What I'm curious about is why you are having such a melt down about Elon leading Doge. This seems to be very personal to you. Years ago I worked with an ER Doc that had a terrible personality, tantrums, prima donna, immature, you name it. But he was the best Doctor in the ER, brilliant diagnostician and his patients loved him, because he saved their lives. If President Trump thinks Elon is the best man for the job who are we to question that?
My frustration isn't as much about Elon as it is about the people who are in this community grand-standing for him, taking a blind eye in all the bullshit he's spewed, his false promises, his lies, and his hypocrisy. I've been laying it out for many months yet people give him a free pass all because of "Trump."
Consider this. No leftist can defend their stance on voting for Kamala Harris without mentioning Trump. It's impossible for them. Turn this around onto Elon and try defending him without mentioning Trump. It does not stand to reason.
To summarize, perhaps my expectations for (at least half) of this community was too high, which is why this is so infuriating. I came on here expecting people to have a greater level of critical thinking, and less inclined to idol worship. Maybe that explains your "concerns."
I'm sorry that you are frustrated and this community of Patriots has not met your expectations. We will have to agree to disagree at this point. Perhaps you should write Elon directly to voice your "concerns".
Oh. That's easy. Because Elon says out of one side of his mouth that he's MAGA, then when his precious H-1B is threatened, he's America Last.
In no way does the dilemma of Elon / MAGA resemble the scenario you painted w/ the prima donna doctor. We're talking about immense power, immense influence, and - at his core - doesn't believe in American populism as we anons believe.
Unless you can tell me you have had a personal sit down conversation with him and or are a mind reader I don't think you have any idea what he does or doesn't believe. And there is nothing more powerful than God but saving lives comes pretty close when it is your life that is at stake.
LL, I don't need to be a mind reader to take the guy at his word.
He called anyone who disagreed w/ him on H-1B retards. He threatened everyone on X who disagreed with him.
But I can already tell I can't convince you, so I'll leave you with this:
The notion that a multi-billionaire could think he has a direct line to the president after donating $250 million to his campaign is both rational and reasonable to us healthy skeptics.
Each and everyone is a mix of good and bad, Trump included. Putting blind faith in someone as powerful as Elon is never a good thing. Far better, especially after he revealed more of his character and his motivations during the H-1B dust-up, to approach each and every figure in the movement with an open mind.
As in the previous Trump administration, some who claim to be MAGA will disappoint us. It's only a matter of time before we know who fully embraces MAGA and who doesn't.
I haven't given up my freedom or right to think critically. I am a wait and see person. I don't like some of our President's choices but I hired him to be the "CEO" of this country and I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he will do the best job, until he proves me wrong.
I haven't given up my freedom or right to think critically. I am a wait and see person. I don't like some of our President's choices but I hired him to be the "CEO" of this country and I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he will do the best job, until he proves me wrong.
I think that we all forget at times that Trump isn’t executing this plan all alone, he has several people behind him that have been working on the Q plan for probably decades. Yes, Elon has issues, he is autistic after all, and while he is high functioning, it’s pretty obvious that he has difficulty expressing himself in a mature manner, to put it mildly. Pretty sure that anyone that is allowed to get that close to Trump has been vetted to the max by the WHs. I think that distractions are created by the WHs at times, fog of war, a little Sun Tzu, appear weak when you are strong. Regardless, I think it’s wise to always evaluate and decide for ourselves, I tend to have a wait and see approach.
More concerned about him being petty after being exposed for not actually playing the game, it’s a super weird thing to do trying to look cool to kids, it’s exactly like mike walz and that other person faking their gameplay of madden or 2k I forget exactly, but after his H1B statements and now this, something doesn’t sit right with me
Read again carefully. His BEHAVIOR is unacceptable. Leaking DMs and violating his own TOS. Removing monetization and suppressing reach arbitrarily. He has not a single ounce of integrity.
Wtf are you talking about Asmongold doesn't engage in any sort of drug use and was never banned on Twitch. Nobody should surely trust you because you are incapable of getting even your most basic facts straight. Elon Musk has shown more instances of being "doped up" than Asmon, there are concrete examples of him engaging in that behavior. So if you're using that as a means to discredit you are only further discrediting yourself.
