I remember Dave on X22 about four years ago after the stolen election, talking about Trump’s plan, to wind up one of his episodes and also to pump some life into us, his listeners, because it was just a time of major black pilling and we really needed it badly. So many bad things seemed to be happening at the time. Dave talked about everything Trump was planning. I remember driving to work while listening and enjoying the motivational speech and then Dave got to the part where he said that Trump’s plan was to audit the fed bank. At that point I just remember rolling my eyes and thinking, Dave, there’s so many bad things happening, so many other things to worry about first, you’re dreaming!?!? It just seemed like the unthinkable at that hopeless time. BUT HERE WE ARE!!! It’s HAPPENING!!! The IRS and the Federal reserve will be looked into and corruption will be found! The people will finally know the truth!!! And we will take our country back!!! Dave has to be someone on the inside of the white hat team that knew what the plan was…??? The plan to save the USA, the plan to save the world! What a time to be alive?!?! Thank you Dave!
Comments (46)
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Listening to Dave got me through the last 4 years.
👆This!! Thank you X22
Same. Hiiiiiiiiiiiii and welcome......
Those are my dailies.
I try to get in some Bongino and Benny too, but I have to take in my metals podcasts too.
X22 Dave is a MAGA MVP
Love love love Dave! It just a little sad I’ve worked hard, many times 2 jobs at a time over the years, to pay everything off for retirement. It’s what we knew. Work hard, pay it off, save for retirement. It seems like middle class like us get screwed the hardest in all the downturns. Anyone have any good news for people like me? (Nearing 60, small savings, no debt, but still working hard to save). Are we going to lose our 401k’s?
60 year old corporate pilot here...no retirement to speak of...a little silver...some guns...lost my house in a divorce in 98...still don't own a home...single, living in the SF Bay Area and even making 155,000 a year...I am struggling. Taxes for me are astounding. 40% goes just to pay IRS and State. I am so happy to see what's going on right now, but like you I am not really sure any of what's happening will help me with my retirement at this late stage. I wish I had been more conservative with my investing in my early years, but I was a risk taker and lost my ass after 9/11 and after the Subprime Market Collapse of 08. Never fully recovered from that shit show.
Over the years I have worked for many multi-millionaires and billionaires and the one thing I have learned is that most of those individuals were simply at the right place at the right time. Timing is everything in business...
We should pray for each other. Not taking risks hasn’t worked out much better so no regrets. I pray God has us.
Yeah...thanks fren...like a Pastor I used to listen to used to say...God is still on the throne and Pray changes things...
CE-525S driver here. Retired in 2016. Maybe we spent some quality time in a pilot lounge together?
Endeavor to persevere fren. They stole from us. President Trump will make them give it all back.
We are a comparatively small group...chances are we have spent time together in a pilot lounge somewhere. Currently flying a CE-680 out of California. Five more years...if I can figure out my retirement situation...LOL! The thought of what you mentioned actually happening is almost more than I can imagine...but weirder things have happened that's for sure!
Pilot friend is in similar situation. No savings due to divorce (3 times - each made him poorer). Still flying, says he will keep going until they take his medical.
And he has a new girlfriend. He chooses poorly.
Yeah...one was enough for me. Single since 98...just didn't need the extra hassle and heartache...my two children and now 4 grandchildren are my world...
Not a pilot but a lifetime of sales work, also in the Bay Area, raised my son alone. I know what you mean about the 40% in taxes, makes it VERY hard to get ahead. Took my 401K early in 2008 when I got cancer and couldn't work. So hoping there will be something radical done about income tax. Ordinary people trying their best have been robbed blind by a careless government blowing thru our hard earned cash... until now!
Feel for you fren...we need to keep each other in prayer. I still trust God is going to work this whole thing out.
don't worry about 401ks, Trump knows how important they are. Having some extra cash on hand (not in 401) would be helpful.
Good news I think - Soc Sec payments may not be taxed (not announced) saving giving seniors hundreds of extra dollars each month
There is always a bright side. Thanks for shining the light.
Trump is filling his administration with pro crypto people. Do your own research to figure out why. Maybe you’ll find an answer.
I always thought Dave was somehow connected to the White Hats. Where did he get his "inside information"? Day after day, he came out with good info. He wasn't just reading the Washington Post!!
Dave deserves a medal of freedom. Rip the one off of Soros and give it to Dave.
I love Dave but I listen to And We Know just as much if not more. I love that Lt is a former marine and devout Christian and always brings a Christian context into his episodes and what’s going on. Always ends his episodes with prayer too.
...and a chaplain
Didn’t know that
Been waiting for this EXACT gif. Thanks, Internet Stranger!
Is that Ron Paul?
Why, yes. Yes it is.
Perfect place for him
I remember after Biden got elected, Dave would always say that Trump was really the president for about a year. I thought that the fraud would be exposed in the 2020 election. Now it seems he meant that Trump was planning all that is happening now with DOGE.
Dave/X22 was my first Podcast. Start by getting the taxes owed by Federal employees first.
Senator Joni Ernst stated in July 2024 that:
More than 5,800 IRS and contractor employees owe nearly $50 million in overdue taxes.
Of the 3,323 IRS employees with unpaid taxes, 2,044 owing more than $12 million were not on a payment plan.
Of the 2,484 IRS contractor employees with unpaid taxes, 1,729 owing more than $17 million were not on a payment plan.
Despite the IRS having the authority to fire employees who willfully fail to pay taxes, just 20 of the agency’s tax cheats were terminated.
Over 500 former IRS employees with tax compliance issues or conduct and performance problems, including criminal misconduct, sexual misconduct, inability to perform duties, fighting and assault, and unauthorized access to tax return information, have been rehired by the agency and its contractors.
Government-wide, 149,000 federal employees owe $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes. Tens of thousands are repeat cheats, failing to file tax returns year after year and that number is steadily increasing.
Dave is the man! Been listening to him since 2018!
I’m old enough to remember when we were all complaining that nothing was happening.
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
― Henry Ford
Fraud every where but vote counting? You got be Shi**ing me!
I scrolled through all the comments here. Does no one want to talk about our health????
Every night around 7:30 pm, I run a hot bath, add bubbles and a spoon of coconut oil, sink into the water, and listen to Dave. So. Damn. Therapeutic!
🫧 🛀 🥥 🌴
Hopefully, Trump will show the public the full extent of the fraud and corruption and then proclaim the end of both the IRS and the Fed. What a glorious day that would be.
I think Dave was probably AI
Hmmm, would AI would mis-pronounce words/names like Dave sometimes does? I cringe when he does that.
Never shown his face, re-use of identical phrases...
Wouldn't even be nefarious, just a summary/dissemination tool.
Heck, I do understand not showing the face though. But, who actually knows. I'll entertain anything unless proven not.