God is intolerant about accessing heaven, only way into heaven is accepting Jesus as your savior. Not just anybody and everybody will be invited into the kingdom.
Exactly. The city of God has walls and Gates, and vetting occurs. "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth ,neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of Life" Revelation 21:27
"From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands."
In fact, Jesus sat down and fashioned himself a whip to beat the money changers asses. They were cheating people as the jews do. Even today they take Christian’s money and offer fake prayers in Hebrew.
Jesus also many times spoke of the need for gates, and walls, and locked doors to protect from those with evil intentions. Kindness and mercy should be shown, but they must also be received as an unearned grace by the recipient. In other words, Jesus is not saying be stupid. Just because He said one day the lion will lie down with the lamb doesn't mean you should bring lions into your sheep pasture.
A lot of people take biblical versus out of context, and then pretend those versus mean something they never meant.
In Matthew 25, Jesus is talking about how he will separate the sheep (his people) from the goats (those who are not his people).
The sheep were helpful towards one another, including their own kind who were "strangers" because they were not the same immediate family, but they were of the same people. Because they were helpful to Jesus' people, they were considered to be helpful to Jesus.
He says to the sheep:
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them [i.e. the sheep], ‘Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it [been helpful] unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.’
But the goats were never helpful to Jesus' people. He says to the goats:
41 “Then shall He say also unto them on the left hand [i.e. the goats], ‘Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels.
42 For I hungered, and ye gave Me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave Me no drink;
43 I was a stranger, and ye took Me not in; naked, and ye clothed Me not; sick and in prison, and ye visited Me not.’
We have had millions of illegal invaders into America (and Europe).
When have ANY of them done a single thing to thank us or to help us?
They are the goats, and do not deserve to be taken in and welcomed.
They deserve to be kicked out, back to where they came from.
I bet the writing on the wall was done by non-believing leftists who think that a biblical phrase (out of context) will be convincing to believers on the right.
When there is a legitimate way to enter a country, as also my own home, then a person of Christ would use that “opening”. Anything else would be, as mentioned, up to no good. The person who wrote that should understand this. They are welcomed. Just come through the door and not over the fence or through a window.
The Enemy has long used our compassion against us.
Marxism and Socialism are obvious examples: by highlighting the hardships of the poor and the callous and neurotically greedy behavior of many in the "upper classes" those two "isms" created a widespread public mindset of envy, anger, and entitlement that eroded the sense of personal responsibility and the willingness to work, which in turn REDUCED wealth-creation and wrecked entire nations.
Note that compassion for the poor and anger at the callous and often immoral and even criminal actions of (many of) the rich IS NOT wrong or misplaced. It's the false remedies of Marxism, Socialism, and other coercive schemes, Utopian or otherwise, that destroy rather than heal. Our compassion was HIJACKED by those who USED it as a tool to manipulate us into slavery and poverty, with [them] as our Masters.
In wealthy nations, the destruction was almost invisible at first because the wealth stolen from productive members partially funded services for the poor, and the wealthy still retained enough wealth to live envious lifestyles. Likewise, it took time for the sense of do-nothing entitlement to overtake the natural instinct to better oneself and ones family by actually DOING something productive. But gradually, the destruction became more severe and eventually could no longer be as well hidden.
I find that most of the time someone quotes from Scripture to try to prove Christians are wrong they not only take out of context, but they don't believe The Word themselves anyway.
The thing we also need to explain/argue better, is that illegal aliens were all pawns used by the cabal to bring destruction to America. This isn't just a stranger at the door, it's the enemies pawns, already in the gates. And we need to destroy the enemy, and remove the pawns.
According to my Bible even Heaven will have a wall and gates.
God is intolerant about accessing heaven, only way into heaven is accepting Jesus as your savior. Not just anybody and everybody will be invited into the kingdom.
Exactly. The city of God has walls and Gates, and vetting occurs. "And there shall in no wise enter into it anything that defileth ,neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie, but they which are written in the Lamb's book of Life" Revelation 21:27
Great point.
Just like you can use statistics to prove anything, you can twist Scripture out of context to prove anything.
Bingo. It's a game of he who knows more scriptures wins. Kind of like the legal system: He who knows more legal loopholes wins.
Acts 17:26 NIV
"From one man He made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands."
Ding! Ding! Ding! Exactly THIS!!!!
The Christ said, "The Kingdom of heaven is within YOU"
He didn't say in the USA. Stay put and seek the Christ.
It's so easy to slam dunk a leftist who thinks they understand Christianity enough to use it against you.
