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California is burning. This is the time we all should be on our knees praying for our Heavenly Father to help the innocent people there. (IF) we don't pray, these 'terrorists' of sorts who are setting additional fires could be starting them in our states next. We could be the ones losing our homes, our memories, our family members. These people stop at nothing. Our Lord knows who they are. Please join me in prayer for the good people of California. Our voices, our hearts, all gathered in agreement. Thank you.
Our precious Heavenly Father,
We come together today to pray for our brothers and sisters in California who are suffering a Hell on Earth. We beg you dear Lord to hear our prayers and send down the rain. Put out the fires of Satan who is wandering about to do them harm. Give them peace. Stop their suffering. Comfort them all Father.
We pray Lord for the unification of their state. Take out the evil Leaders. Prove what the evil ones have been doing. Put in the rightful Leaders and help them rebuild what was once a beautiful state. We ask for a Hedge of Protection against the enemy. The enemy of Fire and evil. Protect them Lord and guide them with your loving hand. We want to thank you Father for all you have given us. The blessings of love and mercy that you bestow upon us. Even when we know we are not deserving, you still love us, and we thank you and praise you for it all.
We ask these things in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Amen. Lord, please comfort and strengthen them all as they bear up against this latest attack. 🙏✝️
Amen! Thank you for the prayer
Watch our Lord perform a miracle. It will be beautiful. And you're welcome.
Amen....Beautiful prayer!!!
Thank you. We must all pray together against these forces of evil in order to save our world. That is (IF) the good Lord, our Heavenly Father, is willing. His will be done. Amen.
A beautiful and heartfelt prayer, Mary. Thank you and amen!
Thank you.
Amen 🙏 I’m praying for CA, NC & Hawaii in addition to the rest of America and the world. I certainly can’t get my words together like this. You should write a prayer book or a blog. I know who has the time? Let’s not forget the Ohio region with the train derailment. Something evil is most definitely happening and the news media say just enough to get the ratings and move on. I still see posts on instagram about NC & what they are going through. Hawaii not so much but occasionally see something. It’s sad our government gives money to the world, supports lazy people but not the hardworking average citizens.
Amen. Matthew 6:5-8 "And, when you pray, you must not be like hypocrites. For they love to pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray unto your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. And when you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."
Thanks, I stopped folding towels this morning and did some serious praying.
I posted those verses when you said I should do a prayer pod or something like that. I try not to pray like that as it is a mockery to God. I try (only) to pray on here when someone requests the need for prayer OR (I feel) there is a need for prayer. That is when you will see my written prayers on here.
And good for you that you took that to heart. You took a moment from your daily work and went into your 'prayer closet' and prayed. God bless you.
Thanks for the explanation. I went to a small country Methodist church growing up, in my teens flipped from that to small Presbyterian church. Only reason I was going to both mom & friends mom said we had to go somewhere. I went with my best friend when I spent the night with her. I didn’t grow up being taught prayer and salvation like the Baptist start teaching at an early age. At this point I’ve seen to several different denominations but lean more towards Baptist, I like the call to alter at the end of service and the preaching style. I will watch local black preaching on facebook, love that style also.
mockery to God I don’t see it that way but I’m not schooled in this, not disagreeing, glad to learn. I’ve read or watched (not sure source) (if you have a near death experience and see God, heaven, etc that’s an experience between you and God. Telling about it is against his plan or ways for us. It’s seen as bragging, etc. If you start watching “Christian & preaching on YouTube these videos pop up. I’ve started watching a few, don’t know if it’s true or just for clicks. I’d love a good source or scripture on this subject, is it private or should it be taught?
Yes I took a moment for the extra long (request) prayer. I used to say I talk to myself and it’s ok if I answer myself. Now, I think I’m talking to God more than myself. Who knows🤷🏻♀️ I still talk to my grandparents, especially my grandma. I don’t believe ghost is something of God, if they exist it’s of the dark world. But I joke my grandad & great grandma are in my house, it was my great grandparents house. If something falls I say, ok (so & so) I hear you. Seriously, I don’t believe if a person dies as a Christian they are still here. The Bible says you don’t know or see pain and bad things when you move on to heaven. So many preachers etc say your loved ones are watching over you and can see you. I argue, how can they see us in the world if they can’t see our pain? It doesn’t matter honestly, the important thing is our relationship with God. I just think this subject was started to help ease the pain of losing someone.
