Our entire electrical grid and infrastructure needs to be brought into the 21st century. It also needs to be hardened against sabotage. Our ports also need to be upgraded.
I'm going to guess that it has to do with our electrical grid.
If you've been paying attention, you heard Trump mention plenty of times that we don't have enough electricity to lead the world in AI technology, among other things.
Also, how many transformers are imported from China?
AND - If God forbid, the proverbial EMP or solar storm knocked out our power transformers, how many YEARS would it take to get everything back up? The answer right now is not warm and fuzzy....
Couple all that with multiple EOs last night, declaring an Energy Emergency and other things, and that tells me that this project will most likely be for the grid...Let's see how it shakes out.
Yeah the EMP thing is literally my biggest fear. People don't understand that if it went down it literally would be years before basic power could be restored. It would be an absolute nightmare.
I'm hoping we're going to build nuclear plants.
There's a next generation nuclear fuel that I firmly believe has been classified but in use for some time now. Basically nuclear reactors can use thorium instead of uranium. These types of reactors can't melt down and the waist goes inert in about 100 years. The fuel also can't be weaponized and turned into nuclear bombs So these could be safely used all around the world, even by countries that we couldn't allow to have regular uranium-based nuclear power.
Thorium nuclear reactors already exist. I can almost guarantee you because for the past decade I've been following several companies that mine thorium for "next generation fuel" And those companies are doing very well and appear to have some DOD military contracts or some other undisclosed buyer of their ore.
The pressure and heat requirements of fusion reactors don't allow them to be terribly small. With thorium reactors that's not an issue. There's even the possibility of a thorium liquid salt reactor which has even more benefits.
Watch Trump work "outside the pizza box" on this... It would be hilarious if he announced he was working with Domino's to help fill the potholes in places where the DOT (or whoever is supposed to do the road work) is full of teams with one person doing the work and 10 supervisors.
US Infrastructure is in poor condition. From the electrical grid to the bridges and roadways, we have a ton of opportunities. Just look at his campaign comments on our airports too. US Citizens travel over a lot of bridges that rank very low in the safety standards and are band aided together.
Decades ago we were talking about mag-lev trains, and Europe got its TGV trains. China has its belt and road, and massive infrastructure projects sprout up in SA and Africa. Nothing has happened in the United States on that scale, and maintenance has been hit and miss. This will also employ many people.
My hope? GEOTUS brings down the thunder as Argentinian president Milei did, and announces the dissolution of more than a few federal departments.
Such a BOOOOOOOM would be music to my ears.
And move some out into the States, away from DC and stop the infection from festering.
DC is foreign soil. 1851.
Not sure what he is going to do here, but I am certain it will be needed badly for our country.
Start with the Department of Education...
As a former high school English teacher, I could not agree more if I tried.
Our entire electrical grid and infrastructure needs to be brought into the 21st century. It also needs to be hardened against sabotage. Our ports also need to be upgraded.
I'm going to guess that it has to do with our electrical grid.
If you've been paying attention, you heard Trump mention plenty of times that we don't have enough electricity to lead the world in AI technology, among other things.
Also, how many transformers are imported from China?
AND - If God forbid, the proverbial EMP or solar storm knocked out our power transformers, how many YEARS would it take to get everything back up? The answer right now is not warm and fuzzy....
Couple all that with multiple EOs last night, declaring an Energy Emergency and other things, and that tells me that this project will most likely be for the grid...Let's see how it shakes out.
Yeah the EMP thing is literally my biggest fear. People don't understand that if it went down it literally would be years before basic power could be restored. It would be an absolute nightmare.
I'm hoping we're going to build nuclear plants.
There's a next generation nuclear fuel that I firmly believe has been classified but in use for some time now. Basically nuclear reactors can use thorium instead of uranium. These types of reactors can't melt down and the waist goes inert in about 100 years. The fuel also can't be weaponized and turned into nuclear bombs So these could be safely used all around the world, even by countries that we couldn't allow to have regular uranium-based nuclear power.
I believe it is fusion, instead of fission. I read recently that a fusion reactor was being built, but can't recall where. Here it is. https://www.newsweek.com/nuclear-fusion-power-plant-virginia-mit-world-first-cfs-2003430
Thorium nuclear reactors already exist. I can almost guarantee you because for the past decade I've been following several companies that mine thorium for "next generation fuel" And those companies are doing very well and appear to have some DOD military contracts or some other undisclosed buyer of their ore.
The pressure and heat requirements of fusion reactors don't allow them to be terribly small. With thorium reactors that's not an issue. There's even the possibility of a thorium liquid salt reactor which has even more benefits.
good info, thanks!
Freedom Cities?
Could you please come to Pennsylvania and fill our potholes Thanks 😘
Watch Trump work "outside the pizza box" on this... It would be hilarious if he announced he was working with Domino's to help fill the potholes in places where the DOT (or whoever is supposed to do the road work) is full of teams with one person doing the work and 10 supervisors.
Your state used to be known for terrible road conditions, but lately (I think) Maryland deserves the honors for horrible roads.
Don't forget our bridges.
Not sure what he wants to do. It may be over as it is 5:06 PM.
I would love to see a fully developed passenger rail network.
Freedom Cities announcement please.
Time to start the new republic and create the foundation for the New Kingdom
Please. I would love to open a Patriotic brewing company in one of these places.
I want to open a restaurant in one so I get you
I bet a strip club with no competition would make bank.
Well he has called for an national energy emergency so I figure it’s in that department. Pipelines? Drilling? Something new?
Can we say nuclear energy?
Industrial sized gallows that can "treat" 100 people at a time?
Buy Softbank, Oracle, XRP, BitCoin and remember this name (Stargate). Once it can be bought, buy the loving daylights out of it because it will soar.
US Infrastructure is in poor condition. From the electrical grid to the bridges and roadways, we have a ton of opportunities. Just look at his campaign comments on our airports too. US Citizens travel over a lot of bridges that rank very low in the safety standards and are band aided together.
High speed rail? 🙏 if only
Decades ago we were talking about mag-lev trains, and Europe got its TGV trains. China has its belt and road, and massive infrastructure projects sprout up in SA and Africa. Nothing has happened in the United States on that scale, and maintenance has been hit and miss. This will also employ many people.
Keystone pipeline,