Fenbendazole Story (www.tiktok.com)
posted ago by Merkava_4 ago by Merkava_4

In 2012 My grandfather (smoker for 55 years) was diagnosed with Small Cell lung cancer (the worst kind, both lungs, then it spread to his neck and shoulder). He is the father I never had and I love him dearly.

I am an engineer, NOT a medical professional but I have an amazing brain that I made into my bitch so it does what I want it to do. I knew NOTHING. I was so afraid for him.

Then I started praying. I DIDN'T ASK GOD FOR SHIT. INSTEAD I THANKED HIM PROFUSELY FOR THE CURE I KNEW I WOULD FIND. I found it in 2012 with maybe 7 or 8 hours of research. I also credit this to the fact that what you seek, also seeks you.

VA oncologist advised him to get hospice, go home and die! Cancer started spreading. He lost 95 pounds. Hospice did come. Then, he called his (pre 2006) 1510 SAT / 99 ASVAB grandson. He (then 73yo & STILL a smoker 🙄) was cancer free in 2 months. Hospice left on their own accord after a month and him gaining 20 pounds of healthy weight back. Subsequent scans showed no sign the tumors had ever even existed. Been 12 YEARS now.

Then there's this guy. Joe Tippens. The only survivor of roughly 1100 patients in a stage 3 & 4 cancer trial. He was the only one taking Fenbendazole (yeah, the one for dogs).

He learned about it from his veterinary friend who noticed many dogs cancer goes away when they are treated. She then used it on her own inoperable brain tumor and then subsequently shared it with him. ⬇️ 3 minute vid.


"Even as you seek wisdom, so shall wisdom seek you."


EDIT: if there is enough interest, I will post an explanation of how I COMPLETELY cleared out my father-in-law's arteries in four weeks before his scheduled heart stent procedure. During the procedure, but after I had already treated him, the doctor said his arteries were "clean as a whistle. Then the doc he sort of got scared because he thought it was SO IMPOSSIBLE that his office might have made a mistake and mixed up heart scans with someone else. Upon further checking, There was no mistake. Father in law was 51, average build and couldn't walk across the room without getting out of breath. So much fear in his eyes. In ONE month he was playing 18 holes again. That month, in 2015 his clinically diagnosed "heart disease" disappeared like a fart in the wind.

EDIT 2: I'm working on it right now. Will post it as a new post at 5:00pm. Title will be: "My personal story on how I 100% cleared out my father-in-law's arteries in 4-weeks. His scheduled Heart Stent procedure: Cancelled."

EDIT 3: sorry for the delay fellas. Here's the link:


EDIT 4: I see many people asking about dosing so I want to clear it up here.

I use PanaCur brand Fenbendazole. For horses.

$12 at a ranch/farm store for 4 or 5 doses for a 200 lb person.

It is a large plastic syringe of paste with markings on the shaft (in pounds) to dose by bodyweight.

My wife is 100 pounds so I gave her a '125 pound' dose.

It's simple once you see it in your hands.


Thanks in advance


No good news again. She slept all day yesterday. A friend of mine she hasnt seen in a while came by,she got up and was happy to see him. But she didnt eat or drink all day.

The rancid breath wasnt as bad as it has been. Usually you could smell it across the room. It smelled worse than when the septic truck pumps out your septic tank. The smel is more like a lingering fart with maybe some fish mixed in.

Its looking like today will be a repeat of yesterday. She still hasnt got out of bed this morning.i think another day or 2 of this and im gonna have to end it for her. As much as i wanted this stuff to work,i cant make her suffer. Maybe if i started this a month ago,it wouldve had a chance.


Dont have any improvements to talk about.

But yesterday the bad breath drooling and licking are back. Not as bad as it has been.

She didnt eat last night.mainly laid on the couch sleeping with us. Its not uncommon for her to sleep all day,she was never a very active energetic dog. Its not uncommon for her to not eat at night plus she had a pretty big breakfast yesterday.


I probably shoulda started this alot sooner than now but i figure better late than never.

I talked to my vet about it. He has heard about it being used in humans for cancer. But hasnt heard if it works or not. He doesnt think it will work. But he says its not gonna hurt to try. And if it does do anything for her,he wants to know.

I cant sit here and do nothing while i watch her die. Shes got plenty of life left in her. Shes still running around like a puppy.shes still trying to eat like a pig and play with her toys but the lump on her face makes it hard for her to open her mouth. Shes not laying around or sleeping more than she usually does,its all she does anyways.she was never a hyper go go go type dog anyways.

We shall see what happens. If yall could send some hopes and prayers her way,id appreciate it.

Fenbendazole For human Boluses is used to treat intestinal parasites. It kills roundworms, whipworms, hookworms, and tapeworms in animals and human.