Have a good day, I woke up at 3 and can’t sleep. Did a little straightening, drinking coffee, pain patches on my back so I can get some organizing & cleaning out later in the day. Small house, little storage and too much stuff. Trying to be better at letting go. Yet every time hubby needs this or that for {man projects} I pull it out, saves you from buying it. Gotta get a happy medium!
I understand what you mean. I too started out as Baptist, then I attended a Nazarene church on my own as a young teenager. Left my home and moved in with my Grandma too. Loved the country. She is who taught me most everything I know.
Moved back home about 3 years later at age 17 to take care of my Mom who was dying of cervical or uterine cancer. Never knew exactly which one. She died at the age of 42. After that my life took different turns and I got married. I lost 2 babies at the age of 21. Then I lost my mind. Went into depression and severe anxiety/panic attacks. It was a living nightmare.
After some time passed with going to a psychiatrist and medication and staying 'drunk' for 2 months from morning until I passed out at night, I finally grabbed myself by my bootstraps and pulled myself out of it. Or should I say, "God did?" I told myself, "I was ME once, and I will be ME again." And that was all it took. I SPOKE IT.
After 26 years of marriage to my children's father I divorced him. He was no longer the man I married as he became an alcoholic and stopped working, leaving me holding the bag and supporting us all. His sister won a case of Canadian Mist whiskey at the Moose Lodge and gave all her brothers a bottle. My husband loved it and asked her for another. No longer would he drink the beer he used to, he became a wife abusing whiskey alcoholic. He started choking me and accusing me of things I hadn't done. Then he started sleeping with a knife under his side of the bed. It was hard to sleep with one eye open.
All my friends thought they were going to read my obit in the newspaper if I didn't leave him. So after about 3 years of fights and abuse (not good for my kids) God sent me a sign to leave. And I NEVER LOOKED BACK. It cost me about $12,000 dollars for that divorce, but it was well worth every cent. I know that's not a lot of money to some people, but it was a lot to me. And God helped me through it. I know God doesn't believe in Divorce as that is not part of his plan, but I believe he knows when something doesn't work. If I'd have stayed, I would most likely not be alive today.
So now I have my husband George who is a very decent man. He takes care of me and never tells me what I can or can't do. We attend a Christian Church that I believe God led us to. It is very family oriented and we take 3 of my/our Grandkids as George was with me when every grandkid I have was born, except for one when he had to go to Florida due to his Mother having a triple bypass. My exe husband NEVER went to the hospital when any of these grandkids were born. These kids look up at George as their Pappy and he enjoys every minute of it. Sorry this is long. I just wanted to show you that we're not that much different.
Hey, I read this about 3AM, first half of day was in zombie mode then sleepy & then doing stuff. Thanks for sharing, don’t ever feel bad for that with me. I’m going to reply when I have more time. You know I’m long winded😆 Glad you got away for you, your child(ren) & grandkids. God knows what we need always even if we don’t.
Genesis 18:23-33
23 Then Abraham drew near and said, “Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? 24 Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city. Will you then sweep away the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous who are in it? 25 Far be it from you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?” 26 And the Lord said, “If I find at Sodom fifty righteous in the city, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”
27 Abraham answered and said, “Behold, I have undertaken to speak to the Lord, I who am but dust and ashes. 28 Suppose five of the fifty righteous are lacking. Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five?” And he said, “I will not destroy it if I find forty-five there.” 29 Again he spoke to him and said, “Suppose forty are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of forty I will not do it.” 30 Then he said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak. Suppose thirty are found there.” He answered, “I will not do it, if I find thirty there.” 31 He said, “Behold, I have undertaken to speak to the Lord. Suppose twenty are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of twenty I will not destroy it.” 32 Then he said, “Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak again but this once. Suppose ten are found there.” He answered, “For the sake of ten I will not destroy it.” 33 And the Lord went his way, when he had finished speaking to Abraham, and Abraham returned to his place.
Timely, thinking of L.A. and Hollywood.
AMEN! This is what I'm talking about. Thank you.
Coming up tomorrow: The Top Ten Treasons.
I might be right about this...
I hope you are fren.
Not sure ...
YOU guys went quoting the Scriptures have me going to my bible and studying it more and more these days.
