5th generation warfare. Where you do t attack hard structures or military, you attack the people directly. We’re being poisoned. RFK Jrs VP candidate brought up the WiFi and emf smog this weekend.
Not only depopulation an ongoing agenda to keep us sick and give them our money. Think how much money they would lose if there was a cure for cancer which I believe there is. Think about all the DNA and Stem Cell research and where we have come and they can't cure cancer. OK.
More correctly, Khazars. The Khazars have effectively replaced the Hebrew jews to the tune of 97%.
All people need to do is revise their thinking, open their minds, and look. It will become obvious, what the agenda is, and always has been.
For those who don't believe this:
The major world wars were fought where? Europe. Each destroyed milions of white lives. At the same time, there is virtually NO proof of the "holocaust".
Who were the bolsheviks? Their brutal takeover in Russia cost millions, and the subsequent forays against White Russians of all types cost many millions more.
No real - that means REAL - war was ever fought on "israeli" soil. That includes 1967. Why do you suppose the USS Liberty was attacked by israel? Liberty was an electronics intel gathering ship: it could, from radio/radar etc, track troop movements, intercept msgs and on and on. IF Liberty had been allowed to live, the intel would have been available to debunk the entire 6 day "war".
There are literally thousands of direct examples of jew hatred of Whites/Christians. Everyone should recognize that.
look how cold and lonely it is outside our atmosphere. look how bad physics and nature want to kill you. dont be daft, there is ONLY a depopulation agenda!
Yes. It is called a democide.
The Day Tapes are one of the clearest admissions we have…
The people who say this should go first.
And anyone pushing abortion needs to self-abort.
Yup. Lead by example. That is The Way.
Yet they won't.
"A", Ay?
There's more than one so it seems... unless you lump them all under one group:
I'm sure there are more...
5th generation warfare. Where you do t attack hard structures or military, you attack the people directly. We’re being poisoned. RFK Jrs VP candidate brought up the WiFi and emf smog this weekend.
has anyone figured out any solutions to 4. emf ? been feeling a bit zapped lately. wondering if thats why i cant sleep anymore.
rest are pretty avoidable if youre awake minus the chemtrails
edit: i do grounding, but still feeling quite a bit microwaved/zapped/emf’d in the brain
Remember, the only carbon they really want to get rid of is you.
Yes there is a depopulation agenda!
If there is, it's too late. The cabal lost
Don’t count your chickens…
The speaker seems, and probably is, very intelligent. At least he did his research on this topic and it shows very well.
Ty for giving the review , always so hard to find time for videos but makes it easier when I hear it’s worth the time !
That is one smart black guy
Not only depopulation an ongoing agenda to keep us sick and give them our money. Think how much money they would lose if there was a cure for cancer which I believe there is. Think about all the DNA and Stem Cell research and where we have come and they can't cure cancer. OK.
More correctly, Khazars. The Khazars have effectively replaced the Hebrew jews to the tune of 97%. All people need to do is revise their thinking, open their minds, and look. It will become obvious, what the agenda is, and always has been. For those who don't believe this: The major world wars were fought where? Europe. Each destroyed milions of white lives. At the same time, there is virtually NO proof of the "holocaust".
Who were the bolsheviks? Their brutal takeover in Russia cost millions, and the subsequent forays against White Russians of all types cost many millions more.
No real - that means REAL - war was ever fought on "israeli" soil. That includes 1967. Why do you suppose the USS Liberty was attacked by israel? Liberty was an electronics intel gathering ship: it could, from radio/radar etc, track troop movements, intercept msgs and on and on. IF Liberty had been allowed to live, the intel would have been available to debunk the entire 6 day "war".
There are literally thousands of direct examples of jew hatred of Whites/Christians. Everyone should recognize that.
Excellent defense of the truth using their own quotes bravo to the man in the bow tie
Isn't this kind of a stupid question? For those who are awake, yes. For those still asleep, I hope they wake up soon.
He didn't mention the jab die off specifically
I think population exchange is a better term; third-worlder's coming in to replace the population they are killing off.
Brother Mouzone
Well said.
World population
1910 = 1,750,000,000
2024 = 8,200,000,000
Up until now they haven't been very good at it.
look how cold and lonely it is outside our atmosphere. look how bad physics and nature want to kill you. dont be daft, there is ONLY a depopulation agenda!