I personally think that this article on ZeroHedge was written by WH's and published as a foundational piece to begin the next phase of awakening.
This article is a very long essay with extremely detailed illustrations, models, charts, etc. It is supposedly a guy who decided to do a bunch of research on his own and then assemble everything at an extremely high professional level, and then dump it on a news aggregator site for free.
Nice post. Love it! Note the date and time of publication: “SATURDAY, MAR 15, 2025 - 11:35 AM”, lots of 1-3-5s is white hat signal on coming change in financial system, imo. Even 3-15-2025 is 3-(1+5+2+2+5) 15. COVFEFE/Q proof according to some.
What I find quite laughable about it is the mere fact that I have read ALL of this on Facebook, in many of the Groups I use to hang out in Before they nuked my Original Account....
It's all True, and I used to push it hard, like a used car salesman trying to sell his oldest and last rust bucket on his lot....
IF this person was to actually follow through on his ""Research"", he will inevitably, and without a doubt, run full Speed, and Face First, directly into the Reconstruction Acts, which became the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and those three alone flipped our Federal Constitution from a Republic into some sort of Monstrosity that the Founders would only recognize as Tyranny via Legislation an Financial Enslavement....
Dig a few feet deeper and he will find that Lincoln had No Right to be President because his ""Election"" was a very well documented Fraud, and they even put it into a Movie, Gangs of New York, which will inevitably lead to Massive questions about the, ahem, Lincolns War Upon the States....
But Normies, well they'll Knee Jerk Off, and many are going to lose their shit when / IF all of this ever comes out and is made Public....
The article is good, thorough, and well written, I'm sure my Friends on FB would be Quite Proud that their Actual and Real Research finally made it out and into the Light of Day....
Now come the Question about the Act of 1874 where they abolished the Act of 1871, and Aha, why did the Act of 1871 stay in effect???
I've been talking about this stuff for 20 years. My own family does not believe a word I say, but now that this article is coming out all the sudden. Oh my God, he was right.
I mean, I personally, I don't really give a s*** about any of that. It's just funny... All it took is you know somebody to write it all down and get it to zerohedge and there you go.
I ha been talking about how we were all Enslaved and just general ""Cons Theo"", for about 15 years, and here comes DJT, and he's saying things that I swear I, and many others had written on FB, and yup, All of a Sudden, instead of ""Shut up"" the Woife is repeating his words, which were My Words and the Words of many others....
ill believe anything if it has models and charts. and because its a rando, that somehow makes it even more compelling. everything, extremely, high professional. hmmm. I am way suspicious already because Im allergic to sales techniques, but Im stoked to read it.
Natural living man (NLM), i put this after my signature (in red ink) on all legal docs now
Strawman SSN creature of the STATE CORP, signed all caps now (in black ink) [corp/maritime law]
Corporate manager of LLC or Trustee of CL or Express Trust, signed like #1 above except in purple ink; attempting to get LLC inside Trust so delineation is crystal clear.
I like it and may adopt this. I have a rubber stamp I put beneath the "Authorized Signature" line on all checks I write that says "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308".
A guy actully won a court case because of this. It showed he was intentionally reserving his rights and thought about in advance so the judge sided with him. I believe what you are doing is the same thing. Separate the legal identities aforethought and stand on your rights. I love it!
Good info. I am walking the line of remaining inside the corporate system while moving assets and ownership of my SSN, etc outside the system. This allows me to retain standing to do battle with assets outside the corp jurisdiction.
Main method of doing this is getting the double authenticated birth certificate and then placing it under the ownership of my LLC which can then claim all intellectual property and related rights, including any securities using it as collateral. Common Law Trust owns the LLC and all other non LLC assets. Eventually, no individual assets are owned, only Trust assets with me as both Trustee and Beneficiary.
The "Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia" was passed in the aftermath of the Civil War...
Yesterday the Senate passed "a correction" to the Continuing Resolution after it was passed. This action went quickly and gave me pause about how quickly and unanimously it went. I don't think there was a Roll Call Vote on it (just confirmed in the S.1077 link below. Also noted that this Bill was created and passed on the same day, March 14, 2025.)
Here's what the Daily Digest has in the Congressional Record:
District of Columbia Local Funds Act: Senate passed S. 1077, to approve local funds for the District of Columbia for fiscal year 2025, in accordance with the Fiscal Year 2025 Local Budget Act of 2024, and to establish provisions for the use of such funds.
Pages S1772–73
Maybe there's no connection with this, but just had to share as it seems like a coincidence not to be ignored that I read this article today after wondering about this action yesterday.
This is game changing. Some of the content and sourcing can be used in litigation to stop COUNTY CORP property taxes for violation of Article IV, Section 4 (WRITs OF QUO WARRANTO, PROHIBITION, and MANDAMUS). It is the most cohesive and detailed explanation I have seen.
