Yes definitely an accident of one kind or another but Monkeywerx is more of an expert on this topic and he says that there are things that they’re not telling us. He explains why he thinks that way and I’d tend to trust his expertise.
Thanks for your explanation. There are a lot of things that could be factors and reading a different perspective is helpful. I don’t have any expertise at all on this subject so it would be premature for me to draw any cut and dried conclusions until I understand it better.
The House of Saud (Saudi Royal Family) own the top 3 floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel.
The crown prince was staying at the hotel.
The msm reported 'shooter' was the CIA handler who smuggled all of the weapons into the hotel.
There were multiple shooters, paid hitman to kill the crown prince as part of a coup by Prince Alaweed.
Q Team under Trump alerted the crown prince and was covertly relocated.
The hitmen with out a target shot at the country concert as a cover story and killed the CIA handler to cover their tracks who took the blame for the shooting.
This is why Trump recieved the ceremonial sword dance when he visited Saudi Arabia.
In return the US Petro Dollar is no longer required to be used exclusively in selling/buying Saudi oil/ USA became world's largest oil exporter, not OPEC during Trumps first term.
The Rothschild, Saud, Soros, global cabal was officially broken as of that night.
The House of Saud triangle side was removed.
The House of Saud had a networth of $6+++ trillion USD at the time of the shooting.
This is why Trump recieved the ceremonial sword dance when he visited Saudi Arabia.
If you are implying cause : Trump team alerting the Crown Prince Effect : sword dance, then you're timeline is out.
This massacre event occurred on October 1, 2017.
Trump visit Saudi Arabia as part of his world tour in May, 2017.
Your other info is a pretty good and succinct summation of what we know about the Vegas Assassination Attempt.
Trump world tour May 2017
In that world tour, Trump visited many key countries, which some anons have posited as DJT visiting each location to explain: "We have it all. Play ball, or suffer the consequences"
Saudi Arabia > Israel > Palestinian National Authority > Vatican > Belgium (EU) > Italy
Many anons have speculated that the Q drops in late October and early November talking about arrests for Clinton, Podesta, etc, were in fact cover for the Purge in Saudi Arabia conducted by the Crown Prince.
In return the US Petro Dollar is no longer required to be used exclusively in selling/buying Saudi oil/ USA became world's largest oil exporter, not OPEC during Trumps first term.
I don't believe this to be the case. Saudi continued selling in the IMF petro dollar but there is something I'm wondering about Trump's first term - specifically the gold/oil ratio. Oil/Gold from 71 to before 2016 always moved in tandem averaging 15 barrels per ounce. When Nixon went off the gold standard, one of the strategies was managing the gold price, making sure oil would not get devalued in gold terms, in order to increase supplies of oil outside of OPEC that were the cheapest to produce in the world. And all that all changed in 2016.
Trump did manage to get OPEC to continue their production in order to get the price low, but they wouldn't receive a higher value (gold) for their output.
Glad to see another Anon putting the bread crumbs together! Major side of the pyramid was removed following this event! The secret societies that followed these leaders still believe they have control of world events!! Unfortunately for them; the stage directors are now White Hats!
You know, even with good drop analysts like Eye of the Storm and Praying Medic and whatnot, most people don’t go through each “rhetorical” question and do their best to give 1-3 answers for them, that I’ve seen anyway.
Sometimes it shows up, but definitely not for all the drops systematically.
“Trace AF1 that entire day
What do you notice?” e.g.
It’s a lot of digging for one, or even two or three people to do, especially if it’s not their dedicated task, and I say that as someone who loves to dig on good prompts.
Not really a complaint or anything, just odd that nobody’s published such a thing yet.
At the time, many of us noticed in real time about DJT flying in to Vegas on his jet. There was a lot of weird and interesting coinkidinks at the time.
This is the only one that makes sense to me too, besides an occult ritual. It was also said that Trump alerted of this attempt and therefore saved MBS's brother and why they were so chummy after the event. I remember many witnesses saying multiple shooters and also different casinos. I also remember seeing people in black running on the top of buildings of the concert structures that looked like they had guns.
The first comment has the theory for those who don't know.