The following is what I found on bibletools.org: What the Bible says about Fire, Cleansing Properties of Fire...
Tango Yankee...and NOTE: Even a Blind Squirrel finds a Nut Sometimes!!!!!!! AND I WEAR GLASSES!!!!!!
Carpe' Diem!!!!!!
SERIOUS question, discussion or just thoughts, CANCER
I hope more will be revealed with RFK jr and team about cause of cancer and big pharma’s involvement. This family that’s close to me, but not close enough for me to truth bomb, three women have had breast cancer. One is going through it a second time in her elderly years. She had her breast removed because doctors said it’s necessary to keep it from coming back. At this point all three women have had breast removed, younger ones had implants. I can’t judge them because I don’t know what I’d do to survive/live. Yet, they don’t see everything they eat, drink, put on their bodies is causing cancer. Years ago I would tell them how toxic things were. They know I don’t eat certain foods and don’t use toxic body products. They probably think I’m crazy and spending extra money on non toxic is a scam. Even my husband won’t change his toothpaste, soap, etc. Honestly I gradually changed products because of skin allergies to ingredients. Now I just know I can’t use mass produced body products and it’s worth the extra money to avoid skin reactions.
Anyway, at this stage they have gone through the breast removal at doctors advice. I’m so anti gov, pharma & doctor my mind says, “do you really have cancer?” Is it just something made up for profit and to mutilate a woman’s body? We are living in an anti “natural born” woman era. The trans body mutilation just has me thinking and questioning. My great grandmother had one breast way before I was born, in early 60s had one removed and for over twenty years had several different forms of cancer.
I’m trying to give it to God, praying people will question things, see the light. Just like the push for sunscreen and sun is bad, causes cancer. We can’t survive without the sun. How can it be bad? Yet, cow farts are killing the planet. Why do I expect people to question the cancer regime/industry. Oh I could go on and on, we all could because we know the truth.
My husband knows if we are ever diagnosed I won’t just follow orders. Too many natural treatments and cures available not to pursue them.
If you don’t want to go down the rabbit hole I get it. Honestly I don’t want to either. I’m just upset people believe anything dr says. I’m venting because I’ve been hearing about all this for a few years from this family and the past year it’s been a bombardment. Basically when mom was told it was back the girls were with her every step and they all went to the same cancer hospital for treatment. Told they had a rare or genetic mutation of aggressive cancer. I’ve known them all my life, not especially close but see each other at special fam events, etc.
I guess this is how God feels about his children not accepting Jesus as their savior. He knows their destiny but can’t force them. Blessings dealing with your own people that are clueless.
I was just thinking about how much we mutilate in the name of medicine last night. Kayleigh McEnany interviewed a detrans girl who had both breasts removed and Kayleigh was using her proactive decision to remove hers due to genetic testing as a discussion point and it made me so sad and angry. How many people have disfigured themselves in the name of “science.” Smh.
I don’t think I want to know how many people have done it. Seems like Angelina (can’t remember last name) Brad Pitt’s X, had testing and had her breast removed. We really don’t know if she actually did. Could have been propaganda to get women on board.
Wednesday Poem...Noʻu Revilla - For Gaza
The Worst Of Babylon Bee
Newsom Assures Wildfire Victims He Is Diverting Millions Of Dollars To Emergency DEI Initiatives
Mike Johnson Calls LEGO To Order Another Set Of Hair
Wife Bestows Medal Of Honor On Husband For Loading Dishwasher
Trump Announces Plan To Rename The Moon ‘Space America’
10 More Things Trump Plans To Rename
South South Carolina... Chuckle. Several good ones in that last link. Thx, anon.
...anytime friend..
LEGO hair. 😂 So dumb: I love it.
...doggy winks...