Single doses of fenbendazole are not effective in killing worms that infect most animals. Successful treatment with this medication requires dosing for at least 3 successive days. Certain parasites may require daily treatment for up to 2 weeks. Buy albendazole 400 mg USA, UK, Asutralia.


In 2018 James switched back to being a homeschool student so he could help Chris during the day on job sites. He had just turned 16 and was telling the men what to do while Chris sat in the safety of the truck. If he got out in the sun and broke a sweat he would end up back in the hospital with pancreatitis again, so he watched from the truck and supervised. James picked it up like a champ, even surprising the crew with how well he could run a bull float by himself at such a young age. By 2019 James had started picking up a good understanding of the processes on a job site and needed less help, however, his dad was still right there to make sure everything ran smoothly and correctly. Chris has a reputation in our area for top notch work, he protects that reputation. And now so does James.

2019 was fun and easy. No cancer in sight. The dark cloud of fear that hangs in the room when we gather became a little less noticeable. We got comfortable with the idea that maybe the cancer was gone. 2020 Came in with a shock. It was in his liver. We started out with 5 tumors and started chemo. The first chemo was too strong for Chris’ system and it made him very sick. His colon went into some sort of shock and shut. He was taken off that chemo, the tumors were growing right through it anyway. Chris was given a colon stint to open it back up. A couple of weeks later he was put on chemo #2. The tumors continued to grow and multiply, we were up to twelve now. Chemo #3 was a tough one. Chris lost all his hair and it made him very tired and weak. Gemcetabine with an abraxane “kicker” was the name of it and that kicker was something else but it didn’t stop the tumors from growing. After six months of chemo the oncologist finally told us he had nothing left to offer. We asked for genetic testing and while we waited for the results we were given an appointment with interventional radiology.

The radiologist wasn’t sure he could help us. He did say he had tried one other case of the same PACC cancer Chris had. He felt that he could shrink the tumors back but it would only be to give Chris a little more time and it would not be the cure we needed to save him. Chris made the decision to try it and in May of 2020 he had the first of two procedures called a liver embolism. He was radioactive for a few days after the procedure so he stayed in the camper away from the kids. In June he had the second half of his liver done and again stayed in the camper for a few days until the radiation wore off.

We are members of a small facebook community that is comprised of people with this rare cancer. There we all share our victories and failures, get advice, and give each other comfort when things get tough. One day, a lady posted in the group about her husband’s cancer being gone and I messaged her to see what they did. That’s when we heard about Joe’s Protocol. I was already reading every scientific research article I could find so diving into this one was a piece of cake. It was simply a man telling his story of small celll lung cancer and a vet who experimented on rats and found a cure for the cancers they had. He had used himself as a test to see if it would work on people and he was now cancer free. In June Chris started Joe’s protocol. Chris took 3ml of Safeguard and two Turmeric capsules every day after breakfast.

August was our regularly scheduled month for scans and so we went back hoping the tumors had at least shrank a little. The doctor came into the room and sat down. He looked at Chris and asked him if he had been on chemo recently. Chris said no. The doctor sat back with a look of disbelief and announced that all 12 tumors were completely gone. He had never seeen results like this and didn’t understand why his procedure had worked so well. Chris and I looked at each other and smiled. We had already agreed not to tell the doctor about the safeguard but Chris kept smiling at me and wanting to tell him so he did. The doctor got angry and dismissed us out of his office.

Since then, Chris has probably told a hundred people his story with Joe’s Protocol and the fenbendazole in Safegard. We encourage you to do your own research and read Joe’s story before you decide to try it for yourself. We personally know of several people it has helped since then but we also know of many it has not. We still encourage people to try it in hopes that it might work. It is a low toxicity medication that is not supposed to interact with other medications and the turmeric is a very high powered antioxidant. Again, do your research.

In 2022 When Chris’ cancer came back it had adapted to the Fenbendazole and so it didn’t work for him. THe doctor once again told us he had nothing to offer. I had to ask about the genetic testing and the one mediation that was listed as a target for the one mutation they found. In February of ‘22 they told us he had a tumor under his diaphragm. By September they were saying he had five tumors in various locations. In the spring of ‘23 the oncologist agreed to let him start the one targeted chemo pill we had not yet tried, so we took it and booked an appointment at MD Anderson for a second opinion.

The doctor there agreed with the targeted chemo pill and told us he should have been on it from the very beginning in 2018. Our next scan showed four of the five tumors were gone and the fifth one had already began to shrink. That was three months ago. When we go back for scans this week I will be hoping for an all clear. If we get it Chris will remain on the chemo pill indefinitely so his cancer hopefully can not learn and adapt like it did last time. It’s strange to say that I am excited and scared to death to go get scans this week. But that is exactly how I feel.

