2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

What makes you think she has anywhere near that number? My bet would be not even a third of those are real humans. She supposedly has equivalent to every man, woman and child the size of the Continental US following her? I’m saying the bull shit flag on that one.

2224522 6 points ago +6 / -0

Question…why didn’t she say they briefed the Biden and herself? Coup complete.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes yes it does, but so will their deportation when we track them by the very cell phones they were provided - genius.

2224522 3 points ago +3 / -0

We are angry that you got us into this mess. But we don’t hold a grudge. Welcome to the world of reality.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

An excellent video that explains why she is angry, and rightfully so. Taylor Swift has not had the guidance of parents and she had too much money and fame during her developing years. Parents you are everything to a child!

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

CARNIIVORE. Increase your meat eggs dairy seafood. Especially RED meat like lamb bison and our lovely cows. Everything the food industry tells you is bad for you. See Dr Shawn Baker, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Paul Salidino, Homestead How, on You Tube for references. Also intermittent fasting and get OFF the damn carbs. (Greatly reduce.) My mom is blind in one eye from all of the treatments they have given her for her cataracts she is 87. Prevention is worth a pound of cure means something.Oh and DONT FORGET THE SALT - they lie about that too. Salt is essential, what are your tears made of? Salt. Blood? Salt. What do they give you when you are dehydrated? Salt. Essential fatty acids, essential amino acids protein. Not a single carb is required for health.

2224522 7 points ago +7 / -0

Awesome! Congratulations to you and the family! What a gift!

2224522 3 points ago +3 / -0

He is such a creeper.

2224522 8 points ago +8 / -0

It’s about the death itself. The sin and the murder of innocent babies. Their suffering excites them.

2224522 3 points ago +3 / -0

State troopers are not a local law enforcement in most states they are the state’s premier law investigation unit. The state level equivalent of FBI.

2224522 12 points ago +13 / -1

Why? Because God keeps his covenants. We have a different covenant than the original Jewish people. We the People made our promise to God when the founding fathers evoked His name in our Country and our documents. God chose His people and made Israel for the Jewish people, those who follow Him. He made the Jewish state from land used by idol worshipers and satanists. But, the whole time they had a group of dissenters, those that enjoyed living in Babylon, enjoyed controlling and working with their rulers in Rome aka Black Jews or the Deep State. Those working underneath the surface and yet telegraphing everything they do. Think Bill Gates or George Soros. Catholics have theirs - Pope Francis, Protestant’s have theirs JD Jakes, Hollywood has theirs Ophra Winfrey etc. Operating in the light while both feet are firmly planted hell. We are believers, we the people chose God and that my friend, is what makes us special. The covenant of Jesus Christ death and rising is the convent made for us when he died for our sins. It’s that covenant that will keep our Nation and her people strong. He gave us, in DJT the Moses, David and King Solomon all rolled into one. Remember He goes BEFORE us in battle so the battle is already won. Get your popcorn ready, prepare for mop up operations. There may be a few skirmishes but we will triumph, the victory is already won - keep the faith, eyes on Him. Pray.

2224522 1 point ago +1 / -0

Love that great minds think alike. Saw the very same pattern of behavior with The Biden. Appear less intimidating during the first debate…let her take the wheel lead the debate and appear stronger. We all know DJTRUMP he’s a powerhouse. Her voters only know what they are spoon fed from MSM. Plus he wasn’t the bogey man that everyone makes him out to be. Now they are in a quandary. Their neighborhoods are dying, personal risk and safety greatly decreased, they don’t believe in God so there is no safe haven for them. Now what? Kamala who opened up their world to this destruction? Not in my neighborhood has taken on a whole new meaning especially for cat ladies.

2224522 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well Sun Tsu’s The Art of War was in full display last night as it was when The Biden debated him. He held back appeared less aggressive, less intimidating. He held his own when necessary but just a little off his game, which made Kamala appear stronger. It just made her appear stronger. If there is a next debate he will get steadily stronger and more aggressive lure her in so to speak. She needed to think “I did it! I took on the biggest, strongest, and most powerful man in the room! That wasn’t so hard…yeah right! She’s a fool and that works to our advantage.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ohio is also the home of Epstein’s buddy Les Wexman, I wonder if Ohio State still has a large medial facility named after him. Yup they still do.

2224522 3 points ago +3 / -0

Waffle House …seriously all he would have to do would eat their food. Tasty just not healthy. Still a family is missing a loved one and let’s not read a motive in every death.

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why? They don’t want him watching their movements. Where the money goes and what happens to the children maybe?

2224522 2 points ago +2 / -0

Suddenly occurs to me that the precipice they -Q-has been speaking of this whole time is NOT our precipice but their precipice. Democrats and their overlords are terrified. Terrified people panic and make mistakes. They cannot run and they cannot hide, In reality they will be found out by the very instruments they were using to ensnare and trap us. They see their carefully designed safe havens being ripped from their hands bit by bit. We only see the half of it. They only see a small piece (think Pharoh and Moses) but they see the destruction. They are losing their perfectly laid out game.

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