ChatGPT: The quote you're thinking of is often attributed to Henry David Thoreau, who said:
"There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root."
This means that many people focus on addressing the surface-level symptoms of a problem (the branches) rather than tackling the underlying cause (the root). Thoreau’s point is that true change or resolution comes only when we address the core issues rather than just the visible effects.
I am convinced that USURY is the ROOT of ALL EVIL.
USURY is the mechanism of our enslavement.
USURY is why we are TAX SLAVES
USURY is why we are DEBT SLAVES
USURY is the mechanism by which “the wealth” is “transferred” from the working poor, and into the hands of “the rich” or “the wealthy”
“All wealth is derived from labor”
~ Adam Smith, paraphrased
ChatGPT: The quote you're referencing is close to Adam Smith’s ideas in The Wealth of Nations, though it may not be a direct quote. Smith argued that labor is a primary source of value, stating:
"Labour was the first price, the original purchase-money that was paid for all things."
This means that labor is foundational to creating wealth, as it’s through human work that resources are transformed into valuable goods and services. Smith emphasized that the value of any commodity largely depends on the amount of labor invested in producing it.
Our entire money system is built on USURY.
So let me give you my own two personal definitions of USURY…
Usury is the charging of money, for the use of money.
Usury is the charging of any interest at all.
And until USURY is addressed, we will never be “free”
The Federal Reserve Note is in the final stages of life,
And the reason it failed, is the same reason EVERY usury scheme fails
Trump is just one man.
We don’t have much time to enact the monetary reforms we should make
I nominate Ron Paul for the job
There is an interesting set of videos on this subject:
Chapter 1 - How Usury Destroyed the Roman Empire
Chapter 2 - The Hidden Origins of the Bank of England
Chapter 3 - Napoléon and the Banque de France
Chapter 4 - A Century of Struggle: Rothschild versus the People
Chapter 5 - The Great Depression
Chapter 6 - The Rise and Fall of State Banking (1932-1945)
Chapter 7 - Modern Forms of State Banking
Chapter 8 - The Banking Crisis
Banking is actually quite a smart system! Imagine if someone opened a long-stay car park and charged money for you to park your car there then imagine what people would think if they discovered that the car park was hiring out their cars for money while they were supposedly parked there.
Basically, a savings bank is a long-stay money park where your savings are hired out to others for money AKA interest. Even better, because it is money and not "real" that money can be lent out many times over at the same time!
I got my education from Bill Still and his video series, "The Money Masters". The Constitution requires that Congress coins our money, so the Rothschild dynasty bank is unconstitutional. They are also usurers (a Babylonian trick). The Rothschilds lend the United States its money, so every penny in circulation is owed back to them. They also charge interest, which was never loaned, so it doesn't exist, so we pay back with our labor, creativity, and repossessed homes and goods.
Then let us render unto Caesar, what is Caesar’s!
Yes, the interest idea is crafty because that money does not exist. They are asking for money back which the government can never have so to pay it back they need to borrow more.
It is the ultimate "money for nothing" in perpetuity.
Thank you for the links!
No problem! It is why we are here.
Fractional reserve lending is also a huge problem
Saved, and ty for sharing!
My memory is getting worse. I knew I had some useful video links but I was not looking forward to the hassle of converting them into a list for GAW. When I looked into the folder where I keep copies of some videos I found a text file that I had used previously in exactly the right format!
So some people define it as unreasonably high interest rates.. if it's just any interest at all, where do loans come from under a system like that? Are there just no loans? Do loans now come from the government? or would enough time under a system like this make loans irrelevant? or what?
What I can't understand is why do we, the government have to pay interest on our on money that technically does not even exist except inside of a computer.