Moral of the story: Get genetic testing. Demand it! Use the information to get targeted treatment. Do not let doctors guess and try things while you lose precious time. If your doctor willl not cooperate then find a new one! This is your life and they don’t get to “play doctor” with it. You have to stand up for yourself or you will not get the care you need. After five years of this it is sad to say, but you truly must be your own advocate.

This story is something I think most folks should be aware of. If you read it to the end you will realize that what fenbendazole did this the guy was buy time, and it did work until he could get a better alternative.

I'll put in a plug also for MD Anderson in Houston. I believe if you were to get cancer MD Anderson should be the first place you turn. Their success rate is better than about any place in this country.


Anyone posting links to any sites that sell or link to sales of fenbendazole risk being perma banned. Please go through your history and remove your links.

Some users with 1+ year old accounts are sharing the same link a rash of sub-month-old sock accounts were hyping up a month ago. The site contains an amazon affiliate link, facebook link, and telegram link. Three obvious red flags!

Let it be known we are not installing telegram or joining facebook to police links so if you don't want to be banned DO NOT LINK TO THEM. We may assume on face value of a report that it is spam, self promotion or a honeypot.

Further clarification, here are some dummy links as an example.

amzn.to/4SHiT10 (Affiliate/Bannable)

amazon.com/Turd-On-A-Stick/dp/AABBCCDDEEFFFGG?crid=AABBCCDDEEFFGG&keywords=turd%2Bon%2Bstickqid=11223344556677~ (Affiliate/Bannable)

amazon.com/Turd-On-A-Stick/ (Clean)

Don't post sites that contain affiliate links such as the first two examples. Most sites you land on with amazon links are affiliate links. They're often algorithmically generated like review sites or best [insert product here] of 2023. Even if you don't buy what they linked to, they still get money if you make a purchase on amazon after clicking those links.


This post is ONLY a serious warning to my fellow Anon Frens and NOT medical advice in any legal way. Please research this for yourself and consult with medical professionals first.

I feel it’s important to explain to you all what happened to me these past few days. I’ve only taken the horsey-paste a couple times. I took it because I’ve eaten some pretty weird stuff while traveling the world on business. Also, because I'm a bug magnet. Biting flies, mosquitos, ticks, you name it, they will find me. It’s like the insects hear a dinner bell and swarm me when I step outside. It’s a running joke in my family to invite me to activities so nobody else gets bitten. I've had many tick bites over the years with minor skin reactions but no Lyme tests or official diagnosis.

🟢 My first Ivermectin dose was last summer – Took the proper dosage based on my weight and didn't notice any changes immediately. A couple weeks later I came to the realization that I no longer get debilitating migraine headaches when I don't have food in my system. I can now go 14 - 16 hours without food and not even a hint of a headache. I normally have a large appetite despite having a below average BMI for my age. I'm now wondering if the previous hunger migraines were parasites dying off due to a lack of sugar and carbs. 🤷‍♂️ I’ve never tried fasting before and simply couldn’t understand how other people could do it without suffering migraines, dizziness, jitters and weakness like me. It appears that fasting truly is a way to cleanse your system, I just never dared to attempt it.

🟢 Second Ivermectin dose was last Thursday (Mar 9th) - No immediate reaction but that evening I had jitters like I had drank too much coffee even though I had none. Jitters turned into tingling in my arms and pressure / pain in my chest. Small headache in the back of my head that would occasionally send a shooting pain down my neck. This may have set off a mental panic reaction (thoughts of stroke / heart attack) as my pulse was a little high (maxed at around 100) but oxygen levels were fine. I couldn't sleep since the jitters kept waking me up. I thought about calling 911 several times but stuck it out since I don't trust hospitals either. Monday night the symptoms worsened to include dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea and hyperventilation. I truly thought this could be the end for me and that I would miss the Great Awakening with my wife and kids. Thank God I was able to go see my Dr on Tuesday. They ran an EKG, checked Blood Pressure and listened to heart and lungs. All perfectly normal results! I even did an anxiety test and scored really low since I’m always a pretty chill guy. Other than occasional dizziness, all the other symptoms have disappeared.

This episode has me wondering; was this second batch of IVM reacting to other parasites I had? Possibly it attacked an undiagnosed case of Lyme Disease and I had a brutal "Herxheimer Reaction”? Many of the symptoms listed here are a match. Another helpful link - Here.

TLDR: Please beware of possible Herxheimer reactions when parasites are killed off in your body. My experience was pretty scary, and I don’t want any Frens to provoke a heart attack or stroke.

Hat tip to u/20-guage for your knowledge and support.

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