Jesus never advocated disorder or being used. That's why he kicked the moneychangers out of the temple.
Next time an idiot leftist tries this, ask them to tell you which verse supports their claim.
In fact, Jesus sat down and fashioned himself a whip to beat the money changers asses. They were cheating people as the jews do. Even today they take Christian’s money and offer fake prayers in Hebrew.
Jesus the Savior yes, Jesus the Mexican? No.
Hay Suess
I think you meant Hay Zeus 😎
Theodor Seuss Geisel's middle name and pen name rhymed with "voice."
But eventually, he decided it wasn't worth the effort to keep correcting people, and rhyming with "loose" it would remain.
top KEK.
Can I help you?
Jesus also many times spoke of the need for gates, and walls, and locked doors to protect from those with evil intentions. Kindness and mercy should be shown, but they must also be received as an unearned grace by the recipient. In other words, Jesus is not saying be stupid. Just because He said one day the lion will lie down with the lamb doesn't mean you should bring lions into your sheep pasture.
They are wrong…all of them.
A lot of people take biblical versus out of context, and then pretend those versus mean something they never meant.
In Matthew 25, Jesus is talking about how he will separate the sheep (his people) from the goats (those who are not his people).
The sheep were helpful towards one another, including their own kind who were "strangers" because they were not the same immediate family, but they were of the same people. Because they were helpful to Jesus' people, they were considered to be helpful to Jesus.
He says to the sheep:
But the goats were never helpful to Jesus' people. He says to the goats:
We have had millions of illegal invaders into America (and Europe).
When have ANY of them done a single thing to thank us or to help us?
They are the goats, and do not deserve to be taken in and welcomed.
They deserve to be kicked out, back to where they came from.
I bet the writing on the wall was done by non-believing leftists who think that a biblical phrase (out of context) will be convincing to believers on the right.
It's just an empty gesture.
When there is a legitimate way to enter a country, as also my own home, then a person of Christ would use that “opening”. Anything else would be, as mentioned, up to no good. The person who wrote that should understand this. They are welcomed. Just come through the door and not over the fence or through a window.
Also just for reference, this is John 10:1.
Here’s a link for more information. https://www.bibleref.com/John/10/John-10-1.html
just tell them to unlock their house and car, leave the keys outside and don't worry if someone takes it, it's the right thing to do, right?
The meme is exactly right. The Kingdom of Heaven has walls for a reason.
God set boundaries for the people. These people are welcome to come LEGALLY!
John 10:1, KJV
The Enemy has long used our compassion against us.
Marxism and Socialism are obvious examples: by highlighting the hardships of the poor and the callous and neurotically greedy behavior of many in the "upper classes" those two "isms" created a widespread public mindset of envy, anger, and entitlement that eroded the sense of personal responsibility and the willingness to work, which in turn REDUCED wealth-creation and wrecked entire nations.
Note that compassion for the poor and anger at the callous and often immoral and even criminal actions of (many of) the rich IS NOT wrong or misplaced. It's the false remedies of Marxism, Socialism, and other coercive schemes, Utopian or otherwise, that destroy rather than heal. Our compassion was HIJACKED by those who USED it as a tool to manipulate us into slavery and poverty, with [them] as our Masters.
In wealthy nations, the destruction was almost invisible at first because the wealth stolen from productive members partially funded services for the poor, and the wealthy still retained enough wealth to live envious lifestyles. Likewise, it took time for the sense of do-nothing entitlement to overtake the natural instinct to better oneself and ones family by actually DOING something productive. But gradually, the destruction became more severe and eventually could no longer be as well hidden.
Come to my door. Knock and ask to speak. Tell me your story with your family by your side. Be respectful. Be humbled. Wait patiently for my response.
Job 38:2
“Who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge?
Jesus doesn’t know one just because they say, “Lord, Lord.”
I find that most of the time someone quotes from Scripture to try to prove Christians are wrong they not only take out of context, but they don't believe The Word themselves anyway.
You are welcome if you enter legally.
What are the odds that the out-of-context vandal is in a cartel and practices some variation of santa muerte worship?
Pass on the tithe basket. Right on by…
Think we're talking about a one on one situation, not 40,000 people storming the citadel with wire cutters.
Weaponised Christianity has been a major part of the DS tactics. Our good will and charity is our Achilles heel.
The stranger was someone He didn’t know , but was already in the country ! WTH !
The thing we also need to explain/argue better, is that illegal aliens were all pawns used by the cabal to bring destruction to America. This isn't just a stranger at the door, it's the enemies pawns, already in the gates. And we need to destroy the enemy, and remove the pawns.
I love you!!