Wow. You attacked the messenger rather than the message.. You let him get to you.
Most folk here are Patriots and pretty smart. We will have different views and opinions just as the Apostles of Jesus did and our own Founding Fathers.
You only get banned when you tell truth.
No, that is not the concern and the way you are framing this situation is fucking stupid.
People are concerned because he has built this entire fake persona that never needed to exist. It isn't "I play games", it was "I play games and I am absolutely world class at it." In Diablo it was rank 1, in Path of Exile 2 hardcore it was rank 7.
The problem is, he has been 100% lying. This isn't a white lie, this isn't a lie about oh I did this one achievement once. This is a lie about a core aspect of his identity as a person. Do you understand why that is a problem?
If someone is willing to create a massive amount of lies about the little things, what do you think they will do about the larger issues? Not only that, he just removed someone's blue check mark and thought he was "exposing" them with the leaked dm's, when in reality he just revealed how fucking retarded he is by thinking that was anything to expose in the first place.
I am still willing to be proven wrong on this. I was happy to see Elon join the movement and purchase twitter as much as anyone here. But starting with the H-1B shit, and then how he has gotten exposed even further with this whole gaming debacle, then framing that within the context of his questionable past, I am starting to really believe this dude is a total fraud and a trojan horse to the movement.
Is Musk retarded by exposing "crimes against children" bringing attention to Tommy Robinson's treatment, who is willing too give up his life to save the children, who said " in one case, this group made a 12 year old girl pregnant. They took her to a field and "fixed" her with a screwdriver up her vaginia." God chooses for His purpose by examples in the Old Testament, as with Esther. "It is better for him if a millstone hung around his neck and is thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble" Luke 17:2 Yes, God wants everyone, even Elon, to come back to Him.
You created a strawman to fight against. Me calling Elon "fucking retarded" in this instance, does not mean that I think all of his actions are also retarded by extension.
Tommy Robinson while doing some measures of good is also a zionist puppet and controlled opposition. Do you know that one of the core tenants of free masonry has always heavily revolved around crafting an "image" through philanthropic work. Do you not understand that someone can do good things on the surface, but be hiding a dark and corrupted interior?
Do you know anything about Elon Musk's past or who and what his mother is? Are you this easily fooled that you find questioning these figures actions beyond reproach?
There are so many accounts of people who have performed great acts even that of "saving the children" as a public facing front, but in reality were not who they portrayed themselves to be. Do you understand how controlled opposition works or the concept of a Trojan Horse?
Maybe there is a reason why DOGE is not a real Government Department. When you think about it Musk and Ramaswamy are really nothing more than a “Blue Ribbon Committee,” tasked with providing recommendations that may or may not be adopted.
I suspect most, if not all, of those recommendations will be the product of an AI analysis. Writing this, it hits me that most of Musk’s “legendary” abilities might well be the product of AI and he’s the human interface.
The question I have isn’t whether or not he should be co-chairing this Blue Ribbon Committee. The question is what is President Trump’s real objective for putting Musk in this position? I don’t know and think only time will tell.
Most of the recommendations were probably decided on already a long time ago, DOGE is just public cover for the normies as the changes get deployed over time. Just like how Trump likely has a large number of treaties and agreements already in place with foreign leaders that aren't going to get slow rolled over the next year not suddenly just appear from out of nowhere on day one.
Even f he never sleeps at all it is totally implausible that he’s deeply involved in Space X, Tesla, the Boring Company, X, has time to Tweet throughout the day, give interviews, supposedly be a top level gamer, dabble in politics/government efficiency, etc.
His persona has to be based on a top notch team who is willing to toil in relative anonymity, and, as I said before, the assistance of AI.
I’m not saying that makes him necessarily good or bad, but certainly it makes him a curiosity.
And we care what Asmoncuck has to say why? He's always been a "centrist" grifter who's just now shifting his opinions as he notices the tide changing, dude was happy to agree with woke shit just months ago.
Who was it again that kept screaming that Elon was a "man child" as a smear campaign when he took over Twitter? I remember a certain group that kept doing that.
