A pension AND NOW Social Security too???
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Wow does this ever piss me off. So these fat cat fed workers get a nice pension. They have not been enrolled in SS. So they have not been paying in, right????. Now they get SS benefits??????
I've been paying into Social Stupidity all my life!!! Will I then get a pension???????.
Most pay into both.
So, they get paid with tax payer money and pay a portion of that payment back to the tax payer pool. Meh, I mean, are a lot of them finding they are starving and homeless once they retire from a public sector job or something?
In order to qualify for social security you must hit 10 years (40 units) of paying social security… like myself , if you leave public sector and go into a job like teaching… you stop paying SS and start getting pension… however, in order to get max pension, you need to get 37.5 years to claim 75% pension. People like me who mid career changed will never hit that. Also, because of windfall, i would have lost out on my SS that i paid into for 15 years… getting screwed in process… this will impact those like me positively, however will not impact those who never worked and paid in… if you paid in and qualify , it is only right you get whats deserved
Nice explaination. Thanks for the info.
Sucking up to Teachers? The teachers in my school district do NOT pay in to social security. How about a simple law that says if you didn’t pay in you don’t get it. Exception for spouses of deceased who paid in.
I know people who worked in the private sector and paid into social security for years. They then decided to become a teacher and taught 20 plus years. They could not collect social security because they had a pension. They paid into both, they should be able to get both.
Thank you Bonnies, yes--this is true. I paid into both and should be able to collect both. I've worked for over 50 years and still work past retirement so I can make ends meet. This ruling will correct a bad deal made years ago and will bring justice to people like me.
My Dad was a teacher for 36 years, but he started later than most do so he paid into Social Security for years before he started teaching.
When he retired, he was told he was one quarter short to collect SS and he was too old to add more.
He ended up not being able to collect anything.
That really sucks!
if you do not pay into social security you do not collect--this is for a small group of people who paid into both.
I worked in retail before I started teaching. SS tax was withheld from my paycheck. As a teacher I paid into the state’s teacher retirement program. Should I not be entitled to draw both since I paid into both?
Are you not able to now? If you paid in to SS for the required number of quarters, then I think it’s fair that you get both. If you never paid in or don’t have the required quarters, then no.
The WEP and GPO prevented that. This bill is correcting it, finally!
Seems like a fair correction as long as only those who paid in get the benefits.
Well that's what this is so.....
So it’s good. My late husband paid in and died before he got a cent and I got a few hundred towards burial. They kept it all. That’s theft. And if you paid in and can’t collect, that’s theft also.
In blue states, they're losing good teachers left and right. They've had it with the social engineering and the never-ending dictates that come down from on high.
You wanna really get pissed off? Here is my story. I worked for the USPS for 27.5 years. During that time I saved all of my sick leave. Accumulated over 2000 hours. I retired from the USPS at 57.5 years of age, too young to actually retire, but I "sold back" my 2000+ sick leave hours to make up the difference and retired with 30 years. So, now I get a full USPS pension AND at 57.5 years of age I began collecting Social Security. Also, when I turn 65 I'll get a 10% SS raise. What a wonderful country, huh? Look, I wasn't looking for these perks when I began my postal career thirty + years ago, I found out about them when I decided to retire. If they were there, why not get them? I did and now I'm happy in my old age.
And I'm glad jobs like that still exist. People who work hard should be able to retire at a decent age and live comfortably.
How are you eligible for SS at 57?
Did you file a disability claim?
I did not file for disability. I was in the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). There is a caviot that stipulates if an employee retires before age 60 with 30 years of credible service, then that employee is eligible for Special Retirement Supplement (SRS). Here is the specifics on how to calculate the SS payments. https://www.fedweek.com/experts-view/how-to-estimate-a-fers-special-retirement-supplement/
Dang, nice bonus.
I retired from PERS and there is nothing in there about early SS.
I have to wait until 62 to begin collecting any SS, although I can collect a tiny amount from my late wife's SS at 60.
Good for you . Wow it pays to be savvy litterally . Ags in , good for you Fren ! At 57 if you still wanted to work you could but glad you don’t have to . Yeah for a good story !
Anybody who pays into Social Security for "forty quarters" is entitled to receive Social Security retirement benefits. The amount they receive is based on the years they have worked altogether. I have worked in the private sector between the ages of 18 and 38. That's 20 years. After that I got a government job that does not pay into Social Security. The people who get a government job at 18 and work for 33 1/3 years are entitled to a full pension.
When I retire my pension will be $930 per month.
You're telling me that my 20 years of paying into Social Security should be voided and that I need to be happy with my $930 a month?
"Fat Cat fed workers...". I have a wife and three kids and I live in a one bedroom place. If it was up to you I wouldn't be allowed my money from a program that I contributed to for 20 years. Don't tar everybody with the same brush.
