I see posts all the time that say things like “They have a $150k salary and yet they’re worth $9M and pen three homes!”
Well, first of all, how do people even know that? Where is that data? Is there public data on all of us like that?
But that’s beside the point. The thing is, no matter how much money gets cited in these bombshell Twitter/X reports, I guarantee you that’s just the tip of the iceberg for these people.
Example: I’ve seen something saying Obama is worth like 50 million or a hundred million, but I remember that video with Judge Joe Brown where he says that Obama was richer than Trump and any other president in our lifetimes by orders of magnitude, citing his Soetoro (Soetero?) father as being a huge oil magnate worth a hundred billion or more.
With all the DOGE revelations lately, with the amount of tax money they’ve been moving around, you just KNOW all these elected officials have off shore accounts with amounts that dwarf these public earning disclosures (wherever they come from).
I can’t remember if it was a book I read or a video I watched but it was titled “The Biggest Game in Town.” And it showed how leaders of even small local governments have such funds totaling billions. We like to focus on national corruption on this site but the total amount of theft at all levels of government in this country is honestly hard to imagine.
I’m confident that what’s been exposed so far is the top of the iceberg. We are nowhere even close to reaching our wealth potential as a nation. I literally can’t wait for the impact of eliminating this unfathomable theft to take effect.
Right? Gas tax in California has to bring in astronomical amounts! Where does this money go?
It USED to go to taking care of the roads, by law.
Then the law was changed, and the gas tax was dumped into the General Fund.
Wonder why?
When Calif had the Division of Highways, gas tax was mandated to be used for highway maintenance and construction.
At that time, Calif had the best roads in the nation, and probably the best roads in the world.
Then, the Calif legislature created Caltrans, Calif Dept of Transportation, and the graft was on.
Since then, gas tax can be spent on anything from bike paths, airports, trains, and anything else they can think of.
All of that means the money can fall into the black hole of going directly into someone's pocket, never actually being used to improve transportation at all.
Don't forget the lottery!
Yeah, telling us, all proceeds go to education.
Where did $7.5 Trillion come from ?
The scum will boil when we gain access to the Cayman island banks.
I agree 100%. Whatever we are told to believe is there net wealth, had another two zeros to it. DOGE seems to show over a trillion dollars are unaccounted for each year from the US budget!
Imagine more than likely, more than one out of $17 of the American income goes into the pockets of these fees each year through government allocation.
Now add on the other ways that they make money by gaming the system, like insurance manipulation, stock market manipulation, housing manipulation.
Now add on all of the crime that these devils are probably connected to also. Human trafficking, drugs, weapons, extortion.
My guess is that Congress probably has a considerable number of billionaires in it.
Q said we were going to get what was stolen from us.
There is orders of magnitude difference between a multi-millionaire and a Billionaire. When you start throwing B's around, Q's denoting them with +'s.
But one thing is very true, practically all politicians, anyone with any degree of 'fame' for that matter, all major CEOs, belong to a class of people who were born into Comms Aware Families. You could not navigate the upper echelons of this world without a degree of comms fluency.
an Empty Fort Knox Struts into the Room...
They might be putting the gold back, but anyone that thinks these scumbags don't have off the books assets, look me up and buy my bridge over troubled waters in Death Valley. A kilo of gold is worth 93.4K 50Lbs, the luggage allowance, is 22.6796 Kilo...
My wife worked as a Medical Nanny in Saudi when we met online. She traveled to Greece, London, and Paris along with all over the middle east. She never went threw any screening and neither did her luggage. They arrived at the airport in the limos, boss took passports into immigration. They then drove to the private jet.
While not all of the politicians fly private, I doubt if they get screened at the airport. That was why they took jaunts to Ukraine, they picked up their cut. Drugs, Gems, Gold, children...
Makes sense, they would try and hide illegal stolen wealth. The official net worth is just what's overflowing out their pockets
There are many small mayors in towns across the country that were fully onboard with the green new scam, climate change, pressuring vaxx and 15 minute cities even. Makes sense.
Some small town in CA got caught (the elected people) inflating their salaries so high that it bankrupted the town. This has been happening at the national level for decades, but in a more secret way.
I agree. Once these “family political parties” seen the amounts of money in Taxes that are provided and not “needed” money has been stolen for generations and other politicians are paid off to keep the secrets. Luckily we have a billionaire and group of true patriots that were willing to fight the corruption and give America back to We The People.
We NEED auditors to FOIA and review the taxes in each state. We need citizens to ask questions and demands spending of taxes dollars per state be listed online for all to review!
We have to post beneath everything they say their net worth with the resistance tag on x.
Is this the video you were recalling?
They get a cut of what they deliver