I wouldn't care about this drama normally, but come on. A lot of you still are running up to bat for the man and time and time again he's proven himself to be not only inept, not only deceitful, but completely immature. This man-child is allegedly going to be taking a lead role in cleaning up government waste, when he can't even clean up his own attitude.
I wouldn't care about this drama normally, but come on.
That is a flat out lie. Looking at your post history proves you care too much about everything "Elon". Well, everything except something favorable about Elon. Trashing Elon and Pete Hegseth is not a good look right now. Obsession is a mental issue, seek help. Besides most of the people here at GAW are behind Trump and his choices. Even if those choices don't pan out the way we expect there's always a reason why Trump makes them. Give it up, bro.
Please show me how this crashout, and Elon's crashout about H1Bs, helps us develop trust in him.
Argue your point without mentioning Trump.
Also you misunderstood me. I wouldn't talk about this kind of drama about anyone else, but if Elon is going to be on payroll my tax dollars are going to, then this HAS to be addressed.
We'll see. Remember this is ALL a movie. Even Trump is going to look like an incompetent, evil globalist as they push us all to the precipice. Taking anything happening at face value right now is exceedingly risky. Let's revisit this in a few years and see if there was more to it than what appeared on the surface. In the mean time, I am withholding judgement.
No. This isn't something that is going to be over in a few months I'm afraid. That's very unrealistic, and any precipice is still off in the distance. Plus Trump has 4 years in office. The earliest I think we might start getting some visibility into the future and an end to this movie is mid 2026. Maybe the sesquicentennial celebrations.
Yeah Doctor Death Jabb and Elon aren't anywhere near the same. You just don't like Elon, and that's ok. Maybe he knows more about what he is talking about than you do? Maybe it's part of the show. But I doubt Elon is a Black Hat. His own kid turned tranny and Elon hates the left for it. I would too!
You know the "his own kid turned tranny", isn't the argument you think it is. Do you know much about the occult world? Do you know Elon Musk's background, do you know who his mother is? Do you know it is common for these Baphomet worshipping types to corrupt at least one of their children and turn them into the opposite sex?
If you do know about these practices that is common in the occult and celebrity/elite world, then have you ever entertained that maybe it wasn't "the left" that turned Elon's kid into a tranny?
Why is it when every time Elon does some grand-standing bullshit he gets a free pass from scrutiny from much of this community? Just because Trump highlights Elon doesn't make him a good guy.
No offense, but what good did it do to put Fauci in the spotlight? The good Dr. is still rich, still free, and so what if some people hate him? Some people hate us too, so what?
I hope any prosecution of Fauci and Co. comes soon. I imagine it will take some time to put a case together once the good guys get their hands on the receipts, or at least what will be left of them.
Certainly a possibility. And one I have entertained as well. But I found myself less persuaded by it when Trump came to their defense on the H1-B controversy. Why come to their aid, if he was trying to expose them? But I guess this will all be resolved in the course of time.
What I'm curious about is why you are having such a melt down about Elon leading Doge. This seems to be very personal to you. Years ago I worked with an ER Doc that had a terrible personality, tantrums, prima donna, immature, you name it. But he was the best Doctor in the ER, brilliant diagnostician and his patients loved him, because he saved their lives. If President Trump thinks Elon is the best man for the job who are we to question that?
My frustration isn't as much about Elon as it is about the people who are in this community grand-standing for him, taking a blind eye in all the bullshit he's spewed, his false promises, his lies, and his hypocrisy. I've been laying it out for many months yet people give him a free pass all because of "Trump."
Consider this. No leftist can defend their stance on voting for Kamala Harris without mentioning Trump. It's impossible for them. Turn this around onto Elon and try defending him without mentioning Trump. It does not stand to reason.
To summarize, perhaps my expectations for (at least half) of this community was too high, which is why this is so infuriating. I came on here expecting people to have a greater level of critical thinking, and less inclined to idol worship. Maybe that explains your "concerns."
I'm sorry that you are frustrated and this community of Patriots has not met your expectations. We will have to agree to disagree at this point. Perhaps you should write Elon directly to voice your "concerns".