We don't. However the privately owned central banks who own the media have brain washed societies believing the usury system is just the way it was, is now and will be the ONLY way how a sound financial/economic can function. This is perhaps the greatest lie and deceit of power/control that has ever been perpetrated on mankind (in non-theologian arguments) for centuries. Once the evil Central banks are removed from existence, man will thrive in amazing ways. The greatest effort will be to be constantly aware of this evil to begin another attempt to establish itself, because it will. Mankind should mandate education to instill the full understanding of the "nuts and bolts" of how it works and why it's not no longer allowed to exist in the future.
a wise man said to me, in the future, everyone will be their own bank
We shouldn't pay interest but there are tangible assets at the root .
it creates an artifical “shortage” of money,
its the treadmill, the gerbil wheel, of our life
it causes us to “hustle”
everyones a hustler
The gerbil wheel is also represented in the work day/week/year
I think it’s compounded interest.
A flat percentage that doesn’t compound may be ok.
At the root, of the root…
The “Not Federal, No Reserve”
The central bank issuing federal reserve notes
Any interest is usury.
Fees are different.
A bank can give a loan for a fee but not interest. Bc interest naturally compounds to permit it is what's evil.
No one is saying a bank can't make a dollar on a loan but it's less risky the less interest that is charge. It's less profitable for banks which is even better for the ppl.
Compound interest is terrible & I believe the key.
Someone wants to charge me 10% more than they loan for a home purchase, then at the end of the payments I should give them the
blended(edit) borrowed price +10% in total. I have no problem with that 10% being collected first.That said. I have lived my entire life under compound interest, so a lesser fee (interest?) sounds amazing.
From my understanding, Muslims may not charge their fellows interest at all. I had heard once early Christians did the same, but have seen no sauce.
If Americans didn't need to pay interest, I am pretty confident home prices would plummet to a point that is was much easier for an average income earner to buy a home in cash with a few years of saving.
No taxes needed to replay a national debt. Commercial buildings would not have a $2k-$20k monthly rental fee (paid for by increased prices & customers). With no high mortgage, individuals could easily pay for homes & rental prices would be much cheaper.
If we could get energy prices down to nearly free everyone on this planet would see a golden age like we have never dreamed of.... Here's hoping some of that happens.
Usury is insatiable,
Usury requires constantly more, more, more
the operative word here is “unreasonable”,
And to me “reasonable” is a matter of opinion, usually based on ignorance,
For example, some people think a pawn shop rate of 1000% is “reasonable”
For a secured loan…
Some people think 7% is reasonable for a mortgage
Some people think 12% is reasonable for a cc
Most people don’t have a background knowledge that enables them to “see” the difference between 6% and 12%
These numbers are meaningless to the average person.
6 and 12 both “seem like” small-ish numbers
they don’t really appreciate the difference, especially over the long term
we really need to have a “math education” mandate where every student in america leans about USURY, from a mathematics and accounting perspective.
So when “the fed” decides to lower interest rates, or to raise interest rates
They will have a frame of reference, to understand the implications.
Also, Social Security has an adjustment, but these are always in arears,
meaning that on day 1, the ss recipient sees the purchasing power of his ss money go down, down, down…
Which means its a hustle…
Later, SS gives the recipient an asjustment to make up for lost purchasing power, but in the meantime grama has to eat cat food
Here kitty kitty…
I have also heard that “jews” learned the art of “babylonian money magic” during their captivity in babylon
They also have the Babylonian Talmud, which according to some rabbi’s is the actual religious texts for “jews”,
Whereas most “Christians” believe “jews” holy book is the old testament,
And they have no idea that the talmud even exists
The talmud itself says any outsider who tries to learn about talmud should be put to death
Hold on, someone at the doo
The Greater Awakening
They didn’t exactly invent usury but they found a loophole and exploited it. The Book of Matthew tells us all we need to know about who our enemies are and why specifically.
They also raped and killed children. And spread absolute degeneracy within society.
Many such problems with them.
Those pesky jews. Always the jews. Please do some research and discover who the kazarians are
"This is not just another 4 year election.... we are returning power to you the american people"
Pretty sure that means the fed will be abolished.
