Well, if that's the catalyst for him catching a bullet, one could further speculate that if this was true, he might have cut a deal to name names on the stand and possibly put some very powerful people behind bars that were in on it. But all speculation.
I live in Minnesota and the liberal rag known as the Star/Tribune reports the death this way (with no mention of insider trading or other things that we'll likely find out that he did)...Look closely and you can see the new minnesota flag the left and their pals jammed down our throat very similar to somalia's.
Yes, but the specific video in the link was removed. I watched it a gazillion times, responded to a text, went back to copy the link and just like that it was removed. After that all I could find was the blurred version
Loose end is the most probable result. This was a direct assassination, and it's really not able to be shown as a "random act" either. Not good, even if he was a PoS.
This! Was he a good guy being persecuted by Biden DOJ to fit a narrative? They do that a lot. Is he the guy they are going to conveniently blame for the Covid crap? The timing is suspect with the Covid report coming out and then he gets killed.
I hope ALL Health "care" CEO's are shaking in their boots, looking over their shoulders, and not sleeping. Who actually knows if it's fake or real. But, at least he's not in power anymore. Sounds like another WIN either way.
Now do Sutter health in No. California and all others who claim to be "Non-Profit"!
Has anyone else observed "assassins" or ones attempting as of late seem to love backpacks and hoodies? Remember Crooks and the other kid? Didn't golf course dick have them too?
Why do you think he kept racking the pistol? Not semi auto? Custom 22LR setup? I'm no pistol expert by any stretch but, why does he keep pulling the slide back? Did it jam?
I watched this 14 minute video a couple weeks back. At about the 9:00 minute mark it starts talking about how UnitedHealthcare and CVS Caremark have been destroying pharmacies and health providers by putting them into impossible financial situations. He wasn't making any friends doing that.
Well, if that's the catalyst for him catching a bullet, one could further speculate that if this was true, he might have cut a deal to name names on the stand and possibly put some very powerful people behind bars that were in on it. But all speculation.
Maybe he's not ded.
Sad part - he matters NOT. We need/want his data. His phone and laptop is all that matters. Prayers for his family.
I live in Minnesota and the liberal rag known as the Star/Tribune reports the death this way (with no mention of insider trading or other things that we'll likely find out that he did)...Look closely and you can see the new minnesota flag the left and their pals jammed down our throat very similar to somalia's.
I used to call that rag the "Star and Sickle." Pioneer Pravda isn't much better.
This looks like a professional hit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/12/watch-breaking-video-shows-chilling-moment-masked-gunman/
Warning: Video of actual murder.
They pulled it ...
Daily UK heavily edited/cropped it - doesn't show actual drop...
Getting tired of the censorship against grown ass men (to use the proper phrase) finding out what's really going down...
There's something happening here... and what it is, ain't exactly clear... there's a man with a gun over there, tellin me I've got to beware...
He was probably going to rat out his handshake buddies...at first I thought it was a vax injured kid's dad...
It's still on X
Yes, but the specific video in the link was removed. I watched it a gazillion times, responded to a text, went back to copy the link and just like that it was removed. After that all I could find was the blurred version
"Hmm, this page doesn't exist. Try searching for something else "
Just tested it. Works for me.
I don't know. He kept cycling the gun, didn't have the proper device to let the bullets cycle with the silencer.
Could be anyone, really. Anyone denied coverage is a potential suspect as well.
maybe they killed him to shut him up, like Epstein
Loose end is the most probable result. This was a direct assassination, and it's really not able to be shown as a "random act" either. Not good, even if he was a PoS.
Things that make you go, hmmm....
Those things made him go .........................................
The first thing that I thought of when I saw this was: “They (the bad guys) won’t be able to walk the streets.”
Huh? So the Biden regime DOJ launched an investigation into him and he was assassinated before he could talk? By whom, white hats?
Who's the enemy of Biden's DOJ? Us/MAGA/Q presumably. Did he flip then? Was he gonna whistleblow? Could Q team not protect him??
This! Was he a good guy being persecuted by Biden DOJ to fit a narrative? They do that a lot. Is he the guy they are going to conveniently blame for the Covid crap? The timing is suspect with the Covid report coming out and then he gets killed.
"Dead men tell no tales."
What was he going to tell?
Rumble link to assassination video-
One has to wonder why the MSM is posting this video. You'd think they would show more respect to the family.
Leads more credence to he was flipped and now the ds wants to kill him
I hope ALL Health "care" CEO's are shaking in their boots, looking over their shoulders, and not sleeping. Who actually knows if it's fake or real. But, at least he's not in power anymore. Sounds like another WIN either way.
Now do Sutter health in No. California and all others who claim to be "Non-Profit"!
There's a Twitter/X video of the shooting on the top of the page at Citizen Free Press right now.
Meh on that one. I work in cyber security
First, $22 million is nothing in terms of loss, even to hacker. And certainly not the reason to send in a professional assassin
Second, hacks happen all the time. ALL the time. We learn it's not if, but when, your company gets hacked. No one else has been killed over it.
Something deeper and darker is going on here, I suspect
Bullworthed himself maybe?🤡
Obvious professional job is obvious.
Has anyone else observed "assassins" or ones attempting as of late seem to love backpacks and hoodies? Remember Crooks and the other kid? Didn't golf course dick have them too?
Why do you think he kept racking the pistol? Not semi auto? Custom 22LR setup? I'm no pistol expert by any stretch but, why does he keep pulling the slide back? Did it jam?
It was like he was trying to clear a jam.
funny... the media already calls it an execution... "don't blame me" ~HRC
I dont know the exact motivation but this is a death cult clean up operation.
I watched this 14 minute video a couple weeks back. At about the 9:00 minute mark it starts talking about how UnitedHealthcare and CVS Caremark have been destroying pharmacies and health providers by putting them into impossible financial situations. He wasn't making any friends doing that.
A lot of people that have never suffered, think of life as a game.
To a person that has played by the rules and now has lost everything,
This guy's mugshot screams SMU Dallas douchebag. Texas has become the home of financial assholes.
Noone wants to live in NYC or Chicago, so they are all moving to Dallas.
I wonder what he had on Hillary Clinton.