Oh. That's easy. Because Elon says out of one side of his mouth that he's MAGA, then when his precious H-1B is threatened, he's America Last.
In no way does the dilemma of Elon / MAGA resemble the scenario you painted w/ the prima donna doctor. We're talking about immense power, immense influence, and - at his core - doesn't believe in American populism as we anons believe.
Unless you can tell me you have had a personal sit down conversation with him and or are a mind reader I don't think you have any idea what he does or doesn't believe. And there is nothing more powerful than God but saving lives comes pretty close when it is your life that is at stake.
LL, I don't need to be a mind reader to take the guy at his word.
He called anyone who disagreed w/ him on H-1B retards. He threatened everyone on X who disagreed with him.
But I can already tell I can't convince you, so I'll leave you with this:
The notion that a multi-billionaire could think he has a direct line to the president after donating $250 million to his campaign is both rational and reasonable to us healthy skeptics.
Each and everyone is a mix of good and bad, Trump included. Putting blind faith in someone as powerful as Elon is never a good thing. Far better, especially after he revealed more of his character and his motivations during the H-1B dust-up, to approach each and every figure in the movement with an open mind.
As in the previous Trump administration, some who claim to be MAGA will disappoint us. It's only a matter of time before we know who fully embraces MAGA and who doesn't.
Thank you. Now you are starting to sound more reasonable.
Most obvious back-handed compliment I've received in a coon's age. No thanks.
"Fine line between Brilliance and Madness." His buttons are twitchy. ( too light a trigger on a heavy automatic , always a dangerous combination.)
I haven't given up my freedom or right to think critically. I am a wait and see person. I don't like some of our President's choices but I hired him to be the "CEO" of this country and I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he will do the best job, until he proves me wrong.
I haven't given up my freedom or right to think critically. I am a wait and see person. I don't like some of our President's choices but I hired him to be the "CEO" of this country and I will give him the benefit of the doubt that he will do the best job, until he proves me wrong.
I think that we all forget at times that Trump isn’t executing this plan all alone, he has several people behind him that have been working on the Q plan for probably decades. Yes, Elon has issues, he is autistic after all, and while he is high functioning, it’s pretty obvious that he has difficulty expressing himself in a mature manner, to put it mildly. Pretty sure that anyone that is allowed to get that close to Trump has been vetted to the max by the WHs. I think that distractions are created by the WHs at times, fog of war, a little Sun Tzu, appear weak when you are strong. Regardless, I think it’s wise to always evaluate and decide for ourselves, I tend to have a wait and see approach.
Yes, I like that Elon is leading DOGE.
He's great at cleaning up crap.
Totally agree!! I like him, he is perfect for the job!
Evidently not, since he's the one dumping it all over his 44 billion dollar platform
So you're concerned about if Musk is, or is not playing a fucking video game?
More concerned about him being petty after being exposed for not actually playing the game, it’s a super weird thing to do trying to look cool to kids, it’s exactly like mike walz and that other person faking their gameplay of madden or 2k I forget exactly, but after his H1B statements and now this, something doesn’t sit right with me
I'm just going to wait and see how this all plays out with him.
Within 3 months or so I'll have a much better idea about what his core values truly are.
He is becoming very sus.
Do you just read what you want to hear?
Read again carefully. His BEHAVIOR is unacceptable. Leaking DMs and violating his own TOS. Removing monetization and suppressing reach arbitrarily. He has not a single ounce of integrity.
So I should trust some doped up freak who was banned on Twitch?
Wtf are you talking about Asmongold doesn't engage in any sort of drug use and was never banned on Twitch. Nobody should surely trust you because you are incapable of getting even your most basic facts straight. Elon Musk has shown more instances of being "doped up" than Asmon, there are concrete examples of him engaging in that behavior. So if you're using that as a means to discredit you are only further discrediting yourself.
Never banned on Twitch eh?
You want more basic facts you clueless fuck?
And judging from your post history, you and xchainlinkx must give each other reach-arounds while having MDS...
He was suspended not banned. But I get it, nuance seems to escape you.
Wow. You attacked the messenger rather than the message.. You let him get to you. Most folk here are Patriots and pretty smart. We will have different views and opinions just as the Apostles of Jesus did and our own Founding Fathers. You only get banned when you tell truth.
