Hello frens,
To update you on my brother-in-law's brain tumour. After receiving biopsy results on Tuesday, we now know that it has gone from Stage 3.5 to Stage 4 in about three weeks. It is super fast....
Something I have learnt this week, when dealing with these new turbo cancers you have no time to second guess it. If you were to try and treat it from a parasitic angle you must begin purchasing the items for the protocol plan on Day One of the diagnosis. The rapid growth rate leaves no time for second guessing and requires total commitment from the patient. Perhaps this is only going to work on those that know about the (FloridaSharkman) plan before the diagnosis. The mental barrier that blocks people from trying it is too damn strong to break through. Fight or flight?
*Please note this is not an endorsement, it is a shot in the dark.
For those that believe, and would be prepared to try, please understand this is a long process:
The one person that really shines a light on all this is Dr Lee Merritt, here.
In another podcast/radio show she described that dead parasites and cancer look exactly the same under high magnification and she said one of her colleagues in Asia confirmed her suspicions. He had been treating people this way for a while because the people there are so poor. Need to dig for the other podcast.
In the old days doctors used to study the blood themselves rather than sending it to a lab, so they saw it LIVE. These days you have to send it to a lab to get results and by the time they get hold of it the blood is dead and the shadows might appear like cancer under the microscope. Apparently, it looks the same.
In addition to all of this, to try and come up with another alternative to chemo I started looking into sound healing, with a bit of inspiration from a Nikola Tesla quote “If you want to understand the world, consider it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”.
Came across a non-invasive process by a company called HistoSonics who manufacture machines for key hospitals that are able to perform a procedure called Histotripsy. It uses focussed sound vibrations to obliterate the tumour cells by shaking them apart, dislodging the cells. Early reports are that once completed successfully the tumours do NOT come back. Sadly, as of today, the FDA have only approved this treatment for liver cancer, but after hearing back from them last night they will be pushing to get this approved for treatment in other areas of the body when they can. This ground breaking technology will be the way forward worldwide one day I am certain....just have to wait and pray for FDA approval.
The only other thing I can think of is trying isochronic tones when you sleep. At 1150Hz and 93.9Hz (if you believe the YouTube frequency woowoo). If it were me I would try them as other tones are able to bring subtle changes in mental state, anything is worth a shot at a later stage of the journey I reckon.
For my brother-in-law, we must rally behind him with his chemo treatments. He has to wait a week to see them, after that the process will begin, 30 x sessions spread over six weeks. 7 long weeks.
But do you know what? Last night after finding out that Histotripsy is not quite there yet, an almighty calm came over me. Praying, and positive vibes WILL get him through all this. You have to hold onto your faith in God, it yet might still bear a miracle.
ThankQ for all your help, ideas and support on my other post (esp. you PotU). ❤️️ Did this meme for him, feel free to use.

Her biopsy confirmed it’s been growing 1-2 years so it pretty much coincides with her getting one dose of the Moderna vaccine.she didn’t have to take it, she was retired. But she did it because my husbands sister and his father were both required by their university employers to get the vaccine. She has very little body fat and needs to go through radiation. I’m afraid this isn’t going to go well for her. She was so proud of how skinny she is but now I think it would have been better if she would have had a little more fat on her. Please I know if the alternative treatments, it’s not my place at this time to go there with her as a daughter in law.
This article by Jessica Rose about the breath-taking insanity of introducing toxic genetic changes into the bodies of billions of human beings -- without having any understanding of the long-term effects -- reminds me of similar issues with regards to Artificial Intelligence.
Nick Bostrom, in his 2014 Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, opines that:
Before the prospect of an intelligence explosion, we humans are like small children playing with a bomb. Such is the mismatch between the power of our plaything and the immaturity of our conduct. Superintelligence is a challenge for which we are not ready now and will not be ready for a long time. We have little idea when the detonation will occur, though if we hold the device to our ear, we can hear a faint ticking sound.
Below, an excerpt from the end of Jessica's fairly technical article:
What does all this jargon mean to real people?
Neither Kevin nor I know what the physiological implications are going to be in the human being. There’s no way to know because we’ve never done anything like this before and we have no data to compare it to from prior experiments or clinical trials.
Kevin wrote:
Small amounts of contamination can be amplified inside the cell making the current DNA regulation loop hole large enough to drive a truck through.
This doesn’t sound good to me, however.
Do you guys understand what he found though? This is exogenous, contaminating, integrating DNA, that is amplifiable in these cells. My mind goes to existing cancers in people injected with the modified mRNA products. What effect are these SNPs going to have on the cell? Are these integration events occuring on other chromosomes (other than Chr9 and Chr12)? Is there something unique about these loci that allowed the integration to ensue? Are these specific loci prone to mutation during replication or DNA repair?
This story just keeps unfolding, and it’s all because of the work of citizen scientists like Kevin and Ulrike (and many, many others). Imagine, just imagine, how we would have no knowledge of these results without them. And unlike the regulators and product pushers/designers, we are openly transparent with our findings.
For my part, I write these articles to help a broader audience understand the many aspects of wrong with regard to these products.
Final thoughts
Everything, is balance. If not for exogenous ‘imbalancers’ thrown at ‘normally-functioning’ systems, then disease and/or metabolic disorders, as we currently know them, would not be an issue. These exogenous imbalancers primarily include toxins in our environment due to mega-polluters - think changes in gene activity - epigenetics - as opposed to changes in DNA, but also include toxins that we inject, put on our skin, eat and drink. If one desired to promote health and longevity, and to prevent cancer from becoming too prolific (pun intended), one might aim to keep ROS to a minimum (avoid ‘processed/packaged/factory’ “food” and high fructose corn syrup), and avoid ‘other chemical agents’ or exogenous LNP-based RNA/DNA products.
(includes 24 references)