No choice.
imagine expecting race horses to run 10% faster every year for 200 years
Trump has addressed this before, and he addressed it to the usurers' face (notice the initial clapping but then QUICKLY stops):
the money changers were a particularly dispicable form of usurer…
the faitful who came to the temple were required to tithe with a certain coin that was not easy to get.
So “money changers” set up shop; to change their local coins into the tithe coin,
And the money changers skimmed a big slice of the pie,
which effectively “stole money” that was intended for the church
This is one of the motivations for Jesus Christ to “cleanse the temple”
Interest on a personal loan is less of a problem than interest on the issuance of currency to a government. That is the real problem.
Government needs money, so it "issues a bond". Bond buyer, a central bank, gives the face value in money to the government, then collects the interest rate every year, say 10%
But the money comes from accounting magic, taken nominally from deposits at the bank, but in reality nothing is moved, the depositors money still nominally exists for withdrawal at any time, simultaneously the government has it, spends it, and still has to pay the interest. To get that payment it taxes you, gives it to the bank. Ten years of this and the bank has all the original loan amount, but still holds the bond, year 11 and it is taking money from government (who takes it from you) for that original loan. Eventually the central banks owns everything.
The solution is not to ban interest, but to allow the government to create it's own money in proportion to the population and productivity of the nation. This is what Germany did under Hitler. The Germans created money, gave it to workers to build highways etc, that increased productivity which allowed the government to safely create more money for more productivity-increasing investments, like education or health.
There would still be banks taking deposits for safekeeping and loaning at interest, but the government would not need to use that same process to fund it's operations, rather creating it on the understanding it is used for the general welfare and in proportion to the welfare actually generated and the population coming of age and working in the economy. Provided the government is limited and non corrupt and sensible in its operations, there are few downsides.
With private issuance to the government on a fractional-reserve basis, the bank can quickly acquire ownership of whole industries via proxies, and control government by the fiat manipulation of rates under the excuse of inflation control, even while inflation is caused by the arrangement. It is basically blood-letting without killing the patient, the more blood let, the faster the bank dominates the nation. Everyone exists in a weakened state exsanguinated to exhaustion.
Early Biblical Christians did not believe that usury was a Christian doctrine. For good reason. Exodus 22:25; Leviticus 25:35; and Deuteronomy 23:19-20. I suppose that when a religion based on the Bible exchanged for the talmud; it is the same as exchanging with he Truth for a lie.
That's antisemitic
Follow the money
I'm gonna play devils advocate here and say 99% of people here have no idea what they're talking about.
Usury is not the charging of ANY interest. It's the charging of unreasonable, predatory interest.
For example, there's a difference between a bank loan and a loan shark.
A bank loan (these numbers are made up for the sake of convenience), would be like 5% annually of the principle. That's it, if you borrow 100K, you off 5K a year. Part of your payments goes to paying down the principle so over the course of the loan, your interest payments gradually decrease. So to continue the example, say you pay down 5K in principle over the course a year. In year two of your loan, you owe 5% of 95K, or 4750.
In other words, in a normal loan, the amount of interest charged, effectively decreases over the life of the loan. There's nothing wrong with this, as that's how it's been ever since biblical times. Businesses need loans, banks have to make money, people should be compensated for lending what is theirs for others to use.
Usury is something completely different. Usury is the act of charging unreasonable interest or using predatory tactics to increase the debt massively in a short amount of time. For example, take 1K, in this case the interest rate may be 400% (usury is commonly 300-1000% interest rate) and it will compound. Meaning every month you don't pay it off completely the debt increases. So in this case, assume you only paid the interest for a single month (since often usury creditors will let you do that), your debt has now quadrupled to $4K, one more month, and it's $8K, month three and it's $16K, and so on and so forth.
