Why are we even talking about this. I would have been happier dealing with this issue in like 2 years after we cleaned up with illegal mess. Somehow I think there is a portion of our plan being played out of order. Like why is musk on such a tirade. We were all having a nice holiday thinking about usa getting Greenland and Panama canal back and maybe Canada. But why change the tune, what is the real intention here. Is it just to get the conversation going. It's elon on drugs or something??? Like we need to just focus on regaining our sovereignty and our destiny that we delivered, like why is elon making this stand when we haven't even begun. He could have limited the whole issue whole he's working on doge and said he was improving to help Americans while still making available for legal immigrants and I think most of it's would have been like "go for it dude, we trust you but no he stirred up controversy"
Comments (31)
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Serious answer:
I'm going to repeat what I've said here for the past three days. Elon and Vivek could have sold H1B as, "Americans have been devastated by failed schools, failed government policies, DEI, a bad economy, and off-shoring. Trump will help Americans catch up, but we need critical jobs filled right now." What Elon and Vivek chose instead was horrible insults blaming Americans for their own systemic discrimination. The way they handled this was extremely revealing and betraying.
Your ideas make sense to me.
Well said.
This says it all.
H1B problem was nearly as bad as illegal immigration, but much more covert. It badly needed to be brought to the forefront.
Also, since Elon and Vivek appear to have no care at all for American's, but only for "America" as a vehicle for oligarchy profit, that needed to be exposed.
Sounds like a deep state sy op to get MAGA pissed at Elon and Trump. H1B probably needs to be cleaned up, but let’s not wreak the whole MAGA movement over this issue. How bout everyone take a deep breath and get a grip.
MAGA has a grip and doesn't like to be told to 'take a step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face'. It wasn't a deep state 'op' that said that, it was a person.
I've been taking deep breaths and waiting for four long years while foreigners were put ahead of citizens by the current administration's bureaucrats and policies. Not willing to do it again for the next one.
That's not wrecking MAGA. That is MAGA.
So a community like PDW and GAW, who has been telling the world to go fuck themselves in the face for the last four years, is now offended when somebody tells you to fuck yourself in your face
Got it 🤷♀️
You underestimate MAGA.. MAGA can handle honest discussions. We voted for Trump not Elon. Why is he censoring folk anyway. Liberals can't influence MAGA MAGA exposes Bs and will continue to do so. Unify around truth not hero worship. American is a nation of heroes.
To expose the abuse of the system. There are a lot of Americans that have been abused by that system.
Democrats import them illegally, Republicans import them legally. All with the same outcome for American citizens.
another form of slave labor
I'm with you. This is a stupid debate.
I get that we need educated people here, and unfortunately we're lacking in that from Americans because of all the shit we've been put through. Fine.
But they should've known it would be a touchy subject, given all of the crap around illegal immigrants and all of the Americans that have been hurt by H1B visas.
Why was it presented in this way, with Vivek calling Americans stupid and lazy, and Elon going berserk making it look like all he cares about is having workers, if it's just to expose the screwed up system?
Why make it a puzzle where the pieces never quite fit together unless you cram them a bit, when it could've been a lot clearer? Aren't we past the part where everything needs to be a riddle?
Just come out and say: "H1B visas can be very helpful for our country. We need educated workers in these fields. But it's been abused for a long time, and it's screwed over lots of Americans and it drives down American wages. We need to clean up this system to get rid of the abuse."
Sounds a lot better than "Americans are stupid and lazy and we care most about continuing to make astronomical profits."
This feels like saying "We need more schools because American kids are stupid," rather than the truth: "We need to overhaul the education system, because it's corrupt all the way to the core."
Actually I feel this brings out two of the main issue we have here in America, 1) fixing our education system to create smarter (not indoctrinated) Americans and 2) fixing all the policies and systems in place that the career politician's have used for profiteering and abused through fraud and misuse, as in the visa program, the immigration issue, the voter system, the welfare system….ect. We need to make it all work as it was intended too.
Maybe the real point in all of this is not H1B visas at all. Maybe it’s as simple as people who see themselves as “MAGA Elites” engaging in infighting.
My personal thoughts are that President Trump is going to have the economy booming at a level where this H1B debate is rendered moot. And, the disappointing thing about this infighting is that the people on both sides should know that.
My gut feeling is President Trump will eventually end the H1B system because it’s a bad system for American workers and it’s a bad system for the people brought here through it.
