You know who I definitely didn't vote for: The 10,000 employees of USAID. The 87,000 IRS agents hired by Biden. The entire unelected bureaucracy.
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That's how I've been replying to people. It's so simple - you don't want unelected people to have power? Then you actually support what Elon is doing, you just dont realize it cause you lack critical thinking skills and have been fed narratives and approved talking points
I like it, however I learned insulting turns off their brain real quick kek
I should have rephrased my post to make it the Socratic method.
Like: "Who voted for the 10k employees of USAID"...
DOGE isn't random private citizens having access to the data. It's the already-established US Digital Service that President Donald Trump renamed DOGE. It's a unit/department that is part of the Executive Office of the President. So when Democrats or people on the left make that spurious argument, they're essentially trying to argue that the president doesn't have a right to control the executive branch, and that's ridiculous. The real problem is the people objecting/trying to block DOGE from doing their job. But Democrats frequently don't make sense when they lose control of things, and that's why they're losing their minds here.
Yes. Saw someone post this and elon retweeted:
“I didn’t vote for Elon Musk and his autistic tech bros to get a line-item veto on federal spending!”
Yeah well I didn’t vote for Joe Biden’s non-binary Deep State theater kids to get a blank check to give my tax dollars to fringe left-wing NGO slush funds for four years, but that’s exactly what happened.
Elections have consequences, one of which being the president of the United States—the CEO of the executive branch—gets to make personnel appointments across the administrative state.
Don’t like it? You’ve got two options:
Reduce the size, scope, and power of the administrative state. I promise, you’d garner bipartisan support and find willing allies across the political spectrum here. (For some reason, though, Democrats don’t seem to like this idea. Curious. 🤔)
Don’t lose the election. Don’t spend four years mismanaging the country and lying to the American people about the president’s health, only to swap him out in the election for a weak, untested, unlikeable candidate who wastes billions of dollars on the poorest-run campaign in modern history.
Either way, stop complaining about Elon. We DID vote for this. We returned Trump to office with a strong mandate specifically to end this bullshit. If you don’t like the means—or the personnel choices—by which he’s doing so, that’s on you, not us.
Excellent advice...Socratic Method plant a seed and they begin questioning..
In all frankness, I did exactly that, and it didn’t work.
But this is also why I stay off engagement with adversarials now, I figure something about how I talk does more harm than good.
Definitely don’t be insulting.
Understood. Yeah man, everyone knows what's good for them. Disengage with the adversaries for now. I think we are good either way. Nothing can stop ...
He is unelected, yes, but PDJT was re-elected with the voters knowing what the plan was for Elon and DOGE.
I love your profile name by the way!
Would you happen to have any time to write an open source script? I might try it myself, but if one of us could get to it faster…
In what language?
Jscript / jquery Maybe host it on jsfiddle or something
What do you need done?
Elon has already said the last person he’ll fire is himself. So, give him time and they’ll get their wish.
I have been using Jack Smith in response to the "Elon is unelected" line. Jack was unelected, illegally appointed (without nomination by Biden and approval by the Senate), given a huge team of lawyers and a giant budget, and was allowed to hold Grand Juries, file charges, issue search warrants, and attempt to prosecute and inprision the former President of the United States, all without being elected or legally appointed.
This has been working for me.
Excellent ! Im writing this one down.
So was Biden
Came to say this. But it would only start a new argument at this point. Wait and soon it will be exposed.
Or what about, “What did you think when Iran and MI5 (and certain other parties) impeached the president of the United States for charges later proven to be made up?”
“What did you think when the MIC collaborated with private companies to censor anyone who spoke out against their narratives, across all parties?”
“What did you think when Bush was called a Nazi for unjustifiably bombing Iraq, then Afghanistan, before Obama came in and did the exact same things, only moreso, and the whole thing was actually just a front for money laundering, opium harvesting, and to protect the USFRN’s role as ‘petrodollar’?”
“What did you think about all those coups that our intel agencies orchestrated to protect ‘American’ corporate big money foreign interests? Were they worth it?”
“How did the democrat party go from calling the military ‘baby killers’ in the 70’s to having murdering babies in the womb as a central party platform in the 2020’s? Is the difference that killing foreign babies is bad, but murdering domestic babies is good?”
“Why was Enron’s fraud bad, but the USAID’s much larger fraud is a necessary evil?”
“Why is it that it’s supposedly important that every vote counts, but all attempts to audit votes are racist, and yet somehow every big city has been run by democrats without fail for 80 to 100 years straight? Are Democrat policies just so good, and city dwellers just so much more intelligent that a Republican could never win any honest election?”
“Have you noticed how the more Congress talks about things being bipartisan in congress, the less bipartisan the sentiment is among us citizens?”
These are really good, AE. Most leftists I know won't let you get any of these out before spewing emotional blather to cut you off. At least, that's my experience.
That, and they’re too rational, which is the wrong language.
WHO, UN, NATO, CDC, FEDERAL RESERVE, NIH, WORLD COURT, EPA...also unelected....There are more.
Yeah but I did vote for a guy who said he'd hire Elon for the purposes of firing other people.
That’s true! Great reply. And the follow up is “Actually, Trump promised the voters that if he won, he and Elon would creat DOGE, and Trump would turn Elon loose. So actually, they are elected!”
Using this right now!! :)
Copy pasta right now😂
Or George/Alex Soros, Bill Gates, Nathan Rothschild, and on, and on, and on.
No one voted for the idiots that were running the WH for the last 4 years, because it sure wasn't Pedo Peter.
What you should say is no Trump was elected and Trump hired Elon to do this job for him. That's how it works. Elections have consequences.
Nobody elected Larry Fink, Bill Gates, George Soros, or Klaus Schwab either. Yet shitlibs never complained about "oligarchy" when these people drive their destructive policies!
I didn’t vote for that whole bunch of Obama czars.
Biden was not elected either.
In a way he was elected. DOGE was a big part of Trumps campaign and we knew exactly what we were getting when we overwhelmingly voted the Trump Doctrine into the WH.
You are so correct!!
I also believe that all of us saying, "Fine. Print up the ballots. American patriots will vote for him, for a man who does forensic auditing on all of these suspect and corrupt corporations, NGO's, The Fed, Education and on and on. They scream because they are hiding their complicity! Transparency is everything!
Don't forget our beloved ATF. The "not exactly a law" making agency that hates freedom.
My response: And no one voted for Kamala in the primaries, either.....
I tell them don't worry. It's a temp position that will end when the government is about a million slugs lighter.