I hope they do disband the dept. of Education. Trump did not say much about that when he was running. I hope he brings back Betsie DeVoz. She was superb at work on this. We were so close to implementing school choice. It's time!!!!!
Man did the corporate media hammer her. Her home was vandalized and their boat set adrift. She was attacked relentlessly publicly and privately. I doubt she is up to another four years of attacks. Can you blame her.
"Y'all are worried about the wrong thing". Greatest quote from that video because it seems to reflect so much of what liberals espouse. It's like they think the ONLY issue is abortion and they even got that wrong.
Holy cats, that class has had more intellectual discourse than any I have seen in years. So good to see, every sheep in that class now has a dissenting view. And their development is better for it. They don't even know how awesome the boy in their class is. Good for him, I hope he goes far and becomes a Thomas Sowell. Please God guide him and make it so.
The "women our age get pregnant" girl in the background makes it sound like pregnancy is some sort of disease like cancer. Like it just happens. This is the result of a failed education system and bad parenting.
I'd be willing to be that this young man's parents are still married and are actively involved in bringing him up properly.
That teacher needs to be fired. He is pushing division in his classroom. Any educator should be pushing United we win, divided we fall. He is a libtard extreme and has no place in a school classroom.
When we grew up and went to school
There were certain teachers who would
Hurt the children any way they could
By pouring their derision
Upon anything we did
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids
But out in the middle of nowhere
When they got home at night, their fat and
Psycopathic wives would thrash them
Within inches of their lives
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone
That teacher should be removed from teaching. Students should NOT know how you voted. You should be a facilitator and not attempting to sway students to your political persuasion. I hope Trump's term helps get this kind of education out of the classroom.
Mom and Dad, you have a good kid who is thinking and asking good questions. Don't waste his mind in a public school classroom.
That young man will go on to bigger things. Well done, sir.
Amen. He sees the truth.
Somebody needs to show this to Trump so he can hire this young man for something
Good job little brother.
Stand your ground and don't let them gaslight you with their parroted lies.
You're wise and mature for your age. Keep it going!
Teacher imposing his views... that's a big part of the problem with education.
Wow... good for him!
Disband dept of edu
I hope they do disband the dept. of Education. Trump did not say much about that when he was running. I hope he brings back Betsie DeVoz. She was superb at work on this. We were so close to implementing school choice. It's time!!!!!
Man did the corporate media hammer her. Her home was vandalized and their boat set adrift. She was attacked relentlessly publicly and privately. I doubt she is up to another four years of attacks. Can you blame her.
I didn't know that did that to her. So sad.
It is really more the department of delulu
"Y'all are worried about the wrong thing". Greatest quote from that video because it seems to reflect so much of what liberals espouse. It's like they think the ONLY issue is abortion and they even got that wrong.
Outstanding young man.
Holy cats, that class has had more intellectual discourse than any I have seen in years. So good to see, every sheep in that class now has a dissenting view. And their development is better for it. They don't even know how awesome the boy in their class is. Good for him, I hope he goes far and becomes a Thomas Sowell. Please God guide him and make it so.
This student is smarter than his teacher.
This student's IQ is higher than everyone's in that classroom.
This kid is great. His brain is impervious to indoctrination.
This teacher needs to be investigated for politicising his classroom.
The "women our age get pregnant" girl in the background makes it sound like pregnancy is some sort of disease like cancer. Like it just happens. This is the result of a failed education system and bad parenting.
I'd be willing to be that this young man's parents are still married and are actively involved in bringing him up properly.
Love this young man.
Running into the absolute non-logic of the lib argument, he perseveres!
It's tough being the smartest man in the room.
That teacher needs to be fired. He is pushing division in his classroom. Any educator should be pushing United we win, divided we fall. He is a libtard extreme and has no place in a school classroom.
White girl behind him like "Is it 3:30 yet"
Isn’t abortion still allowed in Illinois anyway.
Give one example how Tripump is racist or anti-woman.
Boy concern: WAR Girl concern: ABORTION Hmmmm
This is his direct x link
God Bless You Sir
You! Yes, you! Stand still laddie!
When we grew up and went to school There were certain teachers who would Hurt the children any way they could By pouring their derision Upon anything we did And exposing every weakness However carefully hidden by the kids
But out in the middle of nowhere
When they got home at night, their fat and Psycopathic wives would thrash them Within inches of their lives We don't need no education We don't need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teacher, leave them kids alone
Hey, teacher, leave the kids alone
That young man is going places.
The rest, not so sure.
Wow put that young man in Trumps cabinet team
That teacher should be removed from teaching. Students should NOT know how you voted. You should be a facilitator and not attempting to sway students to your political persuasion. I hope Trump's term helps get this kind of education out of the classroom.
Mom and Dad, you have a good kid who is thinking and asking good questions. Don't waste his mind in a public school classroom.