Now you should be able to see a clear difference here. Usury is unreasonable, in that it literally creates a debt slave that can never get out of debt. A normal loan actually decreases in value over the life of the loan. And yes, I know in my example of a business loan the interest rate would more likely be in the 15-20% range, but thats to account for risk. Short term loans (a year or less) typically have higher interest rates because theres more risk involved for the lender and they come with a balloon payment at the end.
I'm ranting now, but my point stands. Most people don't know what usury actually is, and just claim any kind of credit/debt is usury. It's not, credit and debt IS an important part of any economy. If you couldn't get a loan, everyone would have to save up every penny needed to start a small business, or buy a rental property, etc. And if you eliminated "lending for profit" like some seem to want, then there's no incentive for people to allow for their money to be lent out, as they're taking on the risk of losing their money for zero incentive. Likewise, how would banks and credit unions function? How would they pay their employees?
Finally, something most people don't know, most states HAVE Ani-Usury laws. As far as how high the interest rate can be on things like loans to individuals, mortgages, and even business loans to small businesses. Medium and large businesses (typically those with incomes above 100 million) have different rules and they CAN get pretty high, but that's because the scale of money being borrowed is greater. Likewise subprime lenders (lenders who give loans to people and businesses with bad credit) can usually charge stupid high rates, but again, its because of the risk associated with lending to such people, and even this its still capped at somewhere around 40%. And in most places, charging compound interest on a loan is just straight illegal regardless of who you're loaning to.
TL;DR: People don't know what Usury actually is, and need to learn the difference between Usury and regular credit/loans.
Nice write up, I am still reading along with it.
Usury was defined and interpreted in numerous ways throughout the ages; what might be most alarming is that in our current age of human life, it is no longer a common word with a widespread understanding and definition; it has become a word of the past, an archaic term. Even as the crime of usury itself spirals out of control in these modern times.
Also.... If I am remembering correctly was usury not one of the highest crimes during the time of the Inquisition?
The old saying is "neither a lender nor borrower be," is it not?
In past societies, lending and interest was as common a practice as it is today; however many of these peoples had developed ways to alleviate the struggles of borrowers who were unable to repay properly, or within a measure of time. I like to think of the Roman practice of the year of jubilee, when (under circumstances) debts could be forgiven.
We have our own limited methods like bankruptcy, but in general the onus on the needy who are caught up in a web of borrowing find difficulties in achieving "proper" repayment and certain debt instruments which cannot be forgiven under any circumstances.
The modern schemes of usury have largely served to imprison people, institutions and even whole nations within a long-standing imbalanced system of constant defecits and debt (and wage) slavery, resulting in harmful consequences that have lasted for generations in some cases.
Yes, one can agree to the modern definition of usury as being akin to a VIG or a payday type loan and under standard conditions this seems to be logical. We have undoubtedly made such practices illegal.
But what about a scenario when pressure is applied to the other end of the scales and might cause a seemingly managable rate of interest to become untenable under the circumstances? Let me give a simple example.
Under a typical credit card, a monthly interest rate of 25-35% is commonly used. It is recommended to not use all of the limit on a credit card, 25% is the optimal amount to use in fact.
So let's say a lower level worker applies and is approved for a credit card and is approved, with a small limit of 6,000$. In his first year with the card he buys a washer and dryer, to save him the cost of the dry cleaners over time, along with some small purchases, and has about 2,000 on the card.
Payments are small and manageable, around a minimum of 75-80$ and he pays on time vigilantly, concerned for his credit score. The rest of the household income is mostly used up between groceries, rent and other bills, and a few small creature comforts.
Now after one year his car is on the fritz. The garage says he needs to shell out 3500$ to put it back into working order and thus enable himself to keep going to work for the foreseeable future. He hasn't paid off a great deal of the principal yet, maybe 500$.
So he uses the card to pay for the cost of repairs, and then after other issues, he is more or less maxed out at his 6K limit. He can just barely afford his minimum payments of 200$+ per month, and now under the rate he accepted, the monthly interest is about 175 dollars. He is paying off just a tiny fraction of the principal amount with each month's payment.
