17Jeff 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed but all that was happening without the vax going live on the public. We were calling them out before it was released.

“Sometimes you must show people in order for them to believe/change.” Maybe those hurt by the jab will find the truth and change? I can see that possibility.

I can also see “op warp speed” where their plans were exposed and sped up. That makes the most sense to me it’s just devastating to see so many family, friends and fellow humans get fkd by a death jab.

This is it in my opinion. Trump either comes back into office and/or MIL takes action or it’s downhill into worse case scenario.

I believe the truth will be revealed

17Jeff 9 points ago +9 / -0

What explains the vax being allowed to hit the public, the train derailments, Hawaiian fires etc…. Even if they have control there is obviously still bad actors out there fighting

17Jeff 3 points ago +3 / -0

I agree bro. I expected the Hawaiians to really come together on this considering they have such pride in their land and communities. I follow quite a few Hawaiian surfers who have huge followings and have yet to see any of them post anything. It really has me confused.

The fact that the people are not allowed to go back to their own homes or film etc. makes me sick. Gives me vibes of what is happening in Canada

17Jeff 1 point ago +1 / -0

What world are we living in where Adam is asking for donations to run for Senate. You can’t make this shit up

17Jeff 3 points ago +3 / -0

They are all losing money. Premiums have slowly increased in past decade yet inflation, cost to fix vehicles, theft, fraud and crime rise. Also, old homes having water leaks and many many other issues. Department of Insurance will not approve rate increases until recently. Earthquake insurance and commercial policies are still very easy to purchase. The issue is with personal lines auto and home. Nothing sketchy here in my opinion other than corrupt politicians and bad laws checking up to us.

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was she actually fired or told to get jab or quit? Big difference bc that’s what these scumbags tried to do. They tried to get those to quit and not fire them. Huge lawsuits are available

17Jeff 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of families probably fled to another island or family in the states right?

17Jeff 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly! People are waking up and the corrupt local, state and feds are in the open. Are we acting like DEWS aren’t possible or real? Call it arson what does that change? The Antifa rats burned half the fucking West Coast just a few years ago. We need to continue to expose climate change for the racket it is.

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Vatican is up to their neck in this stuff

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

Schools in CA did not force if I’m not mistaken. They definitely pushed that death jab like crazy. We all had a choice here. Some people had a harder choice than others. So many loved ones took that jab. I just pray we can find a way to heal them

17Jeff 8 points ago +8 / -0

He’s one of them and loved as a hero by a bunch of retarded people around the world.

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

Makes sense for those with a following. Maybe not so much for us anons

17Jeff 1 point ago +1 / -0

Very big and very high is my guess. Drunk idiot probably left his phone unlocked.

Makes you wonder just how many of them there are.

17Jeff 1 point ago +1 / -0

5D chess having a Kennedy running against Biden and dropping some huge truth bombs. Biden steals the nomination and opens the eyes of a bunch of liberals

17Jeff 3 points ago +3 / -0

No kidding. Elon wants to chip human brains. Literal trans humanism and yet anons were so quick to just blindly trust. Where the fk was he during “Covid” and during election

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

No kidding. Do you remember years ago when they starting infiltrating Arabs into Sweden? As if that’s normal. I’m so sick of what’s happened all over but I’m glad things are coming to light finally

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

What’s your take on Ukraine? It’s obviously a political pandering money grab but do we have contractors busy there?

To me it seems like the rats are cornered but then they keep making such idiotic mistakes which makes me really wonder if it’s all a “movie” staged?!

17Jeff 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don’t doubt there are Patriots undercover on the other side. This is also potential 5D chess/optics.

Trump says this about one of his own people, maybe has them make a few small moves to make the evil think they anti-Trump.

The evil rat bastard media will now treat them as patriots because they cannot ever side with Trump. But when the spotlight is on them they speak truths.

Like Desantis, maybe he’s a rat maybe not. I’m sure some bad actors made deals.

He may just act like the competition against Trump and later down the road pull out or join him.

Imagine being born into a bloodline family. All the abuse and all the horrendous acts. Then one day good men give you the opportunity and support to get your family back for all the pain they caused.

Or do people really believe Hunter Biden just willingly turned in his laptop with elite crimes and treason stored on it?

17Jeff 10 points ago +12 / -2

There are so many unknowns in this war. You guys don’t think Trump and he’s people are putting people everywhere. I’m not judging yet even Ron. Time will tell

17Jeff 2 points ago +2 / -0

True that. We are only human and all need a pick up especially in these hard times. Stay strong frens

17Jeff 1 point ago +1 / -0

Or “war” or “Ayyys” or “nukes”

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