A fine snow, very small flakes have been coming down steady for a couple of days, northwind steady too,it is a good old fashioned January up here near Quebec, 6 degrees, yesterday it was 2. Those of us who know winter, know those finer snows add up, and don't stop. I cannot imagine my world bursting into flames like it is in California. In Canada, in the BC province, they get fires every summer. If you get caught throwing a cigarette butt out the car window the fines are in the thousands.It doesn't take much, wind and flame, and when it gets hot enough, that fire finds the roots of the trees and follows along the root lines. I like to think that because I live rurally, houses spare, population small, I am safe from this sort of terrorism. We have crime and drug addiction too, since fentanyl and meth started flowing in. But not anywhere near the scale other places and cities have it, the cold seems to keep the riff raff out, and the climate is not attractive to the cartel thugs from south of the border. North of the border we have people sneaking in regularly, but reports are that there is always a car waiting for them, and they head to points south. I'll take my single digits and lovely snow over the illegal criminals swarming in and staying. As they say, "if you can't find enjoyment in the winter weather, you will still get the same amount of snow, whether you enjoy it or not". The loggers prefer to cut wood in the coldest of weather, the woods are clear, the trees cut like butter when they are frozen. The barn is warm enough and the goats have their shaggy winter coats, chickens are fine and full of grain. I sure hope everyone is prepped for the next 6 months or so, spiritually and practically. I expect more "natural" disasters are on the play list, God will help you get through, but he gave us brains and reasoning for a purpose, to survive and to help others.
Last night I watched another free B-rated movie on youtube.. they're relaxing and campy. It's called Tribulation, and Gary Bussey looked good there. It's actually very relevant to today's times.
Here's the link:
Update: cat (kitten) spent the night on my porch (always call it that), it was a porch now closed in but colder than rest of house poorly insulated due to stone walls and lots of glass. It’s laundry room, entry, extra freezer & fridge, storage. Finally got smart after 20 years and put the door back up. Was really helpful keeping out exploring g-baby and especially closing off in extreme heat and cold. Now he’s back inside, when temp rises he’s out again. Doing test runs to get him acclimated so he’s got a place during storm tomorrow. I can’t believe me the cat lady doesn’t want him inside. I’m finally past dealing with liter box and a cat tearing up everything. My last cat was declawed. Sure it was nice because she didn’t tear up the furniture. But, we regretted it, she was extremely sensitive in her feet and the meanest cat I’ve ever seen. She loved me but nobody else. I now know declawing is not right or humane. She lived a good life for 16 years and I don’t regret having her. Mainly, my house is tiny and liter box woes. This kitten showed up on my doorstep and the cat adoption placement groups are full, even with a donation aren’t accepting. Only option would be I fund his vet bills and foster care for unlimited time until adopted. I’ve followed these groups and some cats are on rotating door, families return them for whatever reason. Sure I’d pay for spay/neuter and rabies vax, but vets are as bad as doctors with vax. People pay hundreds $ at every vet check up. It got so expensive my daughter just does yearly check up & rabies just to have vet available in case of emergency. Does rabies because of the law more than anything. If dog bites someone especially a child they will go after the owner. I get it but then again I don’t, how’s a house dog going to get rabies?! I clearly got off subject! Anyway my heart is weak or too big, I can’t let the little thing freeze. Hubby is as bad as me. We keep telling each other he’s not going to freeze, God created him as a wild animal to survive. Then we do the opposite. WOW, chatter box this morning and very long winded, off track as usual🤦🏻♀️
Y’all have good day. Praying for CA fire victims and safety. There’s so much going on between fires, NC mountain folk still fighting to survive, illegals, “natural disasters” etc. I’m very thankful for what I have and the little problems are nothing to what some are facing. Ready for Trump & his team!
That's sweet that you're looking out for the kitten like you are.
I feel you on the litter box woes. I hate them. I have a crazy thing I want to share about that. My oldest cat basically (semi) potty trained himself. I swear to you that I'm not lying or exaggerating.
One day, after I used the toilet and was washing my hands, I heard a tinkling sound and turned around to see him perched on the toilet seat, peeing in the toilet. It was surreal.
But he won't poop in the toilet. 🤷♀️ He still uses the litter box for that. I don't understand why he will do #1 in the toilet, but not #2. Cats are weird. 🤷♀️
Oh that’s hilarious 😆 thanks for sharing. Yeah they are weird. I got him ball with bells in it, like tennis ball. He’s grabbing it by the teeth and carrying it around. They are so entertaining I don’t understand people that hate cats. I loved it when I was pregnant and couldn’t do the liter box or clean the shower (tilex). I love my husband but didn’t feel guilty one bit. Growing up my cat’s liter box was a Budweiser cardboard case box with yard dirt. It was nice to just toss it into the woods. She was outside as much as inside though.