I did not see the American BAR mentioned. They were incorporated in DC in 1878 and proceeded to create 48 state BAR subsidiaries prior to the Oct 15, 1933 switch to US CORP (20th Amendment+hidden shenanigans). These then created the 48 Municipal Service Corporations and the service contracts from sovereign states to MSCs which now must be severed to restore sovereign states. Note that “Trust Law” also established 1878 to allow elites to operate outside of CORP LAW: https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9pF0937/how-trust-law-structures-underpi/c/
STATE BAR CORPS hold all the incorporation documents (articles of incorporation) and contract details for the MSCs and refuse to provide public copies. Integrated BAR states where state BAR CORP integrated into judiciary around 1966 are easiest to undo since that integration violates Article IV Section 4 guarantees prohibiting “Corporate Form of Gov’t” in the state. (CA Const unlawfully amended 11-8-66): https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE4cVfi5/proof-that-the-state-bar-of-cali/
+1 important info about ABA, I can imagine that ina few years a ballot initiative could be placed on the ballot in a state to abolish the state bar and make it so that people who are talented like contractors, engineers, and doctors who prescribe ivermectin can represent others in court without having to serve the state bars and their systems.
Should be one of our biggest demands, because all they have done is IGNORE it for a very long time, an it is mainly the Judicial Occupations that fight against showing it the Light of Day....
I've argued a few Lawyers into admitting it was Ratified Properly, but none in writing nor on any Recording Devices....
You got it, exactly. Rollback of “Chevron doctrine” on 6-28-24 by SCOTUS applies all the way down to CITY CORP since US TREASURY (CORP) owns STATE MSC which owns COUNTY MSC which owns CITY MSC. All corporate “rules and regulations”, i.e. bylaws are null and void, ab initio, back to 1933 (STATE CORP except AK, HI) or incorporation date of COUNTY (by 1966 for most) or CITY (by 1999 for most).
But don’t forget 6-27 SCOTUS reinforcing EPA court smackdown from 2022 (all admin courts, corp court unconst) AND 7-1-24 SCOTUS stripping immunity from all admin/corp officers and employees for enforcement of nullified “rules and regulations” and bylaws (i.e. nonlaws). It goes all the way down to COUNTY RECORDER, ASSESSOR, and TREASURER who are committing fraud and can now be sued individually over property taxes in Article III Circuit Court.
Thank you for explaining this. This is so beautiful, and I'd love to see us as citizens put into practice this new power that we have.
There was the SEC court smackdown as well. It hard to believe that it was ever tolerated from the start.
I wonder if there are lawyers prepared to represent clients within the new legal framework that these SCOTUS decisions give us. If we want to challenge things like property taxes with our local tax collector, it won't be without a fight; we will need lawyers practicing with a new legal approach based on a radical new paradigm that these decisions give us.
It's funny, the timing of the above SC decisions followed by the (hopefully) new narrative about our Country's usurpation that this article helps to begin.
I can argue ALL of them into submission and you'll still have to pay Land and Property Taxes Because your Land an Property were made into Commercial Land an Commercial Property....
Not that I am against getting OUT of that insane system, I simply want it ALL Officially Documented so that ""they"" in some Demented Mental State don't try to come back and enslave other generations of Americans.....
Yeah, it sucks playing Devils Advocate, but it helps speed up the learning curve....
I personally think that this article on ZeroHedge was written by WH's and published as a foundational piece to begin the next phase of awakening.
This article is a very long essay with extremely detailed illustrations, models, charts, etc. It is supposedly a guy who decided to do a bunch of research on his own and then assemble everything at an extremely high professional level, and then dump it on a news aggregator site for free.
Thank you!
I think this is disclosure of what has been done to our country and to us.
Wow. Will keep and read with interest.
The timing of this article, the Biden auto pen signatures, and the fake oval office disclosure is definitely not a coincidence.
STIKY-STIKY-STIKY <—that’s 3x5s in 1 BOLD header
Nice post. Love it! Note the date and time of publication: “SATURDAY, MAR 15, 2025 - 11:35 AM”, lots of 1-3-5s is white hat signal on coming change in financial system, imo. Even 3-15-2025 is 3-(1+5+2+2+5) 15. COVFEFE/Q proof according to some.
What I find quite laughable about it is the mere fact that I have read ALL of this on Facebook, in many of the Groups I use to hang out in Before they nuked my Original Account....
It's all True, and I used to push it hard, like a used car salesman trying to sell his oldest and last rust bucket on his lot....
