Earlier today an employee posted a video to their personal account in Spanish. The post has been shared with a misleading title and the content of the post and title are not the same.
The Lilburn Police Department cooperates with state, local, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies, including Homeland Security and Immigration Customs and Enforcement. Our role as a local police department is to serve and enforce the laws of the state within our community. If we encounter an individual with an active warrant or an immigration detainer, we will detain that individual and notify Immigration Customs and Enforcement. This has been our policy for years, and we remain committed to it. We as a local agency can only arrest states for crimes and warrants and cannot enforce federal law, likewise federal law enforcement cannot enforce state law. We will however assist with federal agencies when requested.
The illegals will be found and deported anyway, and corrupt police officers will be purged out. In a way, this officer’s message creates a false sense of security for illegals. This will make apprehending and deporting them much more of a surprise to them. I guess that’s a good thing. More illegals are less likely to make more efforts to hide and be underground. Easier to catch! 🇺🇸 💪
I’m hoping that’s the case. I do recall hearing Homan say when illegals are found with the violent criminals, they’re treating it as a 2-for-1 (not in that exact verbiage but to express convenience of removing potential violent criminals and for the sake of our absolute safety).
Im going to give it a couple months for ICE to have time to round up.all the bad hombres, then i plan on reporting any suspected illegal i find out about. Not sorry liberals. Zero fucks to give.
I have been concerned about continuing to try and live with the liberal element in our society. Can we continue to share the plot of ground between the Pacific and Atlantic with a nest of satanic inspired, humanity hating, baby hating, pedophile, deranged psychopaths? I say we need to consider maybe giving the rest of the world our liberals? They kept saying how they were going to leave the country if Trump got elected anyway...right? Honestly, I say we keep the good, law abiding Mexicans and deport the liberals...
Yes. I want to strip citizenship from all these America-hating marxist fags. One new good vetted immigrant that loves this country and wants opportunity let in for every two pieces of American hating pieces of shit we kick out.
What she is saying is not controversial and is inline with Tom Homans statements. ICE is its own entity, is federal and does not use local resources. The police are not informed or part of ICEs investigation or raids. "You don't have to help but you do have to stay out of our way." Local PD may or may not detain for ICE. Sounds like her PD decided to stay neutral which often is to engender and keep trust with the local community. Or due to low staffing and too much work without adding alien removal to the mix.
Hopefully as things get moving those policies will change so we can ramp up the daily numbers to combat the last 4 years.
Yep. Don't see much wrong with what she said there. Maybe should be reporting to ICE any time they come into contact with an illegal even without active warrants/detainers, but otherwise seemed to be pretty accurate/correct.
The challenge is that our LEOs need to still "keep the peace" and if the entire community turns their back on the LEOs, that'll be basically impossible to do, plus more dangerous for all parties.
With that said, if they hinder the actions of any duly authorized person enforcing our immigration laws, I support them getting the full measure of FO, for their FA.
she is breaking her oath of being an LEO and committing a federal crime in the process. It is cause for removal and having her certifications stripped........
Exactly! When I think back to what they did to us, it makes me sick. I didn’t comply but was still subjected to it all. Thank God we’re headed in the right direction now. The blatant undermining of federal orders now by the same tyrants will not end well for them.
Wait, isn't it a federal crime to harbor non-citizens in American jails and courts? How the hell can local police not notify ICE and have them come get them? Local police have no jurisdiction over non-citizens
That idiot just violated her oath, federal law and the test of common sense by publicly in uniform doing what she did. We will hear about her dismissal.
The police department must support her or she would have been fired or sanctioned for her position. Calling Tom Homan, we have an Atlanta police officer willing to not report illegal aliens.
True, but to get on an app that would put her words out to the public takes some courage for her to go against the Atlanta PD. If in fact she went against them.
She's helping.
I'd rather have them at-ease than hiding underground. Makes it harder to catch them then.
Ok. It's one of those.
She is a police officer with Lilburn pd in Ga.
Lilburn Pd posted the following on their FB:
Earlier today an employee posted a video to their personal account in Spanish. The post has been shared with a misleading title and the content of the post and title are not the same.
The Lilburn Police Department cooperates with state, local, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies, including Homeland Security and Immigration Customs and Enforcement. Our role as a local police department is to serve and enforce the laws of the state within our community. If we encounter an individual with an active warrant or an immigration detainer, we will detain that individual and notify Immigration Customs and Enforcement. This has been our policy for years, and we remain committed to it. We as a local agency can only arrest states for crimes and warrants and cannot enforce federal law, likewise federal law enforcement cannot enforce state law. We will however assist with federal agencies when requested.
So Lilburn~ Burn the officer?
Sure sounds like the department is not supporting this one.
