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This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
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Election Countdown special! High quality wallpaper for your enjoyment.
Today's wallpaper is Para-Pepes
Todays bonus wallpaper Alternate version
Nice wallpaper.
Remember. We have been awake for YEARS. Others will suddenly be awakened. Listen more than you speak. Use the Socratic method by asking leading questions, like Q used on you, to get the masses to think and wade through the lies to the truth.
Yes, ss... that's been my most successful method. Hope your wife's feeling better. 🙏
How do you get people to answer questions from the Socratic method?
In my experience it either makes them mad, or gets them to shrug and say they don’t know or care to think about it.
You can't force them to answer. The best thing you can do is have a few non-confrontational questions you can ask them prepared beforehand. Give them an itch they have to scratch.
I equate it to planting seeds of doubt. Hopefully the question(s) you ask them will continue to swirl in their head long after you are gone.
When I taught college, I naturally used the Socratic method without knowing it was called that until a colleague told me what I was doing. I did this because I heard this intro from "The Paper Chase" TV series over and over again when I was teenager and wanted to emulate Professor Kingsfield to a certain degree.
In the original movie, the Socratic method is introduced to the students.
"The Paper Chase skulls full of mush"
Ahhhh, I always assumed from Philo and such that the dialogue had to continue at the time…
What I often do is find some topic in which they have somewhat broken through the brainwashing, and get them talking about that. This has varied from alternative medicine to growing your own food. Also, most people think politicians are corrupt.
Exactly. It is not the time for “I Told You So”. It is the time for “I Hear You”.
Philippians 1:21
21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Hey all, first in. Just watched a movie about St Francis of Assisi, who inspired a return to humility and poverty among the avaricious and corrupt church. There's nothing new under the sun, sadly. But the Lord send us who we need if we keep to Him, praise be.
Kamala's "performance" on video at the dinner tonight was clearly designed to be mocking to Catholics. No person would ever think that would be well received. Clearly she is being set up to be buried under a Trump Avalanche come election day. Cheating? Fraud? LAUGH MY FUCKING ASS OFF GOOD LUCK WITH THAT 😂😂😂
Almost liked a controlled demolition if we are to be precise.
This movie is obvious to us when we find what is out there.
Kamala is disrespectful to a great charity. She would have had a much better reception had she left a hand written note instead of a video.
How in the crap do these people think calling her “Mamala” is endearing?
It’s so gross. What kind of sicko thinks imprinting on the president as a mother is … … I guess that’s really one of the core democrat philosophies, actually. “The government is my nurturing mother.”
Gross. We should extend it to calling her Mamalaria, and make it even grosser. She will succor us all. Or is it reflective of the fact that she’s a disease? And how are they emphasizing maternalism with her when she’s strongly pro-abortion?
Silver broke 33.
Aud vs Gold broke $4000 dollars for oz recently and shot up to close to $4200 in matter of days. Very huge. Father recently said he shoulda listened to me and bought more gold. Luckily I forced him to close one of his accounts and buy some gold so atleast he is happy for that, lol.
A good fren of mine bought a bunch of gold and silver and sold it all last spring on a small bump. I told him to hold out a little longer,but he wanted to buy a house.....
Wow, we have a traditional saying. "You only sell Gold and Silver if you are destitute and find yourself close to being on the street. Otherwise the only purpose of these metals is to pass it on to your daughters and daughter-in-laws"
Yes he lost faith,hopefully he makes out good on his house...
God bless you all, frens.
I used to think there really wasn't much hope. There was darkness everywhere, corruption everywhere at the highest levels. I didn't think there could be salvation without a revolt of people at the lowest levels which didn't seem possible.
I used to think Donald Trump was part of the scheme meant to trick people with false light like so many others have done. But Ive meditated and prayed.... And after much research and thinking about it, I've decided that there's no way he's part of it. You can tell if a tree is good by the fruit it bears, and Trump bears bountiful fruit.
I feel like I'm jumping onto a moving bandwagon, but I know it's a lot more than that. For all you folks who built the bandwagon and been on it for a while, bless you all :)
Welcome fren!
Thank bb for the 3 Wallpapers yesterday and the two today...all excellent! 👏 Love that the Pepe's are jumping from Air Force One! ✈️
Good morning GAW family! Hope y'all have a good day and a great weekend!
It tasted good😂😂😂😂
Just found out they changed the Cleveland Indians to the Cleveland Guardians.
These people are condemnable and loathesome, but makes me happy I abandoned the sportsballs.
So, some time ago TGA got weird. The color went out, kind of a bright enhanced colorless view. I can't upvote an OP without going to the person's page that posted it. TGA seems to be the only site like this. Any thoughts?
Settings -> Community Styling: On, Color: Light
Thanks, I'll give that a shot
I'm not sure where settings is.
I must have inadvertently thumbed it or something.
Are you mobile or browser?
Yes, not desktop checkmarked
The Great Awaking
Ah, we just call it GAW lol.