As opposed to a doped up freak who wants to put computer chips into your brain?
No, that is not the concern and the way you are framing this situation is fucking stupid.
People are concerned because he has built this entire fake persona that never needed to exist. It isn't "I play games", it was "I play games and I am absolutely world class at it." In Diablo it was rank 1, in Path of Exile 2 hardcore it was rank 7.
The problem is, he has been 100% lying. This isn't a white lie, this isn't a lie about oh I did this one achievement once. This is a lie about a core aspect of his identity as a person. Do you understand why that is a problem?
If someone is willing to create a massive amount of lies about the little things, what do you think they will do about the larger issues? Not only that, he just removed someone's blue check mark and thought he was "exposing" them with the leaked dm's, when in reality he just revealed how fucking retarded he is by thinking that was anything to expose in the first place.
I am still willing to be proven wrong on this. I was happy to see Elon join the movement and purchase twitter as much as anyone here. But starting with the H-1B shit, and then how he has gotten exposed even further with this whole gaming debacle, then framing that within the context of his questionable past, I am starting to really believe this dude is a total fraud and a trojan horse to the movement.
Is Musk retarded by exposing "crimes against children" bringing attention to Tommy Robinson's treatment, who is willing too give up his life to save the children, who said " in one case, this group made a 12 year old girl pregnant. They took her to a field and "fixed" her with a screwdriver up her vaginia." God chooses for His purpose by examples in the Old Testament, as with Esther. "It is better for him if a millstone hung around his neck and is thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble" Luke 17:2 Yes, God wants everyone, even Elon, to come back to Him.
You created a strawman to fight against. Me calling Elon "fucking retarded" in this instance, does not mean that I think all of his actions are also retarded by extension.
Tommy Robinson while doing some measures of good is also a zionist puppet and controlled opposition. Do you know that one of the core tenants of free masonry has always heavily revolved around crafting an "image" through philanthropic work. Do you not understand that someone can do good things on the surface, but be hiding a dark and corrupted interior?
Do you know anything about Elon Musk's past or who and what his mother is? Are you this easily fooled that you find questioning these figures actions beyond reproach?
There are so many accounts of people who have performed great acts even that of "saving the children" as a public facing front, but in reality were not who they portrayed themselves to be. Do you understand how controlled opposition works or the concept of a Trojan Horse?
Maybe there is a reason why DOGE is not a real Government Department. When you think about it Musk and Ramaswamy are really nothing more than a “Blue Ribbon Committee,” tasked with providing recommendations that may or may not be adopted.
I suspect most, if not all, of those recommendations will be the product of an AI analysis. Writing this, it hits me that most of Musk’s “legendary” abilities might well be the product of AI and he’s the human interface.
The question I have isn’t whether or not he should be co-chairing this Blue Ribbon Committee. The question is what is President Trump’s real objective for putting Musk in this position? I don’t know and think only time will tell.
Most of the recommendations were probably decided on already a long time ago, DOGE is just public cover for the normies as the changes get deployed over time. Just like how Trump likely has a large number of treaties and agreements already in place with foreign leaders that aren't going to get slow rolled over the next year not suddenly just appear from out of nowhere on day one.
good point to consider..
It sometimes does seem like Elon's Twitter account is 90% AI, in the posts where he's not sperging out like a screeching leftist.
Even f he never sleeps at all it is totally implausible that he’s deeply involved in Space X, Tesla, the Boring Company, X, has time to Tweet throughout the day, give interviews, supposedly be a top level gamer, dabble in politics/government efficiency, etc.
His persona has to be based on a top notch team who is willing to toil in relative anonymity, and, as I said before, the assistance of AI.
I’m not saying that makes him necessarily good or bad, but certainly it makes him a curiosity.
And we care what Asmoncuck has to say why? He's always been a "centrist" grifter who's just now shifting his opinions as he notices the tide changing, dude was happy to agree with woke shit just months ago.
This post isn't about Asmondgold dude. It's about Elon's behavior.
Asmondgold is known to be a man child himself.
Asmongold is a very left of center soy jack YouTube streamer.