The illegals will be found and deported anyway, and corrupt police officers will be purged out. In a way, this officer’s message creates a false sense of security for illegals. This will make apprehending and deporting them much more of a surprise to them. I guess that’s a good thing. More illegals are less likely to make more efforts to hide and be underground. Easier to catch! 🇺🇸 💪
I sure hope so. Maybe it's a trap.
I’m hoping that’s the case. I do recall hearing Homan say when illegals are found with the violent criminals, they’re treating it as a 2-for-1 (not in that exact verbiage but to express convenience of removing potential violent criminals and for the sake of our absolute safety).
Harboring a fugitive is a crime too.
Im going to give it a couple months for ICE to have time to round up.all the bad hombres, then i plan on reporting any suspected illegal i find out about. Not sorry liberals. Zero fucks to give.
Exactly! Zero!
I have been concerned about continuing to try and live with the liberal element in our society. Can we continue to share the plot of ground between the Pacific and Atlantic with a nest of satanic inspired, humanity hating, baby hating, pedophile, deranged psychopaths? I say we need to consider maybe giving the rest of the world our liberals? They kept saying how they were going to leave the country if Trump got elected anyway...right? Honestly, I say we keep the good, law abiding Mexicans and deport the liberals...
Yes. I want to strip citizenship from all these America-hating marxist fags. One new good vetted immigrant that loves this country and wants opportunity let in for every two pieces of American hating pieces of shit we kick out.
What she is saying is not controversial and is inline with Tom Homans statements. ICE is its own entity, is federal and does not use local resources. The police are not informed or part of ICEs investigation or raids. "You don't have to help but you do have to stay out of our way." Local PD may or may not detain for ICE. Sounds like her PD decided to stay neutral which often is to engender and keep trust with the local community. Or due to low staffing and too much work without adding alien removal to the mix.
Hopefully as things get moving those policies will change so we can ramp up the daily numbers to combat the last 4 years.
Yep. Don't see much wrong with what she said there. Maybe should be reporting to ICE any time they come into contact with an illegal even without active warrants/detainers, but otherwise seemed to be pretty accurate/correct.
I thought the same.
The challenge is that our LEOs need to still "keep the peace" and if the entire community turns their back on the LEOs, that'll be basically impossible to do, plus more dangerous for all parties.
With that said, if they hinder the actions of any duly authorized person enforcing our immigration laws, I support them getting the full measure of FO, for their FA.
update the illegals about ICE doesn't sound neutral to me...but what do I know.
she is breaking her oath of being an LEO and committing a federal crime in the process. It is cause for removal and having her certifications stripped........
Maybe it is a trap. I sure hope so. Otherwise, she can go to Gitmo.
remember, cops are allowed to lie to everyone...
No they are not. I used to work with them.
(so that and they really do not treat patients, do they?)
edit: never mind, I was in our other conversation...
Insider threat.
How many police are compromised
Don't know but it's bad.
Good strategy, make them relax, then turn them in.
Good idea
Lol i bet the lilburn police dept is having an awful morning. Twitter has their pitchforks out
Atlanta probably thank God she isn't one of them as X said.
Yea but the lilburn PD where she does work is probably having a horrible day
How stupid these people are, all for the sake of their 12 hours of “fame.”
Can't think beyond their noses.
She sees herself as the brave heroine of a Movie Of The week.
Prime time for Gitmo.
Yet they would kick you out of the grocery store for not wearing a mask.
It's called tyranny.
Exactly! When I think back to what they did to us, it makes me sick. I didn’t comply but was still subjected to it all. Thank God we’re headed in the right direction now. The blatant undermining of federal orders now by the same tyrants will not end well for them.
That's why I said Trump is the present day Moses. He led us out of tyranny of the DS.
He parted that Red Sea didn’t he?
That's right.
She’s with Lilburn PD which is just northeast of Atlanta.
Thank you so much.
take her off the street and put her on jail duty!
How about deport her?
Wait, isn't it a federal crime to harbor non-citizens in American jails and courts? How the hell can local police not notify ICE and have them come get them? Local police have no jurisdiction over non-citizens
It is a crime.
That idiot just violated her oath, federal law and the test of common sense by publicly in uniform doing what she did. We will hear about her dismissal.
Aiding and abetting...
The police department must support her or she would have been fired or sanctioned for her position. Calling Tom Homan, we have an Atlanta police officer willing to not report illegal aliens.
We don't know that she hasn't.
True, but to get on an app that would put her words out to the public takes some courage for her to go against the Atlanta PD. If in fact she went against them.
Time for her to go.
I agree
Illegals just might think they are safe in so-called "sanctuary cites". So when they head to one of those cities they will be easier to run up.....
Sure hope so. I won't hold my breath though.
At least deport.
Amen. I am sure the frogs here did some good. Not just a bunch of echo chamber frogs here.