Check it out pedes, TEXAS
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This is correct to instill trust in the election results
Unless they plan to use it for nefarious purposes. I don't know much about this person but we need to check her out.
A quick look and Jane looks alright, lets see where it goes. Trump did say if you cheat you are going to jail... so the trap was set and now to see what's in it! Hope we get some RICO and the web can grow to more states and then it's national and everyone involved gets their assets confiscated.
Kek i read that as ‘asses confiscated’ as in ‘confiscate dat assss’
One worry I have is that if the deep state purposefully fills out ballots to make it look like Trump cheated or fake Republican ballots.
That would create a shit storm.
That's why we need serialized ballots that can be traced all the way back to it's origin.
Boy howdy!
I want full forensic audits of every State and every race from President to dog catcher.
Audit all 50 states!
Audits are always about:
The problem with machines is the "mi-takes" or rather, is code base on which the recognition is based.
This needs to be done in AZ and NV as well. Those Senate races are extremely suspect.
Same with WI and MI.
There isnt a single Trump voter who voted for Slutkin in Michigan. Not a single fucking one. Trump won the State and Slutkin was down all night and most of the next day by 5 points or so. So how did she win? Fraud.
I really cant wait to see the tribunals for the triumvirate of vile criminal cunts that have stolen this State from the People. Michigan is and always has been a red State. How can any rat win when the rat fraud machine of Unions and the black AME Churches broke for Trump?
Something needs to be about those health officers in MI.
And Mn
I need them to drill this down a long way. I can’t believe so many republicans won the main event elections while the down card school board shit went blue. Makes no sense. Some jackasses are hitting a reset button somewhere so they can start from the bottom again.
It is almost the reverse of Trump "losing" in 2020 yet picking up House seats all over the place.
Trump only lost New Jersey and Illinois by about 5% each. He shifted every single state to the right except Washington and Utah.
One would expect a huge House Majority and firm control of the Senate.
They were not going to go away without a fight but this is why this audit is a nice surprise which they probably did not anticipate.
Way to set an example. Hopefully some blue states are forced to follow suit.
Do Virginia too, I want to know the real results....
Without the cheating Trump wins Virginia!
& Colorado!
Texas leading the way! 49 more to go!
The narrative that Texas will be turning blue in the future may be undone with this audit. Interesting timing too.
I've lived in Texas my entire life and there might be liberals here, but they will not own up to it.
We are a deep red state. Even the Mexicans bleed red here.
The texas turning blue was always about the vote manipulation.
We are putting an end to it.
Count texas red for next 100 years.
Yeah but you get into Austin and it will feel like you can go days without seeing another conservative.
We call Austin 'Little California'.
It is a shiat stain on our state for sure.
Has always amazed me how people flee Mogadishu and continue there stupid ways in their new land.
This is so awesome! Make Texas Texas again, for God's sake!!
Only 49 to go.
Every state ought to do this: let's find out what is ready going on behind the curtain.
I've been hoping for this, nationally. When the election results were coming in favourably, I thought they were still low. Wouldn't it be a nice thick layer of icing on the cake to recount and find that the win was far bigger?
I wish we could do this in New Mexico! I don't even trust what's going on here!
Get rid or the machines.