I've told you guys countless times over the years--Trojan horse.
From just last week....
I've said it for at least 4 years and I'll say it again-AOC has been a Trojan horse the entire time she's been "serving". She was either installed, or more likely, "allowed" to win her seat.
This is just more proof
Consider she has almost singlehandedly shattered the traditional progressive "left" {criminals Biden, pelosi, Schumer ect} from the left {the squad and the rest of the lunatic fringe}
This would be well within the "what's good for the goose" method of reconstruction-infiltration not invasion.
And there are hundreds of others in various high positions.
Always thought so and affirmed to me when the reporter called to her on the steps about her nice booty and she smiled until she regained her composure...TRUTH is usually spontaneous.
Alex Stein is the reporter that the comment above was referring to. I do agree whatever her husband boyfriend dude is a feminine little “man”. Look up Alex he got a job a the blaze but I’ve been following him for years. He’s the pimp on a blimp eatin steak and shrimp! Just to add he was at Kamala’s victory party interviewing the folks leaving it was gold.
agree, and think there are a few at that level. just imagine if approached with such a job offer, with an explanation as to 'why'-the evil in the world; would be no way to say "no"
So far, she’s just a broken clock.
Nah, even those are right twice a day....she doesn't even have that....
I've told you guys countless times over the years--Trojan horse.
From just last week....
I've said it for at least 4 years and I'll say it again-AOC has been a Trojan horse the entire time she's been "serving". She was either installed, or more likely, "allowed" to win her seat.
This is just more proof
Consider she has almost singlehandedly shattered the traditional progressive "left" {criminals Biden, pelosi, Schumer ect} from the left {the squad and the rest of the lunatic fringe}
This would be well within the "what's good for the goose" method of reconstruction-infiltration not invasion.
And there are hundreds of others in various high positions.
Or, commies gotta break stuff before they can rule over the pieces they way they want society to work. Commies are chaos agents.
Usually done in the dark.
They slowly take over entire institutions and before you realize, it's too late.
They don't steamroll everything by announcing exactly what they plan to do.
That's controlled demolition of their entire worldview
Some anons think she is.
The smarter ones, imo.
Come to the light AOC 😍
I'll give her some slack when she dons a MAGA hat on Twitter, KEK
It would be much better if she notices things first.
A Nose Sees?
Rather she finds purpose within her household, but I realize that's not a good starting point in any conversation, gotta dial it down at the start.
This would make her completely ineffectual as a Judas Goat.
Always thought so and affirmed to me when the reporter called to her on the steps about her nice booty and she smiled until she regained her composure...TRUTH is usually spontaneous.
Alex Stein comedian
He works for the blaze now.
Alex stein loves big booty latinas.
Yeah but isn't she a skinny little twat?
Her chest on the other hand........ the phrase "big socialist titties" has been stuck in my head ever since I read it years ago.....🧐🤔😂😂😂
Alex Stein is the reporter that the comment above was referring to. I do agree whatever her husband boyfriend dude is a feminine little “man”. Look up Alex he got a job a the blaze but I’ve been following him for years. He’s the pimp on a blimp eatin steak and shrimp! Just to add he was at Kamala’s victory party interviewing the folks leaving it was gold.
I've met Alex Stein in person before, he's definitely a character.
She just got a bit prettier for some reason. Weird.
She also deleted the pronouns from her Twitter bio last week after losing about 200k followers since the election.
Thought for years she's a military whitehat.I Believe she's definitely had training. She's very good at her role.Definite asset.
That would make her a virtual Joan of Arc level legendary. She might choose to pretend she always was, for that prize. Interesting.
agree, and think there are a few at that level. just imagine if approached with such a job offer, with an explanation as to 'why'-the evil in the world; would be no way to say "no"
I read somewhere that there is a rumor going around that she and her hubby are expecting.
This does make a woman change many of her young ideas. 🙏👶
Maybe she's kayfabe. Just like Mike Pence, right?
She's just falling in line with the pro-Palestine side of the Dems.