They have to right to get their fucking illegal alien asses out of our country. That is all. Megaphone lady should be charged with obstruction, at a minimum.
Her shitty Spanish suggests that it’s not her primary language. In other words, a traitorous white karen. It doesn’t dawn on her that using a language in America besides the official one is unAmerican. She probably traded her soul for the Soros “American traitor” package of a megaphone, a pink hat, and a device for google translate.
I looked at a list of the official languages of countries of the world, and it is pretty amazing how many have their native language as the official language, yet U.S. has no official language! Maybe Trump can write an EO to make English the official language of U.S.
Hate to disagree, but yeah there are lots of uneducated Hispanics that have crappy language skills or terrible dialects, think hillbillies or ebonics. She actually sounds like she could be a regular speaker but either hinterlands Columbian or Mexican, or possibly raised here in a spanglish community. Those are the worst, they can't fully speak in either language.
I think you meant illegal aliens. Those folks have rights as well, but those rights do not include the right to be in the USA, or gain access to any part of our economy, etc. They can GTFO.
The way the second counter is working is backwards on this video, unfortunately. If you mean when the video says 34, there is no reference in Spanish to a King.
Unless you are speaking metaphorically.
She says "Tienen el direcho permanecer en silencio." You have the right to remain silent.
Ah! I see it. I do speak Spanish so I was just listening.
That is whoever did the translation, who is clearly a partisan cunt. She doesn't say that in Spanish. She just says that in order for ICE to come into your home they need a letter (warrant) signed by a judge. Which I presume they do not have.
They are not American citizens, law enforcement can enter without consent. You may remain silent as you are transported out of the country.
Now, I do feel sorry for some illegals that are law abiding, hard working people. They were used as tools by the demons and thrown away like garbage. We need to make sure they’re taken care of, insuring their safety to their home countries.
Why did they leave their country? Why do people leave their country after decades, centuries? They leave relatives behind……because the demons destroy their way of living and bait them to leave. They are tools to the demons that want to destroy……divide and conquer.
Why did they leave their country? Why do people leave their country after decades, centuries? They leave relatives behind……because the demons destroy their way of living and bait them to leave. They are tools to the demons that want to destroy……divide and conquer.
It seems unbelievable that the leftists are in a rage over ARRESTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO HAVE COMMITTED ADDITIONAL CRIMES! Our lousy governor here in NY, Hochul, is out in front of cameras stating how she plans to hinder such arrests!
I’ll be very happy when these people helping illegals are arrested and sent to prison. I don’t believe we should have the expense of the upkeep of prisoners. However, if that’s the only way it’s time to take away the privileges in prison. Send these people to prison and let them be treated like foreign prisons treat the inmates.
They have zero rights.
They have to right to get their fucking illegal alien asses out of our country. That is all. Megaphone lady should be charged with obstruction, at a minimum.
Seems like she is obstructing the lawful execution of a lawful order. And that this might possibly rise to the level of sedition.
She just happens to have a megaphone on her?!?
Her shitty Spanish suggests that it’s not her primary language. In other words, a traitorous white karen. It doesn’t dawn on her that using a language in America besides the official one is unAmerican. She probably traded her soul for the Soros “American traitor” package of a megaphone, a pink hat, and a device for google translate.
I looked at a list of the official languages of countries of the world, and it is pretty amazing how many have their native language as the official language, yet U.S. has no official language! Maybe Trump can write an EO to make English the official language of U.S.
Exactly. PLEASE confirm for me, somone, that that traitorous cunt was thrown in jail for obstruction.
Hate to disagree, but yeah there are lots of uneducated Hispanics that have crappy language skills or terrible dialects, think hillbillies or ebonics. She actually sounds like she could be a regular speaker but either hinterlands Columbian or Mexican, or possibly raised here in a spanglish community. Those are the worst, they can't fully speak in either language.
If that’s the case, she’s making herself into Exhibit A against birthright citizenship.
A big one.
She was prepared to do evil against our nation. Arrest her silly behind.
She should be arrested and deport.
Criminals have no rights.
Only citizens have rights.
Criminals do have rights.
I think you meant illegal aliens. Those folks have rights as well, but those rights do not include the right to be in the USA, or gain access to any part of our economy, etc. They can GTFO.
Why isn't she being arrested for obstruction?
I am wondering.
Obstruction of an ICE operation gets a free pass to jail!
Sure hope so.
I hope they arrested her for interference.
Sorry sweetheart, they don't get the same rights we do because they're not U.S. citizens!!!!
That's right.
Who the fuck is the king?
The King is either the Pope or Jesus since she is speaking in Spanish, I buy the Poop.
Well then who is the king of the pigs?
Trump. They have all been saying that.
Oink, oink...
I am not sure where this is coming from. She makes no reference to a King. The only authority figures she mentions are "a judge" and "ICE".
At the 34 second mark...
The way the second counter is working is backwards on this video, unfortunately. If you mean when the video says 34, there is no reference in Spanish to a King.
Unless you are speaking metaphorically.
She says "Tienen el direcho permanecer en silencio." You have the right to remain silent.
I don't speak Spanish so I'm just reading what that text in English shows.
"It is an order from the king of the pigs...not from the king"
Ah! I see it. I do speak Spanish so I was just listening.
That is whoever did the translation, who is clearly a partisan cunt. She doesn't say that in Spanish. She just says that in order for ICE to come into your home they need a letter (warrant) signed by a judge. Which I presume they do not have.
Btw, in the context of when the "King of the Pigs" is said, the fagget translator was using that term to refer to ICE.
It's always the white and blue megaphone too.
White and blue? Jew?
Arrest the person with the megaphone and this will stop.
This woman needs to go to jail.
i hope this one in in jail toot sweet...besides they have NO rights they are illegal....
They are not American citizens, law enforcement can enter without consent. You may remain silent as you are transported out of the country.
Now, I do feel sorry for some illegals that are law abiding, hard working people. They were used as tools by the demons and thrown away like garbage. We need to make sure they’re taken care of, insuring their safety to their home countries.
Reply: Why did they leave their country? Why do people leave their country after decades, centuries? They leave relatives behind……because the demons destroy their way of living and bait them to leave. They are tools to the demons that want to destroy……divide and conquer.
“illegals that are law abiding”
Illegals aren’t law abiding. They may stay out of trouble, but they broke federal law before that. There is a right way to come into a country.
Yes. I would like to see that.
Why did they leave their country? Why do people leave their country after decades, centuries? They leave relatives behind……because the demons destroy their way of living and bait them to leave. They are tools to the demons that want to destroy……divide and conquer.
Is that 'aiding and abetting'?
Or 'conspiracy to commit immigration fraud'?
Think so.
Arrest her.
I've often wondered how many teeth can be knocked out by punching the end of one of those megaphones while in use.
About 3.
Maybe arrests for these actions will happen after Kash is sworn in as FBI Director.
I am tired of waiting too.
It seems unbelievable that the leftists are in a rage over ARRESTING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO HAVE COMMITTED ADDITIONAL CRIMES! Our lousy governor here in NY, Hochul, is out in front of cameras stating how she plans to hinder such arrests!
Have you seen WA?
Bad advice and an abject lie. You have no rights.
I’ll be very happy when these people helping illegals are arrested and sent to prison. I don’t believe we should have the expense of the upkeep of prisoners. However, if that’s the only way it’s time to take away the privileges in prison. Send these people to prison and let them be treated like foreign prisons treat the inmates.
I am still waiting.
Freedom of speech is real but why are they not arresting these people and setting an example all it will take is one or two and it will end
I don't know. I would think they should.