Do you access it from scored.co or from greatawakening.win or communities.win ?
Communities .win
I forget acronyms very fast. :)
Thank you though.
Okay, try either GreatAwakening.win directly or scored.co/r/GreatAwakening
Will do, thanks.
The Great Awakening
I have a friend who maintains Trump is the originator of what is taking place this last 8 years. I maintain that Q recruited Trump. I'd love proof either way.
This is a war between Principalities. Trump is the frontman for the Good side of this battle, but the Q Operation itself is quite possibly a product of generations of patriots and some non-public technology.
it's Much bigger than 8 years^ how much time do you have...🥸
I've been reviewing 50 years of Bond - and it's just getting interesting, in terms of showing "puppet masters"...Casino Royale until the very last Bond film really starts showing the hard parallels between the real puppet masters of the cabal and the fictitious ones portrayed in the movies. I mean they always did all along, but I particularly mean the newer ones with Daniel Craig (yeah I know he's a dick and is anti gun, but I'm willing to overlook it as the cabal os exposed)
The films are riddled with cabal references like human trafficking, slavery, drugs, sabotage, weapons deals etc etc, in a lighter more palatable version than say, the super dark John Wick series.
One of my favorite scenes is the absolutely awesome opening scene car chase in Italy, at the beginning of Quantum of Solace: 3 min of action - Here If you're a car guy that knows how to drive stick, and loves "spirited driving", you'll love that scene.
I thought it was interesting to note, after looking into what this title meant:
The term "quantum of solace" means "a small measure of comfort amid sorrow or disappointment". Great Awakening.win I would say is my quantum of solace, thanks you guys...Happy Friday, peeps! 😁
Oh ... to my PM peeps: Au @$2728.00 and Ag @$33.44 right now 😁😁😁 (that inflation tho....🤔😐)
Is someone playing with News feeds? I see Eric Adams indicted for campaign finance fraud at the top of the CNBC page, but that is from 9/26.... Is someone reminding voters of what has been buried!
What just happened? At Trump Rally??
Mic went out.
Judge chutkan is as dirty as they come isnt she. I really wonder what they have on her. Or if she is just racist or trying to be part of the club. All of it is hearsay anyway though. From what i understand 3/4 of jacks case is he said trunp did this or she said that he said that trump took this action. Its giving desperation to the fullest.
An idea- Class action lawsuit. The People of the republic of the united states of America vs. the corporation of the United States of America. Seeking damages in the amount of 17 trillion dollars. Divided among all living taxpayers. Either that or just destroy all cabal assets.
I think a variation of this is crux of the Q operation.
I figured the thought came from somewhere. Probably an old ass 8chan thread from ancient days ago rattling around aimlessly in my head.
There are multiple EOs that Trump signed which allows the Treasury to take control of assets belonging to entities who were involved in crimes against humanity. We also have. seen the consolidation of assets under Treasury and all the debt under Fed. Eventually, when the time comes for the dollar (Federal Reserve Notes) to collapse, it will take down the Fed and everything associated with it. This is one mechanism in which the trillions are "transferred" from bad guys to good guys.
You dont have to physically transfer the money. You can simply eliminate the debt owed to these entities.
I think Trump's first term was all about setting up "charges" for the controlled demolition such that when it actually happens, and when the Cabal pulls the trigger, they will find that only their side of the building collapses and we are all standing up intact.
Gold will end the FED and all that jazz. Can't wait!
Can anyone explain the obsession with MAGA people (And some people on here) with Michelle Obama? Like seriously! People bring up that Michael will replace Kamala on the ticket and I literally have no clue why (It's also impossible at this point)
Okay this is something I can answer. I hated anytime someone brought up "Big Mike" because 1. There is no proof and 2. How is it relevant?
But guess what? My experience has been that people who are just waking up, with lot of questions etc, and usually (understandably) very hard to wrap their heads around everything find the topic of Big Mike very funny. Even if they don't believe it, they are curious.
And when I show them Joan River's clip and some of the other clips they start saying "Wow, they do this so in your face. I never realised how huge she is! And clearly she looks very masculine and yet we never paid attention to it"
So what I realised is that, redpilling requires people to notice glitches in the matrix and Michelle is a BIG BIG glitch, while also being a very entertaining glitch.
Now, I make it a point to bring up Big Mike to those who are waking up.
Thanks for the response. I agree with you. It seems that it is more important for people to start questioning things, whether they are real or not. That is step 1 in the awakening process.
Yeah. Philosophically, I have been arguing that Truth and Reality are two seperate things. Truth is the sum total of everything that factually exists in the universe. Reality is the perception of this world in our mind.
Truth is unknowable because its like the numbers in the matrix screen. Numbers dont mean anything until you interpret it in your mind and form your reality.
The more of the Truth that is taken into account in building your reality, the more "real" you reality is. Hence "Truth will set us free".
But ultimately, any single human brain, or the entire collective brains of humanity, can only perceive an rough approximation of the truth as the collective reality.