Normative logic and history would tell us eventually the man will receive promotions at work, or a better job, or something will come along to give him a leg up because of the natural economic growth occurring all through history which allowed for upward mobility.
In the past he could simply work harder and expect his wages would grow at such proportions that in a few years he would be able to tackle a greater share of the principal during his monthly payments.
However there is a new caveat in our modern world. The primacy of labor as declared by Adam Smith has been outmoded; a garbage man from 20 years ago earning 18$ an hour is STILL earning that same wage. Labor has been devalued and capital now experiences the consistent growth that a man's wages had in times before.
We could surmise that the man will experience this windfall through his participation in his company stock and their 401k plan, but wait! ... His company got rid of those plans a few years ago and cashed him out. He had to spend that small tranche on his wedding.
So he is left receiving 3% yearly wage increases, unable to move forward on paying off his credit card, every 200 or 300$ he pays down he ends up using for an emergency or Christmas presents at years end, and he has been paying on this meager 6K credit card bill for nearly a decade now.
Does this qualify as usury? Consider the problem as it is very alike to what many are experiencing today. Thanks for the time.
Usury is interest. In the past, it wasn't a percentage, it was a fee. Think of a pawn shop. Old style pawn shops, you take a ring worth $100, pay $125 to get it back. You take in a TV worth $25 and pay $50 to get it back. This is obviously a fee based system and, likely, the fee is based on the pawn shop's needs.
Then come the greedy who whisper to the ignorant people who pawned the TV that they are paying ONE HUNDRED PERCENT INTEREST (gasp gasp!) and they convince the people to elect them and they pass a law. No loans above 25%, not even with fees!
Now the pawn shop charges 25% on all items and disallows the things like TVs that are too cheap to pay their bills. Slowly, the pawn shops go out of business because most people don't have jewelry hanging around. But the elected official who "retired" from JP Morgan that passed the law to "help" the little people? He un-retires after his stint of insider trading for Congress and his bank is making money because now loans are small every day transactions because the pawn shops started evaporating and people must turn to banks for any kind of loan. And those loans, big or small, are compound interest at a "savings" of only 5%.
We are broken, thinking that compounding percentages is how we MUST loan money. No. A fee is how we must loan money. The fee drives commerce. The interest drives bank's fat bottom lines.
Could this be the loophole to abolish the fed? I doubt we would have a majority in Congress to dissolve it given that a great porton of repubs are rinos. Could a law forbidding ursury be the way to dissolve the fed as that's what they do?
Couldn't the fed be dissolved as part of the E.O. re: crimes against humanity?
Ron Paul says it's unconstitutional but as it stands the federal reserve is above the law snd a president can't dissolve it.
Above the law? Fine, send in the military.
You say it's the root then you argue with yourself that it's the mechanism... Evil is the root of evil. But usury is a large tool, no doubt. One problem is that you won't be able to completely get rid of it, the black market will always be there, but I would love to see the backs go down.
Yet still no convos about Racine
Muslim banks are not userers, should we follow them? Its not usery, its the love of money that is the root of all evil.
Even usury exploits itself. Look at predatory loans our government is responsible for that targets 17-18 year olds. Then by subsidizing colleges it (like insurance) drives up cost. Hence higher and higher loans required to attend. Meanwhile, the colleges instill a false belief in the value of the degree and avoiding a default is almost impossible. These loans can ruin your life.
The way most people pay their loans is a bad investment. If you total the entire amount you paid for your house and vehicles with interest you’ll have paid double what it is worth. Is that your logic? Didn’t I just discuss the government preying on students for loans? Also, there was an inference to freddie and fannie mae. Also, buying a house or car are not really investments. Who taught you that? They are both depreciating assets that actually require tremendous cost to keep at base level value. The government taught you that owning a house was an investment. It’s kinda a lie. Your analogy about printing presses really falls flat here. Lastly, I feel I was pretty specific in what loans I was talking about. You are trying to apply my words to a broad generalization. I don’t think the hyperbole was necessary.
