Back in the seventies I, and everyone in the company, had to justify our existence by filling in hourly reports of what we were doing. Nothing new about that.
I haven't watched Polly for over a year. Just kinda fell out of the habit.
Interesting. Didn't realize that was a thing. On paper, it comes across as micromanaging. Then again, I'm on the outside looking in. If it works, good deal.
And? I've still never had to do anything like that, before, after, or during my enlistment or any type of employment, government or private. So, no. I didn't realize it was standard. I figured that's why we have evals multiple times during the year.
You’re looking at a reasonably managed private company. Remember, the administrative agencies haven’t reported to management for the better part of a century.
It’s unfair, sure, but it’s not a scam to make an unfair playing field where the odds are tilted against little tyrants.
I have to do one every day. If I don’t justify well enough I won’t get paid or I could get fired. Literally everyday in the skilled trades so the fact that government employees are having to do this and freaking out this bad makes me angry.
I like the part where they have an issue with an “unelected” appointee serving at the direct pleasure of the president going after a bunch of unelected barnacles.
Asking employees for status/activity reports is pretty tame and standard.
People who are angered by this have decided they're just going to bitch about everything and anything Elon does.
Back in the seventies I, and everyone in the company, had to justify our existence by filling in hourly reports of what we were doing. Nothing new about that.
I haven't watched Polly for over a year. Just kinda fell out of the habit.
Yep she did some good digging a few years back but I kinda fell away from checking her content out a while back…
I know, right? How hard is it to identify 5 things you accomplish in your job the previous week?
Is it? I've never had to do anything like that.
I have to fill out a q.c.i. every day in my line of work. It holds everyone to accountability of their work performed.
Interesting. Didn't realize that was a thing. On paper, it comes across as micromanaging. Then again, I'm on the outside looking in. If it works, good deal.
It is micromanaging!!!
This is done by organizations looking for ways to fire people!
It’s saying. We don’t trust or think a lot of you need to be here.
We will ask you for reports so we can find an excuse to fire you!
Yeah, there are 'stand up' meetings every morning where we talk about what we are doing, it's pretty standard in companies that care.
What do you do for employment? Most corporate jobs require this accountability.
Not corporate. I'm currently a first responder. Done mostly medical the majority of my years. Never knew status reports were a thing.
Your career field is why you've never come across this before.
I’m a fire fighter. Daily shift reports are required to be completed at both depts I work for.
Most jobs have metrics, where the employee doesn’t have to report what they’re doing, it’s already logged and converted into data.
He obviously works for the federal government 🤣
And? I've still never had to do anything like that, before, after, or during my enlistment or any type of employment, government or private. So, no. I didn't realize it was standard. I figured that's why we have evals multiple times during the year.
The problem with this approach is that management should already know what you are working on.
It is management who assigns the work to begin with.
So why is management asking a question when they should be able to look in a project management system to see.
This is a scam!
You’re looking at a reasonably managed private company. Remember, the administrative agencies haven’t reported to management for the better part of a century.
It’s unfair, sure, but it’s not a scam to make an unfair playing field where the odds are tilted against little tyrants.
Time sheets and expenses reports are pretty standard.
Time sheets I've done. I've also definitely heard of expense reports. Never dealt with them, but heard of them. lol
I have to do one every day. If I don’t justify well enough I won’t get paid or I could get fired. Literally everyday in the skilled trades so the fact that government employees are having to do this and freaking out this bad makes me angry.
Must have been a public school teacher.
The problem with this. What you report is going to be subjective in the eyes of those reading the report/
This is just a mid management scam to fire people. Management is already supposed to know what you are working on!
They assigned the work to you in the first place.
So asking someone what they are working on makes no sense!
Management assigned the work: They should already know!
I like the part where they have an issue with an “unelected” appointee serving at the direct pleasure of the president going after a bunch of unelected barnacles.