IF this person was to actually follow through on his ""Research"", he will inevitably, and without a doubt, run full Speed, and Face First, directly into the Reconstruction Acts, which became the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, and those three alone flipped our Federal Constitution from a Republic into some sort of Monstrosity that the Founders would only recognize as Tyranny via Legislation an Financial Enslavement....
Dig a few feet deeper and he will find that Lincoln had No Right to be President because his ""Election"" was a very well documented Fraud, and they even put it into a Movie, Gangs of New York, which will inevitably lead to Massive questions about the, ahem, Lincolns War Upon the States....
But Normies, well they'll Knee Jerk Off, and many are going to lose their shit when / IF all of this ever comes out and is made Public....
The article is good, thorough, and well written, I'm sure my Friends on FB would be Quite Proud that their Actual and Real Research finally made it out and into the Light of Day....
Now come the Question about the Act of 1874 where they abolished the Act of 1871, and Aha, why did the Act of 1871 stay in effect???
I've been talking about this stuff for 20 years. My own family does not believe a word I say, but now that this article is coming out all the sudden. Oh my God, he was right.
I mean, I personally, I don't really give a s*** about any of that. It's just funny... All it took is you know somebody to write it all down and get it to zerohedge and there you go.
Weird right???
I ha been talking about how we were all Enslaved and just general ""Cons Theo"", for about 15 years, and here comes DJT, and he's saying things that I swear I, and many others had written on FB, and yup, All of a Sudden, instead of ""Shut up"" the Woife is repeating his words, which were My Words and the Words of many others....
Funny how that goes....
ill believe anything if it has models and charts. and because its a rando, that somehow makes it even more compelling. everything, extremely, high professional. hmmm. I am way suspicious already because Im allergic to sales techniques, but Im stoked to read it.
Thanks for your comment, now put your head down.
Jimmy, Jimmy, you need to stop expressing your Curiosity, and your Doubt, it's beginning to scare the ""grownups"" and making them nervous....
Yes, this article should lead directly to about 10,000 other Questions, but will it??
Spread this far and wide.
This graphic outlines the phuckery...
It's nice to see things many if us have known for decades, spelled out for the normies.
What's the conspiracy theory to fact tally thus far??? Are we running out if conspiracy theories? (Please do Antarctica soon... it's well overdue!)
I am happy it explains the birth certificate and the strawman it creates. That's a big one people don't know about. Two different legal identities.
This is how I differentiate now:
Natural living man (NLM), i put this after my signature (in red ink) on all legal docs now
Strawman SSN creature of the STATE CORP, signed all caps now (in black ink) [corp/maritime law]
Corporate manager of LLC or Trustee of CL or Express Trust, signed like #1 above except in purple ink; attempting to get LLC inside Trust so delineation is crystal clear.
UCC 1-308 (allegedly supercedes, UCC 1-207, Without Prejudice)
I like it and may adopt this. I have a rubber stamp I put beneath the "Authorized Signature" line on all checks I write that says "Without Prejudice UCC 1-308".
A guy actully won a court case because of this. It showed he was intentionally reserving his rights and thought about in advance so the judge sided with him. I believe what you are doing is the same thing. Separate the legal identities aforethought and stand on your rights. I love it!
You need to get a magnifying glass and see and Read that ""Signature"" line....
Good info. I am walking the line of remaining inside the corporate system while moving assets and ownership of my SSN, etc outside the system. This allows me to retain standing to do battle with assets outside the corp jurisdiction.
Main method of doing this is getting the double authenticated birth certificate and then placing it under the ownership of my LLC which can then claim all intellectual property and related rights, including any securities using it as collateral. Common Law Trust owns the LLC and all other non LLC assets. Eventually, no individual assets are owned, only Trust assets with me as both Trustee and Beneficiary.
Now do Road to Roota
Re: 1871 Act cited in this article.
Yesterday the Senate passed "a correction" to the Continuing Resolution after it was passed. This action went quickly and gave me pause about how quickly and unanimously it went. I don't think there was a Roll Call Vote on it (just confirmed in the S.1077 link below. Also noted that this Bill was created and passed on the same day, March 14, 2025.)
Here's what the Daily Digest has in the Congressional Record:
Here's the link to S. 1077: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/senate-bill/1077/all-info
Here's the link to S.1077 Bill Text: https://www.congress.gov/bill/119th-congress/senate-bill/1077/text
Maybe there's no connection with this, but just had to share as it seems like a coincidence not to be ignored that I read this article today after wondering about this action yesterday.
Going to need more caffeine. Lots of caffeine . Great info.
Don't forget the popcorn. With butter. And cinnamon.
I saw this earlier on zerohedge. It is quite good.
This is game changing. Some of the content and sourcing can be used in litigation to stop COUNTY CORP property taxes for violation of Article IV, Section 4 (WRITs OF QUO WARRANTO, PROHIBITION, and MANDAMUS). It is the most cohesive and detailed explanation I have seen.