There should never be a work visa system that allows businesses to import lower wage foreign workers and keep them here in perpetuity, with little hope of becoming a permanent resident or citizen. The system only benefits big business.
This is one aspect of it that I'm thinking. But as the poster above said, both Musk and Vivek could have been much more diplomatic about it.
the point is to (i'm hoping) to accidentally expose this huge problem most people don't know is going on. give it a week or so i bet it's a huge W for us.
There is some glee coming from the left about the ”war destroying MAGA from within”. Next election is four years away, this will have zero impact.
I think it started as a small thing that like a snowball going downhill, rolled a lot of Americans anger about things into it.
For instance, all the woke DEI bullshit has made it nearly impossible for well qualified white men to get a job. You can put out thousands of applications and have a polished resumé/CV and NEVER hear back even a single peep from anyone to even get an interview.
Combine that, the fact that real people are hurting real bad and running on empty - and then you bring up foreigners getting preferred consideration for tech jobs that whitey could do with a better work ethic - and people start getting really pissed off... and rightfully so.
Just to add insult to injury - I've personally known at least 5 people who lost their job to "restructuring" - that HAD to train their pajeet replacement before they left or they wouldn't get their severance. Talk about being royally fucked in the face...
So yeah, right, wrong or indifferent, good, hardworking Americans who put in the time to learn, study (an ongoing thing to stay current BTW) are FUCKING PISSED!!! And rightfully so.
This is highly emotionally charged because those who have been trying to find work for YEARS are extremely frustrated and they want somebody held responsible (or at the very least, held down so they can administer the Office Space Printer Treatment)
THAT'S why there's a lot of energy, emotions and passion about this topic - Americans (especially white men) are simply tired of being put last, especially because it's become existential - forget life dreams - people are barely surviving... and this is an outlet for some to direct their frustrations. That's how I see it anyway...
AND...To make matters even worse, there's been a whole host of fake job listings and scams that job seekers have to navigate around: The Dark Reality of Fake Job Postings: Why They Exist and Their Impact on Job Seekers like WTF?
Scott Adams often explains how he lost jobs because he was a while male, and he was told that that was the reason. That practice has obviously been in place for many years. It is immoral, but that is the plan of the Democrats, the party of hate.
Back in the sixties, when I moved to Albany, New York, I found an apartment, then spent one day job-hunting for a data processing job. I was accepted for four jobs that day and was able to choose, and not based on race, but on merit. Two I refused because they would have required my joining a union. I was born very independent and preferred to argue my own case rather than let a union bargain for me. (Relatives do belong to unions and are very happy, but I am cut from a different cloth).
The job I chose was right for me, and I met my husband on my first day of work. Once I asked for a raise, which was granted, then did some paperwork at home and decided I needed more, which demand was also granted when I presented my argument.
The current Communist beliefs of the Democrat party are meant to tear down any normalcy and destroy our country. My high school history teacher was openly a Democrat, but could hold honest conversations with those of conservative values, and nobody suffered hurt feelings as a result. Why can we not return to the sanity of the good old days? Why shouldn't we hire the best person for the job based on merit? I can't think of a reason.
Precisely the problem with this situation, all across the board.
It starts with grooming children to think like a communist... because capitalism is exclusively based on merit.
Not everyone gets a trophy...try harder next time and maybe you'll get an award that you earned. That's sadly a foreign concept in many places these days & it's killing our society.
I like this post.....Inner city Black people got mad at the illegals because they were taking away their benefits.....White people getting mad at illegals because they are taking away opportunities.
Inner black needed benefits because White folk allowed illegal immigration to fester until it affected Whites."opportunities " Lots of inner city blacks want jobs.
The H1B controversy has stirred up the most important discussion we can have.
What is your vision for America. Elon's view is that America wins if big tech can outcompete the Chinese. He doesn't consider the well being of Americans as the greatest good.
That is in direct conflict with what Americans think it means for America to be winning.
In my opinion, we'll never make progress until we pull this out into the light and come to a common understanding. Otherwise, the entire MAGA movement will wither and die.
I'm not going to remain silent on this. And if that means saying Trump is wrong, then I'll say Trump is wrong. Elon says he's willing to go to war over this. In my opinion, bring it on.
That's how adults approach life in general. I agree. Test everything and everybody that can impact your life.
It's histrionic and boring
tempest in a tea pot
It’s the deep state trying to turn everyone against Elon! Don’t fall for it
I voted for Trump not anyone else.