Obama bypassed Melania and Donald, not acknowledging them with a handshake, shook other hands and sat down. Same with the Bushes and Clintons. The Trumps are personna non grata. But Mrs. Pence has smiles for everyone else. Optics say a lot. I would say the Clintons, Pences, Bushes and Obama are guilty as hell and they are pissed because they know what is coming. Mike Pence was going to ignore the Trumps until Al Gore took the first step. I would say, all showed their true colors.
The Big Club is real and, to me, this proves that Trump is a man of We the People and the cabal uni-party HATES him for it. They hate us.
The fact that they all looked for envelopes in their folders cracked me up.
Barbara looked several times like she couldn't believe there wasn't one there.
I noticed there was no Jeb! at this funeral, but then again this isn't his Dad's funeral, it's Jimmy's. He would have been told to stay home though, because he can't keep his reactions discrete.
He should have brought his own envelope [pulled it out of his folder] stood up and looked around desperately like Jeb! did. That would have thrown everyone else for a loop.
Based on professional lip-readers’ analysis of the video, Trump is telling Obama about some sort of deal he “pulled out of”, and that he needs to discuss a “matter of importance” in a “quiet place” today.
Trump is not cracking jokes. That’s a nervous laugh from Obama.
Make no mistake, these two men are not friendly. Obama literally tried to have Trump assassinated. Trump is bullying Obama in this video, he is just doing it in a professional and tactful manner. Trump is flexing on Obama here.
Trump is subtly/indirectly telling Obama that he knows what Obama has done, and Obama is terrified. That’s why Obama is nervous laughing, and why the rest of the surrounding Deep State rats in the video are panicking. Bush keeps looking over and looks like he just saw a ghost. Kamala is nervously fidgeting and keeps looking over at the conversation.
This is Trump’s way of saying “I know it was you, Fredo”.
My overactive mind focused on Mrs. Melania and reminds me of the painting of the man and woman painting with pitchfork! Watch the way she is dressed! Must be comms!
The Clinton’s basically snubbed George who looks like a cheap knock off of himself…. I tense just watching these vipers. Can’t imagine for President Trump and the First Lady!
Strangely, the first thing I noticed was how incredibly tight the seating is - like these people's hips would be touching the person next to them in those little chairs attached to each other. Why would they do that and not give anyone an inch of personal space?
Interesting- I noticed obama stood up and let the bushes in and blocked them from acknowledging DJT & M. I was thinking how lucky Melania was to be on the end BUT I’m sure that was by design so neither Trump would be pined in.
Yes, I noticed that as well. POTUS wasn't on the aisle seat and Melania didn't sit between POTUS & Hussein this time, so they changed that up. I didn't see any "seating chart" with anyone's names on the chairs, so I wonder if people were just directed to sit in a specific row and they could choose any seat.
I would have preferred POTUS sitting on an aisle seat with Melania blocking direct access to the next person over in the aisle. Maybe POTUS wanted to say something to Hussein and positioned himself accordingly. Who knows.
Have to admit, it's disappointing that we didn't see anything 'exciting' at this event like the infamous hidden envelopes at the GHW Bush funeral.
I wish someone would post a closer look at the conversation between Trump and Obama so I could lip read it. One thing I could see is Obama a few times repeating do it, do it. I could also read him say, you have to remember but could not see the rest.
34 guy was from Wednesday at the Rotunda. You can see him in the video embedded in the second link (abcnews).
Wednesday, Jan. 8: The late president continues to lie in state while the military maintains a guard of honor. The public is invited to pay their respects from 7 a.m. on Jan. 8 until 7 a.m. on Jan. 9.
Please people stop putting any credence or brainpower into the handshakes. It's pretty clear to me the former presidents met and greeted one another before this video starts, in another location, before they entered (in a certain order) and greeted Pence and Gore, etc. Bush slaps Obama playfully on his chest as a reaction to Obama standing up. Bush later stands up for The Clintons, who offer no reaction.
Are there any skilled audiologists? Not sure if that's the right word. You can hear them talking, but the music drowns it out. You can even hear the pages turning and the cameras clicking. May not get everything, but somewhat of the jist of what is being said.
We need a lip reader to find out what was said between Trump and Obama. And dang, W. is looking oold.
W. at 78 definitely does not look like he gets as good as nutrition advice as he could be getting!
Trump to O. : don’t worry, you won’t be living as long as Carter lived!
And Barbara is looking even older. She is not aging like W's mom at all.
This whole scene makes it so obvious to me that there really is a "Big Club" and Trump's not in it!
Everyone is getting along just swimmingly and they all HATE Trump.
I think that's Laura; Barbara was his mama.
Exactly! I love to see all of these human like husks + Trump gathered together in one place like this. It's fascinating to watch the dynamics!
Stickied - Go check it out
I hope President Trump recorded the entire conversation.
The NY Post already had a lip reader reveal what was said.
Obama bypassed Melania and Donald, not acknowledging them with a handshake, shook other hands and sat down. Same with the Bushes and Clintons. The Trumps are personna non grata. But Mrs. Pence has smiles for everyone else. Optics say a lot. I would say the Clintons, Pences, Bushes and Obama are guilty as hell and they are pissed because they know what is coming. Mike Pence was going to ignore the Trumps until Al Gore took the first step. I would say, all showed their true colors.