Ok so for everyone wondering here’s the theory. The whole Vegas shooting of 2017 was a larger international plot to assassinate the brother of the Saudi prince. Who u can see in this video being escorted with his security team after the shooting began. So here’s the story. Paddock, thr man we’ve all seen in the news is actually a Philippine-American arms dealers. This would make sense as he has been to the Philippines multiple times a year and has a vast interest for guns. The theory is the person he’s dealing arms to is the suadis. So they (Saudi mercenaries) agree to meet paddock at his hotel suite at the mansdlay bay. (This suite is directly below a whole floor owned by the Saudi royal prince). When they meet him there p, they kill him. They then take the guns he has smuggled and go to assassinate the Saudi princes brother (who we see in this video) but unexpectedly to them, he was not in the suite above them (the one owned by the Saudi royals at mandalay bay) but was gambling at the Tropicana. So now they must create a distraction, they start shooting into the crowd below. Which would explain why people accounted for multiple shooter. It also explains why there’s no official motive for paddock.
Hmmm. No ballistics were published and witnesses are dead. The sheriff at the time is now the governor. And the police chief became the chief for Lahina.
+1 I in the thread, there’s a lot of stuff that sounds so much of a cover-up that a lot of planning had to have been involved!
I think a lot of issues Q addressed and focuses our attention upon revolve upon the top elitist families, Ukraine /Uranium 1, Rothschild Zionism, and the Las Vegas shooting.
You mean to tell me stephen paddywhack didn't actually smuggle a small country's arsenal into a hotel and go on an impossible killing spree because he took too many xanax that day. I'm shocked!
Of course we have been! And we are being lied to about the Blackhawk and medical crashes too! Breaking the propaganda cycle is NOT going to be easy!
7 out of 10
I see I have no reason to respond to killerspacerobot. Ya'll did it for me!
You are new here, yeah?
Q literally told us this. . why are you here?
Go back to reddit
Yes definitely an accident of one kind or another but Monkeywerx is more of an expert on this topic and he says that there are things that they’re not telling us. He explains why he thinks that way and I’d tend to trust his expertise.
Thanks for your explanation. There are a lot of things that could be factors and reading a different perspective is helpful. I don’t have any expertise at all on this subject so it would be premature for me to draw any cut and dried conclusions until I understand it better.
*Las Vegas Massacre, not "shooting." Please do not use MSM word phrasing designed to diminish what really happened there.
Not my choice of words, but the OP on X..
At least show that its a quote? As in
Green Beret Nap Time (X): We have been lied to about the 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting event .....
The House of Saud (Saudi Royal Family) own the top 3 floors of the Mandalay Bay Hotel.
The crown prince was staying at the hotel.
The msm reported 'shooter' was the CIA handler who smuggled all of the weapons into the hotel.
There were multiple shooters, paid hitman to kill the crown prince as part of a coup by Prince Alaweed.
Q Team under Trump alerted the crown prince and was covertly relocated.
The hitmen with out a target shot at the country concert as a cover story and killed the CIA handler to cover their tracks who took the blame for the shooting.
This is why Trump recieved the ceremonial sword dance when he visited Saudi Arabia.
In return the US Petro Dollar is no longer required to be used exclusively in selling/buying Saudi oil/ USA became world's largest oil exporter, not OPEC during Trumps first term.
The Rothschild, Saud, Soros, global cabal was officially broken as of that night.
The House of Saud triangle side was removed.
The House of Saud had a networth of $6+++ trillion USD at the time of the shooting.
If you are implying cause : Trump team alerting the Crown Prince Effect : sword dance, then you're timeline is out.
This massacre event occurred on October 1, 2017.
Trump visit Saudi Arabia as part of his world tour in May, 2017.
Your other info is a pretty good and succinct summation of what we know about the Vegas Assassination Attempt.
Trump world tour May 2017
In that world tour, Trump visited many key countries, which some anons have posited as DJT visiting each location to explain: "We have it all. Play ball, or suffer the consequences"
Saudi Arabia > Israel > Palestinian National Authority > Vatican > Belgium (EU) > Italy
Many anons have speculated that the Q drops in late October and early November talking about arrests for Clinton, Podesta, etc, were in fact cover for the Purge in Saudi Arabia conducted by the Crown Prince.
The purge was handed by the Saudi's once the conspirators returned to Saudi Arabia.
The sword dance prior to the shooting could have been done as a secret celebration with Trumps visit as a cover story.
When did the Q team become aware of the coup & attempt vs when the shooting took place?
The NSA was spying on the CIA.
FISA works both ways.
Trump did his world capitulation tour including the sword dance.
LV happened and the prince was saved.
In gratitude, prince went around his own capitulation tour with big tech...