I have never trusted him. Never will. But that doesn't mean Trump doesn't know how to use him.
I hope Trump has something special planned for him. And not the flattering kind of special.
Between Elon's cat fights and only mainly seeing posts from like 5 big accts, their chosen ones, X is starting to suck.
I could appreciate the opposing viewpoint much more if it weren't so obviously agendized.
Asmongold and Elon are both assholes and both aren't quite right in the head....
Elon can leak DMs?? This movies getting interesting... I wonder who else's DMs he has. 🤔
Only Elon is allowed to on Twitter apparently.
I see no meltdown, merely a logical observation thread.
You see only what you want to see.
Who was it again that kept screaming that Elon was a "man child" as a smear campaign when he took over Twitter? I remember a certain group that kept doing that.
I would bet that it is not Elon.
Remote Viewing Elon Musk
BTW, DOGE has no powers. The best they can do is to send a strongly worded letter. It's merely an advisory group.
For context, Elon gets called out lying about his gaming habits.
I wouldn't care about this drama normally, but come on. A lot of you still are running up to bat for the man and time and time again he's proven himself to be not only inept, not only deceitful, but completely immature. This man-child is allegedly going to be taking a lead role in cleaning up government waste, when he can't even clean up his own attitude.
That is a flat out lie. Looking at your post history proves you care too much about everything "Elon". Well, everything except something favorable about Elon. Trashing Elon and Pete Hegseth is not a good look right now. Obsession is a mental issue, seek help. Besides most of the people here at GAW are behind Trump and his choices. Even if those choices don't pan out the way we expect there's always a reason why Trump makes them. Give it up, bro.
Please show me how this crashout, and Elon's crashout about H1Bs, helps us develop trust in him.
Argue your point without mentioning Trump.
Also you misunderstood me. I wouldn't talk about this kind of drama about anyone else, but if Elon is going to be on payroll my tax dollars are going to, then this HAS to be addressed.
We'll see. Remember this is ALL a movie. Even Trump is going to look like an incompetent, evil globalist as they push us all to the precipice. Taking anything happening at face value right now is exceedingly risky. Let's revisit this in a few years and see if there was more to it than what appeared on the surface. In the mean time, I am withholding judgement.
A few years?
I hope you spelled months wrong....
No. This isn't something that is going to be over in a few months I'm afraid. That's very unrealistic, and any precipice is still off in the distance. Plus Trump has 4 years in office. The earliest I think we might start getting some visibility into the future and an end to this movie is mid 2026. Maybe the sesquicentennial celebrations.
Trump put Fauci in the spotlight back in 2020. I feel it's not much different with Elon.
Yeah Doctor Death Jabb and Elon aren't anywhere near the same. You just don't like Elon, and that's ok. Maybe he knows more about what he is talking about than you do? Maybe it's part of the show. But I doubt Elon is a Black Hat. His own kid turned tranny and Elon hates the left for it. I would too!
You know the "his own kid turned tranny", isn't the argument you think it is. Do you know much about the occult world? Do you know Elon Musk's background, do you know who his mother is? Do you know it is common for these Baphomet worshipping types to corrupt at least one of their children and turn them into the opposite sex?
If you do know about these practices that is common in the occult and celebrity/elite world, then have you ever entertained that maybe it wasn't "the left" that turned Elon's kid into a tranny?
I know that Musk is Ashkenazi Jew, and that's all I need to know.
Why is it when every time Elon does some grand-standing bullshit he gets a free pass from scrutiny from much of this community? Just because Trump highlights Elon doesn't make him a good guy.
No offense, but what good did it do to put Fauci in the spotlight? The good Dr. is still rich, still free, and so what if some people hate him? Some people hate us too, so what?
Sadly I can agree with that. Only thing is, we at least know his name. Won't do much good until he's prosecuted
I hope any prosecution of Fauci and Co. comes soon. I imagine it will take some time to put a case together once the good guys get their hands on the receipts, or at least what will be left of them.
Certainly a possibility. And one I have entertained as well. But I found myself less persuaded by it when Trump came to their defense on the H1-B controversy. Why come to their aid, if he was trying to expose them? But I guess this will all be resolved in the course of time.