I am 100% on devolution. Everything we know of Trump tells us he would never fail in his duty to defend the Constitution. Covid vaxx biowarfare and the fraud in 2020 made the decision easy and devolution fits the timeline of facts perfectly.
Im a history nut. I really wish I was still young enough to live another 50 years and read how historians treat this era.
Ill have to be happy I was honored to live through it and play my small part in the victory of good over evil. If I die tomorrow it will be with the serene recognition that my grandkids future is secure.
It would be good for you (and others who don't know about this) to read up on it. According to the theory of devolution, Trump instituted COG (continuity of governance) before he officially left the WH the first time. According to this theory, Trump's been the acting President since that time. That's it in a nutshell, I think. I've read several of the articles at that link, and it does kind of make sense, when you see all the pieces laid out. Other things don't make much sense to me, though.
Cats reply is a good broad synopsis. He's right; its a lot to have to catch up on. 17th special operations group is an email chain related to it that I subbed a while back. PatelPatriot, JustHuman and his team of guys do video series and discussions about it
Jon has never said that Trump was still acting as pres nor CIC. w COG/devo activated, the controlling power would've gone to the military-a combat commander/s
Wow, holy cow, okay, normally mods do not allow URLs in titles but, this is the first time that I can remember that, 100%, absolutely valid
Good morning here on GAW!!! This is not a test this is RockNRoll! Time to rock it from California to N.Y.C!!! 😁😁🫶🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸
I am 100% on devolution. Everything we know of Trump tells us he would never fail in his duty to defend the Constitution. Covid vaxx biowarfare and the fraud in 2020 made the decision easy and devolution fits the timeline of facts perfectly.
Im a history nut. I really wish I was still young enough to live another 50 years and read how historians treat this era.
Ill have to be happy I was honored to live through it and play my small part in the victory of good over evil. If I die tomorrow it will be with the serene recognition that my grandkids future is secure.
Do we have a link to the OG red folder Pic?
If there's one thing I've learned in my 40+ years of life...all life is an exercise in exceptions.
Still waiting for “My Fellow Americans…” 🇺🇸
The riots need to start first
We may need a bit of ELI5 here
It would be good for you (and others who don't know about this) to read up on it. According to the theory of devolution, Trump instituted COG (continuity of governance) before he officially left the WH the first time. According to this theory, Trump's been the acting President since that time. That's it in a nutshell, I think. I've read several of the articles at that link, and it does kind of make sense, when you see all the pieces laid out. Other things don't make much sense to me, though.
I already know about it, but your reply is a good synopsis. I'm still subscribed to 17th ops in emails. Thank you
Very welcome, fren.
This entire stream is why the mod team mods this way
Your frogs are awesome, you talk it through, you get it done, you people are absolutely fucking awesome 🐸🐸
Wow...I've forgotten that. Lots of folks may be coming this way, who are just starting the journey.
Cats reply is a good broad synopsis. He's right; its a lot to have to catch up on. 17th special operations group is an email chain related to it that I subbed a while back. PatelPatriot, JustHuman and his team of guys do video series and discussions about it
Media are calling it a comeback.
Don’t call it a comeback, he’s been here for years
nice lol
for those who dont get the reference:
Can't someone just remake the song as "Maga said knock you out"?
I mean come on.
Good idea
2677 Feb 09, 2019 3:52:03 PM EST Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4662eb No. 5094337 Feb 09, 2019 3:49:07 PM EST Anonymous ID: 8ef084 No. 5094289
Eric Trump time stamp 2:06 AM EST, mirror Q 602: https://qalerts.app/?n=602
“This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected” — “Our movement…”
Direct 🔗 link to Devolution.link: https://devolution.link/
Welcome to Jon Herold’s (aka Patel Patriot) Devolution Series.
Jon has never said that Trump was still acting as pres nor CIC. w COG/devo activated, the controlling power would've gone to the military-a combat commander/s
"Military is the only way"
That's right! The true President and Commander-in-Chief never left.
Going to be a jubilant power hour tonight
And then there's the arrest of jiang jemin
I know words. I have the best words!