I don't believe this to be the case. Saudi continued selling in the IMF petro dollar but there is something I'm wondering about Trump's first term - specifically the gold/oil ratio. Oil/Gold from 71 to before 2016 always moved in tandem averaging 15 barrels per ounce. When Nixon went off the gold standard, one of the strategies was managing the gold price, making sure oil would not get devalued in gold terms, in order to increase supplies of oil outside of OPEC that were the cheapest to produce in the world. And all that all changed in 2016.
Trump did manage to get OPEC to continue their production in order to get the price low, but they wouldn't receive a higher value (gold) for their output.
Glad to see another Anon putting the bread crumbs together! Major side of the pyramid was removed following this event! The secret societies that followed these leaders still believe they have control of world events!! Unfortunately for them; the stage directors are now White Hats!
Bravo luke! 👏👆
The time line jog can be explained of when did Q Team gather intelligence prior to the shooting.
Remember, the Q team asked Trump to run for POTUS.
The best theory I’ve heard is that it had to do with the transition from bin Talal to MBS, and something went south for someone.
Don’t remember who had that theory.
Q told us POTUS was in LV, as was Mohammed Bin Salman
You know, even with good drop analysts like Eye of the Storm and Praying Medic and whatnot, most people don’t go through each “rhetorical” question and do their best to give 1-3 answers for them, that I’ve seen anyway.
Sometimes it shows up, but definitely not for all the drops systematically.
“Trace AF1 that entire day What do you notice?” e.g.
It’s a lot of digging for one, or even two or three people to do, especially if it’s not their dedicated task, and I say that as someone who loves to dig on good prompts.
Not really a complaint or anything, just odd that nobody’s published such a thing yet.
At the time, many of us noticed in real time about DJT flying in to Vegas on his jet. There was a lot of weird and interesting coinkidinks at the time.
So many good questions here.
Who do we think WK is?
This is the only one that makes sense to me too, besides an occult ritual. It was also said that Trump alerted of this attempt and therefore saved MBS's brother and why they were so chummy after the event. I remember many witnesses saying multiple shooters and also different casinos. I also remember seeing people in black running on the top of buildings of the concert structures that looked like they had guns.
Video of the brother's swat escort of the theory you are talking about :
The first comment has the theory for those who don't know.
If there were multiple shooters, wouldn't that mean ballistics evidence should reveal that.
Did ballistics evidence ever get published?
Hmmm. No ballistics were published and witnesses are dead. The sheriff at the time is now the governor. And the police chief became the chief for Lahina.
I don't remember. But I know a lot more questions were left and created than answers.
fair point
All these mass shootings or have you massacres are being done by evil people in and outside of government.
Sure the Mafia did some crazy shit decades ago, but never to this extent. This is beyond organized crime.
I believe these acts are being done to destabilize the nation and divide us. Someone(s) has to pay for these high crimes.
I think you’re quite correct.
Pretty sure it would have had an effect on Saudi politics.
We got guys cutting their cocks off and dressing up with garish make up. We're destabilized big time. Have you seen that sideshow Dick Levine?
+1 I in the thread, there’s a lot of stuff that sounds so much of a cover-up that a lot of planning had to have been involved!
I think a lot of issues Q addressed and focuses our attention upon revolve upon the top elitist families, Ukraine /Uranium 1, Rothschild Zionism, and the Las Vegas shooting.
LV massacre Oct. 1, 2017.
Q 1 27 days later.
Hypothesis: everything related to Q1 HRC and Huma A. & S. Arabia ties in somehow with the LV massacre.
Maybe Q post 1 occurs in July 2025?
That would be exciting!
There is so much more to this one.
Thank you for this link. Definitely a thread that needs to be read.
Of course fren ...not everyone was around in the beginning.
I certainly was... but I do not have a X account since the Twat purge. I appreciate being able to read the whole thread. Thanks again.
You're welcome TS!
Great Substack on the subject by PepeLivesMatters:
SO good! I follow this account...this deserves to be a post.... please do! Thanks LV!
Mindy Robinson - Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up (2017 Las Vegas Shooting) (Jan 13, 2022)
Absolutely terrifying! 2:16:34 long
Excellent video...thanks fren!
The photo: 2 guys in t-shirts don’t seem to be very concerned.
Well, it's not like the "press" was being paid to pass on lies, I mean , uh, well.....
Never mind.....
You mean to tell me stephen paddywhack didn't actually smuggle a small country's arsenal into a hotel and go on an impossible killing spree because he took too many xanax that day. I'm shocked!