It's only the little peasants petitioning. Surely, the democRats would never ever do the same thing to the little peasants and their little election ballots.
Bottom line: when our elections are rigged (and these assholes know they are), answering to the will of the voters is the LEAST of their concerns. Fix our elections, save America. As much as we all love DJT, executive orders are temporary and can be reversed by the next illegitimate administration. Biden was our example of this.
Being told by your boss that you suck at your job and need to be fired and then you tell your boss he needs to change his tone because you're a respected worker under him or else you'll use measures to throw him out of his business is a socialist's wet dream that we are living in at the moment.
Seriously. The galling smugness of the little staff poofs is so disgusting. They should be forced to be part of an experiment in one of Dr. Fauci's chambers of horror.
I can't wait for the day that these smug, narcissistic, false sense of security having pieces of shit that think they're untouchable, won't be able to walk down the street.
It's only the little peasants petitioning. Surely, the democRats would never ever do the same thing to the little peasants and their little election ballots.
Top comment fren
At least they're honest: sign on the table says they dance 4 cash.
this one needs to be famous!
Yes. Definitely.
ITA fren. A 500-page PhD thesis in a two-minute clip.
Our favourite president needs to highlight this absolute classic!
That "Yes I will" didn't seem like he was too concerned...maybe that race needs some voter integrity scrutiny.
Bottom line: when our elections are rigged (and these assholes know they are), answering to the will of the voters is the LEAST of their concerns. Fix our elections, save America. As much as we all love DJT, executive orders are temporary and can be reversed by the next illegitimate administration. Biden was our example of this.
You think?
The arrogance of these cunts just pisses me off.
They are fascists at heart.
Being told by your boss that you suck at your job and need to be fired and then you tell your boss he needs to change his tone because you're a respected worker under him or else you'll use measures to throw him out of his business is a socialist's wet dream that we are living in at the moment.
Results of years of Dominion machines. You know Colorado is Dominion headquarter, right?
I know people in Colorado. They don't vote for shit like this.
The shiteating grins on Clifford and his little staff poof say it all. Better put that blue shirt under a UV light to get the real story.
Seriously. The galling smugness of the little staff poofs is so disgusting. They should be forced to be part of an experiment in one of Dr. Fauci's chambers of horror.
I can't wait for the day that these smug, narcissistic, false sense of security having pieces of shit that think they're untouchable, won't be able to walk down the street.
They have felt like gods for far too long.
It is coming. Colorado is the headquarter of Dominion machine and the DS abode so they felt secure for long time.
The day comes when it will no longer work for them.
Not surprising, after what Pelosi did to State of the Union speech anything is fair game.
Make these people unable to work government job after 8 years and you will see a sea change.
Any so called assault weapons ban is unconstitutional and they know it.
But they don't care as long as they get to push their Leftist agenda on people.
There is zero accountability to lawmakers that push blatantly unconstitutional laws.
Need more constitutional lawyers who dare to stand.
Yes. I agree.
I feel like I should "write my congressman" about this.
Email is much better kek
Please do.
I could be wrong but something tells me the Rep. and staff member push for the pride flag.
Could. I wouldn't know.
What a smug dick!
Arrogance to the max
"Public servants"
Openly bragging now.
The only good thing about the aide is he is keeping his phone in his front pocket, next to his testicles.
Shithole calirado gonna shithole. It’s so ingrained that we have little chance of turning it around. Sickening.
I hope the day will come when you can.
Colorado voted for tyrannical regime, No?
Colorado voted for tyrannical regime, No?
Colorado is where dominion is based.
Think Dominion machines. That's their headquarter.
Always a Democrat with voter fraud.
Of course. They are Demonrat.
I was taught five years back or so Always Act That “YOU” Have An Audience there may be a camera SOMEWHERE!
James O'Keefe and the bunch of us maybe watching. LOL
Thank you!!
I had a wonderful time on X helping to made @chadclifford FAMOUS!
(So glad you provided a link! Too many don’t.)
I appreciate you making him famous. I don't have a lot of followers on X.
Thank you.
He's shiting themselves. Make this go viral for the smug hemmerroid.
I no longer responded. I used to. I check and make sure those people do good work before donating now.
I donated to Trump and James O' Keefe. Other than Christian channel or pastors.