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Today's meltdown brought to you by u/FractalizingIron
Mr Reiner deletes X account....
[Joy Reid getting all snarky and saying maga worships Trump, not Jesus... Oy vey!](https://greatawakening.win/p/199hzKflrE/joy-reid-is-so-sad-lol-happy-tha/c/
CNN reporting that "several" federal employs are fearful because of Musk....
What would the alternative to x look like?
I keep seeing posts on this site saying that Q said aliens are real. I’ve checked the Q drops and I haven’t found any that say that. Can someone please give me the q post number(s) that say aliens are real?
Thank you bb
A watched pot never boils.
Hurry up and get here.
I went outside to walk the dog today, and there was planes in the sky, spraying chemicals. I took pictures, but we’re not allowed to post that stuff here. Anyway, I’m so sick of this. Since before the election, I haven’t seen one real cloud in the sky in the Phoenix area. I actually prayed for the people who are flying the planes to die in an accident today. It was very disheartening. Not just them spraying, but feeling I wish somebody would die because they’re poisoning us. I know in Florida. They’re trying to stop this, and I think in Tennessee they already have a law in place. But we have a demonic hobgoblin for a governor. Not to mention where the national hub for fentanyl and human trafficking. 🧐🙃
I need to teach someone about Q. They keep saying Q Anon. Please help. Tya.
Start with the Q drops.
Show some interesting drops, like Noname's execution proof. Maybe talk about the Saudi coup and drop 72.
Theres Q and there are anons, two distinct entities. Qanon is the term coined by the MSM to control their narrative when people do a google search. Information warfare.
While we are going after Vaccines for humans. We should also be going after the expensive proliferation of Vaccines for our Pets. They are holding us hostage over our Pet healthcare..
Absolutely YES!! They are chock full of poisons promoted by pharma who hold seminars to convince the Vets. Pet cancer has exploded exponentially in between the vaccines and fake food. Several generations ago pets ate what their humans ate and our food was healthy then.
Check this out:
Playbook known.
This one really pisses me off due to how insanely obvious the corruption of veterinary services / insurance has become.
Is there a study on Pet life expectancy over the years. I'm pretty certain they are not living any longer. If that's the case why the F@ck is it costing 10 times more to take them to the Vet.
I have found those who will trim nails, etc, with no vaccines. Holding firm for them as I did for my family.
Our sweet chiahuahua Bacon died a few weeks back. Needless to say we are incredibly sad he’s been with us since May 2012. There will always be only one Bacon forever remembered and loved. He’s ok now not in terrible pain with kidney failure. Stoic little thing always walked with hubs right to the end.
So many things to be angry about with Bacon (our last minor child 🥰) but it’s pointless. I will transmute that to making sure our next fur baby is not harmed by any in the medical ghoul group. I hold them more harmless than the others really but wondering if we should perhaps put off inviting another animal into the family since we really don’t want to be the cause of harm to any dog ever. Something to ponder 🤔
This might blow you mind.
Seeing how many upvotes a post can get, and how many regular commenters there are.
It seems like there are a lot of lurkers here, and just a handful of commenters.
I originally made an account just to upvote. That didn't work out very well. Kek
Shhhh! /s
Take my upvoat!
Clif High: "Discontinuity Dilemma. Let’s discuss it, shall we?"
"The Discontinuity Dilemma… is that problem that Humanity faces currently. It is shaped as follows; there are approximately 3 billion humans who have no form of energy to cook food. They die early as a result, and the planet’s forests are denuded. There are 2 billion people without access to clean water. They die early as a result.
Energy is wasted in our current system on the order of 60+ % of all energy used. This is not merely bad gasoline mileage, but includes the stupidity of running coal plants to charge lithium batteries that are created by virtue of diesel engines.
All ‘green energy’ is a net energy loss as it requires diesel engines to create and sustain it.
And it goes on into the minutia of wasted food because of the costs of transport." ...
And the waste of energy and resources to produce solar panels and windmill components!
Animal Antics:
Tis The Season For Gifts:
Pets Surprising Owners With Unasked For Gifts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMa6nVY2zX8
Happily Adopted Pets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttC2FYvnzxc
Happy Howlidays and Meowy Christmas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfSHZR4INPE
Here Comes The Sun!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqeratkK3tQ
So, Why Do Cats Love Boxes?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dq96bkrWcwc
The Awesomeness Of Cat Owning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nW9sCoTaWI
Too Cute Animals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFyj9LxdhqI
Matching Coats: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xie8R4zl3fU
The Pet's Revenge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZjNFo_tMb4
Animals Cheer Us All, Heal Our Souls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfFBPpHFMB8
I Woke Up To This?!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLC2eEbiveA
Abandoned Kitten Rescued From The Rain: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7RXUVhA13r4
Buy Your Cat A Bed, They Said: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVyaY9wvYAE
I would like a cat that brings me warm tendies daily ...
Rooftop tendies?
No, chicken tenders
I think this qualifies as meltdown...
Mr Reiner deletes X account....
Joy Reid getting all snarky and saying maga worships Trump, not Jesus... Oy vey!
CNN reporting that "several" federal employs are fearful because of Musk....
So, that's several. How many hundreds of thousands did NOT say they are fearful....?
CNN wins another meltdown tick.
Here's a plot twist on TDS meltdowns
Women shaving heads to protest Trump inspires a backlash against them from actual people suffering from real problems...
Thanks, added to the post.
This is interesting. I got an email from my uncle about his friend who lives in Camp Verde, AZ. A man he's known for decades, was the worship leader at his church, etc. He told me that one day this man was slowly floating down the Verde River in a kayak when about 15 to 20 yards ahead of him an about seven foot tall Sasquatch (Bigfoot) waded across the river. The water was at it's mid thigh. It stopped & looked right at him eyes to eyes & went on across to the other side & away. This man is a committed Christian and not a liar, and has otherwise never told any tall tales or is any sort of attention-seeker. He also told my uncle that since he saw the thing he has met some other people who have seen one. He said the town of Strawberry in the forests in eastern Arizona just had a special town meeting with only year round residences - no summer only residences from Phoenix. They were concerned about what to do about a Bigfoot that had been seen going through garbage cans looking for food.
Pretty wild stuff. Really, I don't doubt this sort of thing anymore. I've always thought it was improbable but not impossible. Interdasting.
With the virtual presence of a cell phone ANYWHERE ANYTIME in the world, if Big Foots were real, there would certainly be at least one decent photo.
Well, I can understand not being able to take a picture when you're on a kayak and maybe don't have a camera with you. But yes, I've thought of this very thing and I too am skeptical. I'm just not ruling out the possibility.
The Seinfeld episode "The Pie" was on, and in a scene where George is sitting on Jerry's couch, you see George is wearing deep red boots or dress shoes.
It's freakin' everywhere.
You are still watching TV???
I wasn't, but I walked in on my mother doing so.
I was thinking of watching Seinfeld one more time before I find out what they are guilty of 😔
Psalm 100
1 Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! 2 Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!
3 Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!
5 For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.