Nailed it.
The Big Club is real and, to me, this proves that Trump is a man of We the People and the cabal uni-party HATES him for it. They hate us.
The fact that they all looked for envelopes in their folders cracked me up.
Barbara looked several times like she couldn't believe there wasn't one there.
I noticed there was no Jeb! at this funeral, but then again this isn't his Dad's funeral, it's Jimmy's. He would have been told to stay home though, because he can't keep his reactions discrete.
Jeb's never earned applause in his life.
Do you mean Laura?
Even DJT looked through his folder the minute he sat down. I wonder if he was expecting notes in the folders of all of them there.
He should have brought his own envelope [pulled it out of his folder] stood up and looked around desperately like Jeb! did. That would have thrown everyone else for a loop.
That would’ve been hilarious!!!
dude, that's Laura - his wife - not Barbara, his mother
I know - I wanted to see Jeb because he has NO POKER FACE!
Where'ds Big Mike?
On trial somewhere…or maybe they couldn’t find a double that big that resembled a women.
Where is FJB?
Who? Oh the local resident! Funny how I didn’t even notice his absence
Sorry, I jumped the gun, I typed my question, then my brain caught up and I realized that this was only a short clip. He came in later, duh.
He was with Newscum blocking air space from fire pilots?
Oh yeah, just an actor, right?
Ya, W looks terrible! This is what Trump and Obama were laughing at. LOL
in a substack article from Clandestine
Based on professional lip-readers’ analysis of the video, Trump is telling Obama about some sort of deal he “pulled out of”, and that he needs to discuss a “matter of importance” in a “quiet place” today.
Trump is not cracking jokes. That’s a nervous laugh from Obama.
Make no mistake, these two men are not friendly. Obama literally tried to have Trump assassinated. Trump is bullying Obama in this video, he is just doing it in a professional and tactful manner. Trump is flexing on Obama here.
Trump is subtly/indirectly telling Obama that he knows what Obama has done, and Obama is terrified. That’s why Obama is nervous laughing, and why the rest of the surrounding Deep State rats in the video are panicking. Bush keeps looking over and looks like he just saw a ghost. Kamala is nervously fidgeting and keeps looking over at the conversation.
This is Trump’s way of saying “I know it was you, Fredo”.
You can see a lot of tension in President Trump’s smile so even though he looks relaxed a lot more is going on. We are at the popcorn stage!
My overactive mind focused on Mrs. Melania and reminds me of the painting of the man and woman painting with pitchfork! Watch the way she is dressed! Must be comms!
What, no update notes from Q?
MOAR Sauce here.
Central Casting.
The Clinton’s basically snubbed George who looks like a cheap knock off of himself…. I tense just watching these vipers. Can’t imagine for President Trump and the First Lady!
This threw me off..
All these traitors look so happy to be sitting next to GEOTUS.
Why??? Deals made?
Strangely, the first thing I noticed was how incredibly tight the seating is - like these people's hips would be touching the person next to them in those little chairs attached to each other. Why would they do that and not give anyone an inch of personal space?
Interesting- I noticed obama stood up and let the bushes in and blocked them from acknowledging DJT & M. I was thinking how lucky Melania was to be on the end BUT I’m sure that was by design so neither Trump would be pined in.
Yes, I noticed that as well. POTUS wasn't on the aisle seat and Melania didn't sit between POTUS & Hussein this time, so they changed that up. I didn't see any "seating chart" with anyone's names on the chairs, so I wonder if people were just directed to sit in a specific row and they could choose any seat.
I would have preferred POTUS sitting on an aisle seat with Melania blocking direct access to the next person over in the aisle. Maybe POTUS wanted to say something to Hussein and positioned himself accordingly. Who knows.
Have to admit, it's disappointing that we didn't see anything 'exciting' at this event like the infamous hidden envelopes at the GHW Bush funeral.
I wish someone would post a closer look at the conversation between Trump and Obama so I could lip read it. One thing I could see is Obama a few times repeating do it, do it. I could also read him say, you have to remember but could not see the rest.
Watching the video of the Trumps at Carters funeral,
There's a man in the crowd on left side wearing a shirt with a giant 34 on it
Could be 84 too.
Could be Bears jersey.
34 was Payton.
Makes no sense, but, that's what it could be until i see video.
It could be... have you found another videos from a different angle? There probably is by now, I'm heading out and can't search for one now.
34 guy was from Wednesday at the Rotunda. You can see him in the video embedded in the second link (abcnews).
Please people stop putting any credence or brainpower into the handshakes. It's pretty clear to me the former presidents met and greeted one another before this video starts, in another location, before they entered (in a certain order) and greeted Pence and Gore, etc. Bush slaps Obama playfully on his chest as a reaction to Obama standing up. Bush later stands up for The Clintons, who offer no reaction.
Are there any skilled audiologists? Not sure if that's the right word. You can hear them talking, but the music drowns it out. You can even hear the pages turning and the cameras clicking. May not get everything, but somewhat of the jist of what is being said.