… or how Salem, MA, remembers the false accusation and trial of witches in their town by … selling witchcraft materials and reenacting seances.
“But it’s all just novelty.”
I heard many bigfoots dwell there too
I mean for sure. Place is a liberal cesspool. All the government aid has been in Asheville. Me thinks that want to save the city but make sure all the outskirts are wiped out.
San Francisco of the southeast…
A dark but frosty analysis.
When Nancy visits, she goes by broom. Shorter lines.
That's really interesting.. if they had been living there for generations..Wow.. and are those people dead now, or rescued and pretending to look like innocent victims?
I remember growing up to movies like The Craft, didn't know any better back then and thought it was cool to have superpower. What a joke and didn't know how dark and evil behind those things..even movies like Twilight being glamorized. .
Check out Incident at Seely Castle
There is a before and after video out there of the lake Lur area. Idealic. Information on the dam has been mysteriously missing.
This might be interesting to everyone, if you can stand it. I had to stop watching it. Anytime I start diving into Satanic worship I have very bad intense nightmares. I’ll probably finish it because I’m just too curious for my own good.
In this powerful episode of "Michael &," Michael Knowles sits down with former Satanist-turned-evangelist John Ramirez for an eye-opening conversation you won’t want to miss. John shares his chilling journey from being deeply involved in the occult to finding redemption in Christ.
I firmly believe the devil is real and he walks the earth. This video gives great details about how people get envolved in witchcraft, satanic worship and demonic possession. He mentions Biden, Kamala & Hollywood in general. Interesting information on a witchcraft store owned by Jews. There’s a lot of information here.
That is not surprising. That's biblical. I hope the spoon lady survived .She is an amazing musician. The bluegrass buskers were great.. Rebuke the demons in the name of Jesus Christ and watch them hide or scream. The demons flee from That Name. The Gospel and Acts describe this in detail.
It's the hippie capitol of the east. San Fran the west.
Right after the hurricane two talking points stuck with me about Asheville. One that was that it was in the 83% in the US for lgbtq residents. Two that Asheville sits on many old 'underground railroad' tunnels (which the hurricane followed, so I guess that is 3 things)
I'm starting to feel like the hurricane was targeting Atlanta (the election court cases are hot and heavy right now helping Trump bigly) and the white hats pushed it over the trafficking tunnels....
Uh? Gloria Vanderbilt is dead and buried in NY, and only remotely related to the Biltmore Estate
True, I guess. But she had some rather interesting "artwork" in her NY apartment. There's a picture of Gloria, Anderson, and his brother Carter. They're sitting on her bed, and the picture on the wall behind them is beyond weird.