Put a little cat carrier out there with the heating pad at night. Seen some people do that on social media for homeless catch that are not in their house. Just a little heating pad with the towel over it so it doesn’t burn the cat.
Good idea, thanks. So far he’s ok in the house. He slept last night on the back porch/room. I had to move everything out, shoes plants and anything else he can tear up. It’s the room that catches everything coming and going. Temps be ok by Sunday. I’m just trying to keep out of snow and ice on Friday night. These systems usually pass through quickly. I’ll probably eventually get hubby to make him a box. Feral cat groups make boxes out of igloo coolers. He’s not getting my heating pad! It’s about twenty years old and still works. Bought a new one and it burns me in ten minutes. The one before that was so hot I got a refund and they said cut the cord and toss it. Pretty bad when the company knows the products aren’t safe.
Sounds like you’re doing a great job for your fur friend. I twisted my back last week and I’m using my heating pad, even on level one it burns. So dumb. God bless you and thanks for taking care of God’s creatures.
Never heard of twisted back, is it like a pulled muscle? Get some over the counter lidocaine patches. If I was close I’d give you some. RX is very expensive but I have good insurance. I get several boxes for 10 & my mil says she would have to pay 100. Communist insurance denies if the doctor doesn’t say it’s for shingles or herpes. When they started that my dr said, “I don’t want to know specifics, have you had either condition?” Heck I’ve been getting fever blisters since I was a kid, herpes😆 I think the ovc ones are 5% now just like my RX. You might be able to find local St. John’s wort oil or Trauma oil (st John’s, calendula & usually olive oil). It really helps spar muscles. I can give you good source if you need it. I hope you get better soon. Pain really sucks! I’ll take all the blessings I can get. I really love cats better than dogs. Became a dog person when we got first dachshund. Really I’m a dachshund person not dogs! They don’t believe they are dogs anyway😆 I was at my daughter’s today and told her (our) dog buy. He looked at me like I shot him. He stays with me when she works and sometimes on the weekends if they need me. They go to their coast house every weekend. Occasionally I keep him if guests are coming. Then I’m there at least once a month and he’s always with me. I spoil him and he doesn’t get away anything from everyone else. But he also listens to me better. He’s so frightened of a cat. My first dog and my cat were buddies. Really miss them both.
Starts at 58 seconds
I have a theory that these fires are set intentionally in the nearby mountains or whatever and then the power company is overloading the breaker/meter at each house. There have been articles about the power companies changing everyone over to "smart meters" but I think there is something in that system that allows them to overload the meter.
They can blame climate change or wind all they want but they are burning houses down to the concrete pads and this looks atypical of a natural fire.
Carter funeral live
u/mods please sticky
11:20 (82) Done Protections are ON for this site Website not working? greatawakening.win The certificate for this site is invalid. You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be greatawakening.win which could put your confidential information at risk. Connection May Be Insecure • Requests Blocked from Loading Third-Party Requests Loaded
This is what I see when I open this site.
Why are they causing chaos and destruction now? Wouldn't it be easier to blame it on Trump if they waited until he took office?
They ran out of time. They ran that game against Trump already and didn’t win. Now they know he has soooo many more on his side than he did in 2016-2020. They’re desperate. And in despair. They are now more dangerous than ever because now they have nothing to lose. Except they will lose. They will lose their power, their positions, their agenda against Trump, and God willing, their party!!!
They are so desperate that no matter what they do, it only makes us gain power in numbers. They will never learn.
And many of them need to lose their lives in front of a firing squad in Gitmo too.
Agree! It’s despicable what crimes against humanity they did
Asking for advice, I got screwed by Elon and America pac. I got a bunch of petitions signed and even received confirmation that money was on the way. Never got paid. My husband did a few and he got paid in November. I have made several inquiries through the website but still nothing. I just want that money, times are hard and that $500 sure would help. I just don't know what other steps I can take. Any ideas?
I’ve lived in the same location 57 years and have never seen a bald eagle here. Saw one once on swampy river fishing teeny years ago. This Eagle was in a field (by the road) eating on the remains of a dead deer that the buzzards had mostly eaten. I didn’t know they ate dead animals, never really thought about it. Behind my house is swampy in the summer and a creek a mile back. It’s totally different in the winter. Guess being cold not much to eat. I’ll have to research this. Either way it was very nice to see such a beautiful animal.