Again you are taking my comments and applying to broad generalizations. Of course you’d come up with terrible assumptions. And they are quite assumptive! Maybe you should refer to the first comment and realize you were not in the equation at all. You seem to insist on inserting yourself into my opinion while misapplying to other scenarios. I will redirect you back to predatory student loans. It is a dreadful scam on the government’s part in my opinion.
Excellent to recommend Ron Paul!
I believe banking and loans are necessary. The issue isn't interest. After all the bank needs to pay its workers and upkeep. The issue is out of control rates.
I agree with Trump that 10% on credit cards is the limit. I'd say 5% with no compound interest. Compound is the killer.
If usury was brought under control it would actually make the banks and credit cards more solvent over time. There'd be less defaults, late payments, and obviously fairer credit terms.
years ago, i made a spreadsheet to graph various interest rates, using the Pert formula
Pert: principal x e^(rateXtime)
And it quickly became obvious after changing just one variable at a time,
that the single biggest changes came when we adjusted the variables of (rate) and (time)
And of the two, the rate was the variable that caused the biggest changes
But whatever the rate was, it didnt matter,
it ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS follows the same basic pattern…
The growth starts out slow, but ALWAYS “goes asymptote”
Its just a matter of how many years it takes to happen
In ancient times, they had a jubilee every 7 years, where every debt was forgiven, and every slave was freed.
Good idea. If we could just figure out who is behind all the usury :0
See this is the problem,
Every time we “follow the money”,
It always comes back to the same group of people
But then when you notice things like this,
Suddenly you become falsely accused of someone who hates people who speak semitic languages
Here in lies the double edged sword of the peoples right to contract. Originally, Americans understood what the founders had given them, namely the sovereign rights of kings. What was the sovereign right of a king? To create law. The founders literally gave us the sovereignty of kings. What this meant was we the people had the ability to create our own law for our own houses in our own courts of record. Here was the difference though... everyone had this ability and when your sovereign law encroached on mine, we needed to settle our disputes with a jury of our peers. Quick fact: original common law grand juries were 25 from the peerage and not 24... Why do you think?
All of this to say, we the people have the right to contract with anyone else no matter how one sided or even immoral it may seem to you. I respectfully disagree with the root being usury and think it to be more related to the fact that the corporate government has been administering our estates (all we own in law, including our bodies) by calling us persons (or infants) and not people. An infant cannot hold title until they have come of age and claimed their estate.
The roots are, in my opinion, the unlawful "acts" enacted by the government from its inception against the people. Two major ones being the 14th and the 16th amendments. I do agree that money as debt is a major one as well.
I'd love to hear ideas on what to replace usury with. I'm having trouble even imagining commerce at a scale of our economy without it. It's like trying to paint without pigments lol. Luv u guys
How do you change a fundamental banking practice that has been engrained into the world culture for centuries… don’t get me wrong. I like the concept, but that’s a big one to chew off.
“Gold is money…. Everything else, is credit”
~ JP Morgan
Meaning that if you don’t personally, physically handle, physical gold,
Then you never touch actual money.
You were born into a system of credit
The good news is, we already have the tools we need
“Credit unions” are a good example
If you already belong to a credit union,
then you already have a good start
I dumped Wells Fargo years ago and joined a credit union…
Bitcoin fixes this without government permission
unfortunately loaning money is inherently a poor way to make money if you're honest about it, because the best debtors will pay back as soon as they can and make a lender the least amount of interest. I think the idea of lending for profit needs to be done away with. Maybe something like making investments, where you can get back more than you bought in at when something you invested in succeeds and grows?
Usury is about power. Not about making money.
I apologize for the mistake, I was assuming we were talking about the institution of lending and how to make it work in a society of truth and incentivizing people being able to obtain loans they need, not the corrupt system we deal with now. I did not mean to derail.
Saved this