That isn't how it worked. Many teachers worked jobs that paid into SS during their college years and summers, but until now have been prevented from claiming SS when they retire - even if they'd earned enough credits. I believe that will change with this bill, as it should.
My spouse and I both worked in SS jobs after leaving the public sector specifically in order to allow us to collect what little SS we had earned. I think we collectively get about enough to pay for our Medicare with perhaps enough left over to go out for pizza once a month. It's not a lot, but we earned it - at least we get it. If we hadn't worked in SS jobs AFTER leaving the public sector, we wouldn't have been allowed to collect it. It was a dumb, unfair law.
Doesn't anyone that worked and paid SS tax for 10 years eligible? I'm confused.
Here in California, a 'deal' was made decades ago that if people paid into social security but changed jobs and began paying into a pension system--they would lose the social security they paid into. Actually, the SS is reduced by the amount you get in your pension. Example: teacher's retirement equals $2000/mth. social security equals $1800/th. In this case, you get no social security. zero. In California, I believe it was called the Windfall Act. It was enacted decades ago. Most teachers have only been teachers, so it does not affect them--but for a small group who only taught 25 years and before that did something else, it is devastating and unfair.
Yes, you are eligible, however the Windfall Reduction meant that I'd have 2/3 of my social security benefit reduced due receiving a pension.
It is very simple, If You Paid into SS, you should get it. IF you Did NOT PAY into SS you (NO ONE) should get it.
I think this repeals or addresses a previous bad deal that disallows public sector workers from collecting social security that they paid into if they changed jobs and now will collect a pension--which they also paid into.
This affects people like me--I worked and paid into social security over 20 years and earned all my credits to collect social security when I retired.
I also became a teacher later in life. I paid into the teacher retirement system and collect a small retirement every month.
However, I cannot collect the social security I paid for all the years I worked before teaching.
It will mean I can collect the social security I paid into as well as the teaching retirement I paid into. At most it will total about 3000/mth --NOT a fortune.
Make no mistake, I worked hard for decades and decades--and so did other teachers or public service workers for whom it will affect.
I think the 'fat cat public workers' are not in this group. As far as I know, I am happy that if this passes every day teachers, firefighters, etc. who have worked and paid into the system can get back what they paid into.
Social Security Fairness Act----------does this mean that all of us on SS will now share their pensions?
So my Dad works since he was 15, pays taxes faithfully that entire time. Now he's 65, lost his job, punished for having to retire "early" at 65 by getting less social security.
Further punished by having no choice but be enrolled in Medicare, which comes right out of pocket, after forgoing healthcare his entire life (dude pulled his own teeth, literally, multiple times) because insurance and care were both unaffordable.
Medicare doesn't even cover glasses.
So then he signs up for social security. Isn't going to make enough to live off of and he's never made a ton in his life. Even his meager pay, that he barely got by on, isn't matched by social security after paying into it for 50 years.
But these people deserve BOTH? Go to hell!
Do they pay in? If not? Nope.
OMG, it is obvious many people commenting here have no clue what they are talking about. The WEP and GPO are NOT giving people money from Social Security that they did not earn.
The WEP and GPO are government pensions (Federal or state) that did NOT pay into Social Security. These same people may have also worked at least 40 quarters (10 years) in a job that they PAID INTO Social Security. Many of the government pensions were for police and firefighters.
The government in it's infinite wisdom decided they didn't deserve to collect their Social Security when they retired (or became disabled) because they were being unjustly enriched. How paying into a pension system, either from government or state service and then working in another job and becoming eligible for a pension was unjustly enriching the person I'll never understand.
And for reference, many of the Social Security pensions were not for very much money because the majority of the people worked the majority of their careers in their government job.
So in essence the WEP and GPO are telling a group of people "you can't collect your little Social Security pension because you already have a bigger pension that you didn't pay social security into."
I've worked for private companies and city govt...I'm vested in SS...because my pension comes from govt they keep 2)3 of my ss
Senator Kennedy gives a couple examples. https://youtu.be/liW2W5VasDk?feature=shared
I thought these mofo's did not pay into ssi - so why collect? they want to bankrupt us.
Yes they paid in to Social Security. SSI is Supplemental Security Income.......a federal welfare plan for people who are too lazy to work.
Guess who gets both? stares at elderly congress members
They should not be allowed to collect both. Most public workers, which I once was, pay into a pension in lieu of contributing to Social Security.
Someone had a great post a while back, Stefan Molyneux video from several years ago explaining GDP, public sector jobs, pensions, the ever growing state. I couldnt find the exact video but he glazes over the topics in this one:
No!!! Teachers, etc. should NOT take our moneies.
Social Security is such a fucking scam. I hope DOGE ends it
And replaces it with what?