And so it begins...
Senator Lindsey Graham: The New Orleans Terrorist Attack Shows We Must Redeploy the Troops to the Middle East to Combat Radical Islam
đźš” Crimes, RINOs, & Democrats đź’¸
You first faggot!
he is gay
He's a mincing pedophile faggot.
Fuck off! Deploy them to the border so they can't come over here in the first place!
And dissemble the NWO networks, all this "radical Islam" will stop. These terrorists work for higher, tangible forces! Go looking in the Masonic temples, Opus Dei, Knights of Malta, Vatican, Israel, Brussels, City of London, DC, Georgetown university and all Jesuit groups, etc
Like clockwork...
Never let a tragedy go to waste.
Gee, if only I could figure out which group of people desperately want us fighting Muslims for them.
this guy is all about wartime money laundering
Wouldn’t we want them here to protect us from the terrorists let in over the last 4 years. Let those in the ME kill each other on their own soil. We’re busy for a while.
Yes, we do. But when he says "we," he means someone else.
Why do we have to invade a country across the planed in order for the local authorities to keep our border shut? Can someone explain this to me or am I missing something? /s
how about we deploy all of his campaign donors and let the troops go home
No, you idiot! We need to stop the radicals that you and the uniparty let in. We know where they are, but you won’t get your kickbacks if we stop them here. Lindsay, you’re a lunatic that thinks we have to put our children in harm’s way. You should be infantry and the first one on the front lines. If you want a fight, you need to be in it. No skin in the game, so save face by keeping the lower half shut.
The enemies are inside the United States (by design) so yeah, lets deploy troops elsewhere. Great plan you piece of shit
They delayed the sugarbowl for this ff! What bs.
Saw that.
Ff and idiots. Tomorrow at 4pm. So it can be played during daylight hours. Ohio still winning.
Delusional sack of smelly shit.
Once a warmongering ass licker, always a warmongering asslicker.
Isn't it interesting how his first reaction is that we need to start up a war half way across the world? Any excuse to start up another hugely profitable war for his "donors" in the Military Industrial Complex. Instead of worrying about that, Lindsey, maybe we should take the money we would spend on that war and use it to clean out the trash that has slipped over our own borders from those countries.
One more thing. Isn't Lindsey a girl's name? What's YOUR excuse? You don't have to answer that question. We all know what the real reason is!
To protect America we have to beat down radical money laundering and lobbying.
What an absolute and utter piece of shit that closeted homosexual is
Time to deploy the military to round up the illegal border crossers and get them out of the US
I thought this terrorist was American?
And you'll be right there in the front lines, leading the charge, won't you, Lindsey? Suuuure you will.
Warmongering sack of shit.
Lousy fearmongering Graham. Instead, let’s eradicate all the foreign and illegal criminal scum that have crossed the border that have done harm and plan to do harm… Arrest them, execute them, and send all the rest back over the wall and never allow them back in. Let Trump and his military do what they are going to do. Get out of the way, LG! You and the rest of them.
Move Congress and the Senate to new buildings to the Middle East
Fuck warmongering Ladybugs. We're not that far from a new sheriff taking over.
Time for him to be booted out of office-RINO.
Maybe here first? That is if it's not a three letter that did it in the first place!
Make this POS aware you don't serve in his internet army, and won't be enlisting in the real army as long as you are expected to fight and protect such a fuckwit..
War monger. Line your pockets.
Never understood what North Carolinians see in Linda. Dude has always been sus to me. Maybe they'd rather have him in DC than be screwing up things in NC.
Of course, I don't understand why my own state keeps re-electing Manchin either...
He keeps switching sides, how long can this go on? He needs to pick a side and stay there. I wish he would pick the side against MAGA, because we wouldn't be able to trust him otherwise! Why would Trump or anyone else in government ever trust him again? The people that elect him when he is running are either stupid or the elections are fixed!
HALO jump him naked into the Middle East.
Lindsey Grahamnesty's time is running out.
The Qur’an is from hell and so is Islam.