So beautiful. In all the comments, everyone pictures something a little different, some say it has to have a creek, some would like oceanfront, some by the mountains, I like the idea of a creek or a river, 5 to 10 acres of property surrounded by trees. As beautiful as all that is, it is not true wealth, because it's temporary, for every man is appointed once to die, and then the judgment. True wealth, is to hear the Father say, NOT GUILTY by reason of your faith in my Son Jesus Christ, come inherit the Kingdom, I have prepared for you before the foundation of the Earth, that Shall never pass away. This is true wealth. As it is written "Lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, we're neither moth nor rust corrodes, and where thieves do not break in and steal" "For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world and lose his soul or what should a man give in exchange for his soul"
l" Tone" in something written, in certain cases,would be perceived, but not necessarily correct, and may not give a true intent of the heart. I guess if Jesus could be misunderstood who was perfect in word, you and I could easily be misunderstood. Jesus said, others will know we belong to Him by our love for one another. And since I often use scripture (God's word) as you said (bringing God into the conversation) I will with God's help, strive to be careful how I word something, seeing how something I said could be taken as abrasive(and lead someone to think if that's how Christians act I want nothing to do with Christianity) though I deemed it simply a truth or a good illustration of the point I was trying to bring across. Sarcasm, in order to be funny, to make a point, to some is not funny, which in a way is funny, but seriously I need to stop that, In everything we do God is to be glorified, through his Son Jesus Christ, and I see that my clowning (sarcasm) is not productive. Thank you for the correction.
Now it makes sense. Now I understand why you were getting your feathers up, and rightly so. You're talking about posts, and I'm talking about regular comments, for some reason I was locked into comments (a brain freeze) I think the reason that happened is because the old Patriot post that started all this, I took as more like a comment,information that was readily known and it didn't register on me that it was a post. But when you said that I had made roughly 2,000 comments but zero posts, and click a light went on. My bad, I agree when it comes to posts, they should be scrutinized, and held to a high standard otherwise you'll have people posting all kinds of nonsense, wasting a lot of people's time,, and people like yourself would end up spending more time correcting them, then doing the good job of posting as you have been. Thank you for your hard work.
Easy tiger. (You remind me a lot of the month of March you come in like a lamb and go out like a lion) in response to your comment, I just now read all the comments up to this time regarding this post, nowhere that I saw does "oldPatriot" say he is the originator of all the thoughts in his post (nor did I get that impression)and it seems neither did 33 other people, who seem truly thankful that he posted it. In response to others commenting on the original post, as best as I can gather "oldpatriot" just says he agrees with how hard they had it in that day and in the other comments to people he says, he agreed with what they said. To this time, 33 positive comments, three negative, which of the three you are one, and then interestingly you point out to me how "oldpatriot" somehow has time to make 20 posts here everyday. Hummmmm? Do you see it? What does the Bible say about deceit (you ask) God's word (the holy scriptures) speaks about deceit, the same way it does about compassion, understanding, Mercy, and treating others as you would have them treat you. My original comment, was to hopefully reveal how we are quick to point out the deceit (that we think) is in others (yet don't really know) as we overlook the deceit in our own lives. Truly, We are all guilty of deceit (deceiving ourselves). And plagiarizing,when we take credit for anything without giving the credit to God, from whom absolutely everything originates, without whom, we could do nothing. Once we realize this, we (hopefully) drop the stones representing our belief, that we are not like others (when we are) and we would never do what they did (when we do). "Deceiving ourselves"(James 1:22)
LIGHT DRIVES OUT DARKNESS! "executions have taken place at Guantanamo" (you say) maybe, but even if true, it has been done (for all intensive purposes) in the dark. The corruption and the extent of it has not been fully exposed to the light ( publicly) (fully transparent) (for all to witness) when it is done this way, (secretly) something is still wrong. "A LITTLE LEAVEN LEAVENS THE WHOLE LOAF" "LET YOUR YES BE YES, AND YOUR NO NO, ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT SHOWS SOMETHING IS WRONG." Root and all must be dealt with, and it must be done in the light (or at the very least eventually brought fully to the light, nothing left out) (for all to see) as a warning, or in 8 years or so, you'll be right back to where you started, under a new administration.
I am for peace, but when I speak, they are for war" (Psalms 120:7) They want war, wars they themselves do not fight, but profit from. Nevertheless "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God" God's promise.
Maybe ,what you're trying to say is the righteous that (KNOW) they are righteous,and (KNOW) what it means to be righteous (are not shamed) But the sad truth is (Most) that are righteous (in Christ) (which is the only true righteousness) don't know they are righteous,much less walk in the truth of His righteousness. (Hosea 4:6) " MY PEOPLE ARE DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE" (Isaiah 53) "Who has believed our report, and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed?." How few that are (IN CHRIST) know they are (ALREADY RIGHTEOUS) therefore YES they are shamed easily. STILL TRYING TO DO GOOD WORKS. AS A BADGE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, TRYING TO EARN WHAT CANNOT BE EARNED. The Great awakening is yes, GOOD INTENTIONS (to a large extent) But it has nothing to do with righteousness. RIGHTEOUSNESS ( right standing with God) is (IMPARTED) by Christ to those that belong to him. (NO WORK, NO MATTER HOW GOOD, ADDS TO HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, OR EARNED HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS. Those who do not know (true righteousness) are shamed easily. They are shamed either to stay out of the fight, or to get in the fight and say look at me.
Zielinsky gave the ball to NATO. Russia invaded. NATO give the ball to Trump. Trump gave the ball to Putin. Putin has just given the ball to Zielinsky. Right back where this whole mess started. Choose wisely Mr. Zielinski. It appears there will be no more passing of the ball.
Let me guess. Trump Told NATO secretary Rutte, NATO is off the table as far as Ukraine is concerned or we are off the table as far as the United States is concerned. "I set before you life and death blessings and cursings you choose." Choose wisely.
He reminds me of ? A cup of enought.