Bath house Barry sold Bike mike's ass for the white parties and now he knows the video is coming out. He had the tranny Arkancided in fishnet stockings with Tom Hanks DNA all over her balls.
I am talking about basketballs and baseballs of course.
Whatever this is, I guarantee it isn't a divorce. There is no way either one of them would divorce right now and lose the spousal privilege that protects them from being forced to testify against each other.
Especially with Trump starting his 2nd term on Monday.
We also heard such rumors regarding Laura and Dubya before he had to pass the command. Was Laura at Obama’s inauguration? From what I saw the Bushes did not split.
You can split behind the scenes, but basically show up as a married couple to public events as George and Laura Bush are doing. It is also possible that Big Mike and Barack Obama can't stand each other. It makes sense because both are men.
The comments are laughable. "Leave her alone! She hates Trump!" These people are like talking dolls where they say the same thing over and over when you push a button
I am pretty sure Hillary and Kamala aren't too fond of Trump, but they managed to make it to Carter's funeral. TBH, I could see not going to the inauguration. Trump did not attend Biden's and I am only saying that from the normie perspective of optics. The funeral is no excuse. Funerals are about supporting the family as they grieve - it is not about you. But Michelle has always come off as very selfish to me.
There are strong rumors circulating about a possible divorce between Michelle "Big Mike" Obama and Barack Obama.
Speculation is growing as Michelle has already missed Jimmy Carter’s funeral and will once again be skipping Donald Trump’s upcoming inauguration, which Barack will attend alone.
These high-profile absences have led many to speculate that both their marriage and political careers are about to end.
Seems like it's only to protect their money and power. If one is prosecuted and has their money confiscated or has to pay, the other is more protected than if they were joined. There's no loyalty among the cabal. If one falls, the others defend only themselves.
Big Mike can't hide the male pattern baldness any longer. He was promised the presidency. That ship has sailed, so maybe it's time to come out. That would definitely shock most of the world! In any event, good riddance.
Might be time for me to have an eye exam, but hopefully it is just the italics.
I read that as "All that for a damn fag". I almost skipped over it because it seemed to fit the post. It's weird when stuff happens like that.
Big Mike blew out berry's asshole so need to move on.
So big Mike doesn't want to hang along with his traitor mate?
Kenya believe that?
I did nazi that coming!
Or as explained in this comment by @Maui_Boy it could be just a trick to bring all their assets under Big Mike's name...
It is. That’s the reason for the divorce.
Wonder if it has to do with the Pdiddy parties?
Bath house Barry sold Bike mike's ass for the white parties and now he knows the video is coming out. He had the tranny Arkancided in fishnet stockings with Tom Hanks DNA all over her balls.
I am talking about basketballs and baseballs of course.
😆 😂 🤭
I can't believe no one made a comment on the DNA being left on Wilson Brand soccer balls too, I left it wide open.
Such a disappointment.
Yeah, this was my first thought too.
Ally named both Obamas as having used her for sexual entertainment.
Big Mike shouldn’t have killed that chef.
I was going to say that. That whole fiasco was evidence of a very big problem in Obamaville.
Maybe something more sinister is going on.
Maybe he fled the country and when Obama finishes whatever he will flee also.
I guarantee this is something they are plotting against Trump.
I think anything pointing to divorce is a red Herring...
There's no doubt another reason and the divorce excuse is easy to fool the normies with...
Case in point, the clintons...No matter what, you stay together for business & political reasons
Whatever this is, I guarantee it isn't a divorce. There is no way either one of them would divorce right now and lose the spousal privilege that protects them from being forced to testify against each other.
Especially with Trump starting his 2nd term on Monday.
We also heard such rumors regarding Laura and Dubya before he had to pass the command. Was Laura at Obama’s inauguration? From what I saw the Bushes did not split.
You can split behind the scenes, but basically show up as a married couple to public events as George and Laura Bush are doing. It is also possible that Big Mike and Barack Obama can't stand each other. It makes sense because both are men.
The comments are laughable. "Leave her alone! She hates Trump!" These people are like talking dolls where they say the same thing over and over when you push a button
I am pretty sure Hillary and Kamala aren't too fond of Trump, but they managed to make it to Carter's funeral. TBH, I could see not going to the inauguration. Trump did not attend Biden's and I am only saying that from the normie perspective of optics. The funeral is no excuse. Funerals are about supporting the family as they grieve - it is not about you. But Michelle has always come off as very selfish to me.
Distraction, delusion, disinformation.
Seems like it's only to protect their money and power. If one is prosecuted and has their money confiscated or has to pay, the other is more protected than if they were joined. There's no loyalty among the cabal. If one falls, the others defend only themselves.
Also, Barry had other lovers while married. He won’t miss her too much.
Michael probably didn't like what the "chef" was serving to Barry and the "drowning" was a message to Barry's friends from the bathhouse to back off.
How convenient. Acting job done.
What about the chwef that was murdered on their property?!!!
Maybe Barack can flee to Kenya but is she a citizen of Kenya?
Maybe Big Mike is avoiding all this because it is time for the great Reveal
We have an extradition treaty with Kenya.
Maybe he is afraid of arrest.
Was Mike Barry's handler, and now with Mike out of the picture Barry was able to flip?
I wonder if Big Mike went to Kenya to set up house?
Big Mike can't hide the male pattern baldness any longer. He was promised the presidency. That ship has sailed, so maybe it's time to come out. That would definitely shock most of the world! In any event, good riddance.
I'm not a lawyer but I recall some sort of provision that prevents spouses from testifying against each other in court. Ex-spouses however...
I wonder if he found out she has a d#(k