Related research on BAR, etc:
I did not see the American BAR mentioned. They were incorporated in DC in 1878 and proceeded to create 48 state BAR subsidiaries prior to the Oct 15, 1933 switch to US CORP (20th Amendment+hidden shenanigans). These then created the 48 Municipal Service Corporations and the service contracts from sovereign states to MSCs which now must be severed to restore sovereign states. Note that “Trust Law” also established 1878 to allow elites to operate outside of CORP LAW: https://greatawakening.win/p/17r9pF0937/how-trust-law-structures-underpi/c/
Twentieth Amendment switches from Republic (04MAR inauguration) to CORP (20JAN inauguration), effective 15OCT1933: https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-20/
STATE BAR CORPS hold all the incorporation documents (articles of incorporation) and contract details for the MSCs and refuse to provide public copies. Integrated BAR states where state BAR CORP integrated into judiciary around 1966 are easiest to undo since that integration violates Article IV Section 4 guarantees prohibiting “Corporate Form of Gov’t” in the state. (CA Const unlawfully amended 11-8-66): https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZE4cVfi5/proof-that-the-state-bar-of-cali/
All 50 states in prima facie direct violation of A4S4 with MSCs: https://greatawakening.win/p/16ZDcaBLnR/every-state-is-in-violation-of-a/c/
From 1 year ago: “Timeline summary of key American Republic events 1868-1934 through the lens of ‘Legal Slavery is ALWAYS the Cabal Objective’ “: https://greatawakening.win/p/17sOZlejk9/timeline-summary-of-key-american/c/
Wizard of Oz decode with Hi-Res original on archive.org: https://greatawakening.win/p/16a9gzRW76/the-wizard-of-oz-and-its-relevan/
+1 important info about ABA, I can imagine that ina few years a ballot initiative could be placed on the ballot in a state to abolish the state bar and make it so that people who are talented like contractors, engineers, and doctors who prescribe ivermectin can represent others in court without having to serve the state bars and their systems.
This is just my opinion: we are ruled over by British agents (lawyers/attorneys) and British nobility ("judges").
Should be one of our biggest demands, because all they have done is IGNORE it for a very long time, an it is mainly the Judicial Occupations that fight against showing it the Light of Day....
I've argued a few Lawyers into admitting it was Ratified Properly, but none in writing nor on any Recording Devices....
They are a slippery bunch....
It's word magick, always used by (the tribe).
I went to the substack version where he has a link to the tl;dr version, I read that and then subscribed. Thanks for posting!
Absolutely fascinating article. Thanks.
The Loper vs Raimondo Supreme Court decision should reverse some of this.
You got it, exactly. Rollback of “Chevron doctrine” on 6-28-24 by SCOTUS applies all the way down to CITY CORP since US TREASURY (CORP) owns STATE MSC which owns COUNTY MSC which owns CITY MSC. All corporate “rules and regulations”, i.e. bylaws are null and void, ab initio, back to 1933 (STATE CORP except AK, HI) or incorporation date of COUNTY (by 1966 for most) or CITY (by 1999 for most).
But don’t forget 6-27 SCOTUS reinforcing EPA court smackdown from 2022 (all admin courts, corp court unconst) AND 7-1-24 SCOTUS stripping immunity from all admin/corp officers and employees for enforcement of nullified “rules and regulations” and bylaws (i.e. nonlaws). It goes all the way down to COUNTY RECORDER, ASSESSOR, and TREASURER who are committing fraud and can now be sued individually over property taxes in Article III Circuit Court.
Thank you for explaining this. This is so beautiful, and I'd love to see us as citizens put into practice this new power that we have.
There was the SEC court smackdown as well. It hard to believe that it was ever tolerated from the start.
I wonder if there are lawyers prepared to represent clients within the new legal framework that these SCOTUS decisions give us. If we want to challenge things like property taxes with our local tax collector, it won't be without a fight; we will need lawyers practicing with a new legal approach based on a radical new paradigm that these decisions give us.
It's funny, the timing of the above SC decisions followed by the (hopefully) new narrative about our Country's usurpation that this article helps to begin.
I can argue ALL of them into submission and you'll still have to pay Land and Property Taxes Because your Land an Property were made into Commercial Land an Commercial Property....
Not that I am against getting OUT of that insane system, I simply want it ALL Officially Documented so that ""they"" in some Demented Mental State don't try to come back and enslave other generations of Americans.....
Yeah, it sucks playing Devils Advocate, but it helps speed up the learning curve....
Finally, this is a major phase of the awakening. One of these days, Trump will actually be the 18th president of the real US of A.