Yep. The son of my friend is dating a tranny, and she came to a lunch out to express how upset she is about "your boy Trump" making it so their passports indicates actual gender. Then she made the mistake of saying that transitioning minors isn't a thing. The conversation shifted immediately into stuff I never want to talk about, and certainly not when I'm having a flipping lunch out. After getting back home, I sent her one link illustrating without question that it is very much a thing...
...and she won't read it. This might actually be the end of a relationship of almost twenty years. She's been absolutely mental about covid, and so far, we've managed to keep political stuff out of our interaction. Not any more. She even came to my blog as a paying member, I suppose to spy. She got triggered by the meme about if you have a dick, you aren't a chick, griped about it and schooled me on how such things generate "hate thinking," and that she "wasn't impressed" by some other thing I have up.
Like WTF? I did not start this, and now this is the second friend who's come at me for my political awareness and views. Bleh. This really is a mental health issue, and it's dawning on me that parasites probably have a lot to do with it.
it's really not "political" awareness, it's just plain truth.
many of us have and are losing relatives and close friends over this demonic culture.
God created man and woman, he didn't say, i'm going to create them and then let them choose later on what they want to be. it's a mental illness, and they expect the rest of the world to just go with.
so no, they don't get to disrupt my world to accommodate them. they are selfish and self destructive.
Your friend's son is dating a girl or boy? I'm still confused lol
And what does this have to do with your friend? Your friend's not a tranny, her son is not a tranny, just the gf.. not an in law. Besides, doesn't she want grandkids in the future? Why is she so triggered? Did she force her son to date this tranny? :O Maybe she groomed him to date tranny.. yikes.. then she did something really wrong.
Son (A) of friend (D) is dating a confused biological male (IR), which relationship is taking place thousands of miles away from D. D has accepted multiple jabs into her body, has tried to talk me into getting jabbed on more than one occasion, wore masks for years, washed her groceries...and has told me that she has lots of friends in the gender-confused group that she doesn't judge.
Her largess in not judging them extends now to me. A wellspring of sarcasm rises up like bile in my awareness while contemplating that in telling me she doesn't judge me, she's saying there's something in my position that men can NEVER be women that is up for criticism.
Apparently. All the more devious and hard for us to know. But how horrible that their parents allowed that at such a young age. I pray the world fully wakes up to the horrors of this evil.
Having an M on his passport makes his "life a little harder". Uh no, what makes your life a little harder is you pretending to be a woman. That's all on you buddy...
Too BAD! Get over it. The term isn't genders. It is sex-and there are only 2, male and female-you are one and your birth certificate explained it. You must not be able to read or comprehend.
All the Left does is steal our language and try to make it their language so we fall into the trap. We are no longer BUYING it. Thanks for the post BerlinWallCrosser.
...MindVirus has no cure
That's a man, baby!
He sounds balls out upset.
Maybe the balls dropped into the wrong pocket and got mixed up with something else???? What say you????
I JUST COULDN'T help myself when I say you reply doug1956!!!!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Yep. The son of my friend is dating a tranny, and she came to a lunch out to express how upset she is about "your boy Trump" making it so their passports indicates actual gender. Then she made the mistake of saying that transitioning minors isn't a thing. The conversation shifted immediately into stuff I never want to talk about, and certainly not when I'm having a flipping lunch out. After getting back home, I sent her one link illustrating without question that it is very much a thing...
...and she won't read it. This might actually be the end of a relationship of almost twenty years. She's been absolutely mental about covid, and so far, we've managed to keep political stuff out of our interaction. Not any more. She even came to my blog as a paying member, I suppose to spy. She got triggered by the meme about if you have a dick, you aren't a chick, griped about it and schooled me on how such things generate "hate thinking," and that she "wasn't impressed" by some other thing I have up.
Like WTF? I did not start this, and now this is the second friend who's come at me for my political awareness and views. Bleh. This really is a mental health issue, and it's dawning on me that parasites probably have a lot to do with it.
it's really not "political" awareness, it's just plain truth.
many of us have and are losing relatives and close friends over this demonic culture.
God created man and woman, he didn't say, i'm going to create them and then let them choose later on what they want to be. it's a mental illness, and they expect the rest of the world to just go with.
so no, they don't get to disrupt my world to accommodate them. they are selfish and self destructive.
Your friend's son is dating a girl or boy? I'm still confused lol
And what does this have to do with your friend? Your friend's not a tranny, her son is not a tranny, just the gf.. not an in law. Besides, doesn't she want grandkids in the future? Why is she so triggered? Did she force her son to date this tranny? :O Maybe she groomed him to date tranny.. yikes.. then she did something really wrong.
Son (A) of friend (D) is dating a confused biological male (IR), which relationship is taking place thousands of miles away from D. D has accepted multiple jabs into her body, has tried to talk me into getting jabbed on more than one occasion, wore masks for years, washed her groceries...and has told me that she has lots of friends in the gender-confused group that she doesn't judge.
Her largess in not judging them extends now to me. A wellspring of sarcasm rises up like bile in my awareness while contemplating that in telling me she doesn't judge me, she's saying there's something in my position that men can NEVER be women that is up for criticism.
Mental fucking illness.
So true what you are saying. You are not alone!
I always bring a gun to a knife fight. I don’t have time for bullshit.
Hey man, just deal with it since you were born Male. You can pretend as much as you want, but facts are facts, and you'll always be Male.
yep, 100 years from now if someone would dig up his body, they would identify him as a male.............oh knows, what ya gonna do about that?
That's the most convincing M to F I've seen.
The ones who got hormone blockers since tot years are now grownups and they are more convincing.
Apparently. All the more devious and hard for us to know. But how horrible that their parents allowed that at such a young age. I pray the world fully wakes up to the horrors of this evil.
The best part is eventually the true nature wins. The “trans men” want real men.
So bizarre.
Having an M on his passport makes his "life a little harder". Uh no, what makes your life a little harder is you pretending to be a woman. That's all on you buddy...
I have an idea. ACT like the M is really an F on your passport.
It won't change the fact... but it might improve your acting skills.
Too BAD! Get over it. The term isn't genders. It is sex-and there are only 2, male and female-you are one and your birth certificate explained it. You must not be able to read or comprehend. All the Left does is steal our language and try to make it their language so we fall into the trap. We are no longer BUYING it. Thanks for the post BerlinWallCrosser.
I wonder when anime dub actor Josh Grelle (now calling himself Jessie James Grelle) will get the same treatment.
He was my favorite in the whole business. Was so bummed when he transed out.
Pronounced "gree-lee"
Get over it.