2B23 3 points ago +3 / -0

God bless you and yours! Read Mark 16:17-18 and follow the instructions give by Jesus (written for you there) and your husband shall recover.

2B23 2 points ago +2 / -0

God's word is.wisdom. His word makes the simple wise. The education system has pushed God's word out. The result: Men are women and women are men. "Thinking themselves to be wise they became fools instead" Romans1

2B23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mark 16:17-18 Let it be done for your daughter according to God's word. In Jesus name.

2B23 15 points ago +15 / -0

No comments yet, many are speechless. None surprised.

2B23 0 points ago +1 / -1

Worded perfectly - delivverd perfectly! Yet something is not.

2B23 10 points ago +10 / -0

"Whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoevere thing's are of a good report, if there be any virtue and if there be any praise think on these things" (Philippians 4:8). tlThank you President Trump, you have honored God, by honoring your sister the way you did.

2B23 2 points ago +2 / -0

You always think other people are going to do what you've been doing. The thief is always worried about people stealing from him. He thinks others are just like him, a thief.

2B23 2 points ago +2 / -0

120 years Noah's hammer screened out a warning,. The flood is coming! They laughed,they mocked, "nothing's happening" not a cloud in the sky. Then God shut the door to the ark. Game set and match. The laughing and mocking could be heard no more. Let us hold the line.

2B23 2 points ago +5 / -3

Wrong. "PRAYER IS ACTION!" Sometimes God's answer is "Do nothing they will destroy themselves". If you picked up the Rock (with out) being covered by prayer Goliath cuts your head off. It is through prayer, that when and how to act(or not)is REVEALED.

2B23 1 point ago +1 / -0

Playing a part or not? Takes nothing away from what he said. What he said is said and needed to be said, and cuts right into the heart of the hearer. Truth is a sword, dividing (even) between bone and marrow it goes forth and does not come back void. It will strengthen Trump's base not weaken it.

2B23 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's even more concerning, then the Trump haters ignoring what Biden's done, is the fact that they seem blind to the fact that a justice department, that can be (and is) weaponized (and is not even afraid) to go after a former President, would not hesitate to go after them (the first time they don't tow the party line) the fact that "What you measure to another will be measured back to you again" totally escapes them, this is a picture of how the German citizens, eventually became oppressed and terrorized by the very government they supported, when it oppressed and terrorized others.

2B23 2 points ago +2 / -0

Isn't that even worse,i f they are capable of throwing women and children out of boats,there is nothing they won't do.

2B23 1 point ago +1 / -0

In this house we believe " In the beginning God" In the end God" "In the middle all things are possible with His help!"

2B23 -5 points ago +6 / -11

Having lots of people shoot at you gives you focus, and a real sense of what is important and what isn't,you say. (Perhaps for a season) Following God by obeying his Word (the Lord Jesus Christ) does that (times a thousand) and (remains a lifetime), without the need of a war.

2B23 0 points ago +1 / -1

It couldn't be that this nation is in such a mess because of those now in power, with Joe Biden leading the way. Of course not! Don't look there. Look, orange man bad.

2B23 2 points ago +3 / -1

Psalms 103 says: "Bless the Lord, oh my soul and FORGET NOT ALL HIS BENEFITS "Who FORGIVES all our sins (THE CUP). Who HEALS all our diseases (THE BREAD). Both the forgiveness of sins and the healing of our body (not just the forgiveness of our sins) is to be remembered and received when partaking of communion. (1 Corinthians 11:30) says "Many of you are weak and sick and some have died early (NOT DISCERNING) the LORD'S BODY." They came to communion, believed and received the forgiveness of their sins which is the benefit of the blood of Christ, (represented by the cup) but some did not receive and believe for their healing which is the benefit of the body of Christ (represented by the bread), and it said they were sick weak and some died early. God warns us in,Psalms 103, FORGET NOT (ALL) your benefits, because every benefit that was paid for by Christ on the cross must be received by faith individually, and does not come to the believer automatically or all benefits together, each benefit from God is to be believed (for) individually, otherwise God would not have had to tell us, (FORGET NOT) (ALL) your benefits, if they just came on us automatically, and collectively. Brothers and sisters when you come to communion you believe that your sins have been forgiven (and they are) now believe that all your diseases are healed when you partake of the bread and you will be healed,from the top of your head to the soles of your feet. The blood of Christ (the cup) is for the forgiveness of sins, the body of Christ (the bread) is for the healing of our body. Here is a ugly example and food for thought: For those who have been taught and come to communion and only believe for the forgiveness of sins, (remember without the shedding of innocent blood there is no forgiveness of sins) the innocent blood of Christ is represented by the wine in the cup, for the forgiveness of sins. So what's the bread for then? if you are only going to believe for forgiveness of sins, you only need the cup, why take the bread you might as well throw it away, because (in effect) that's what you're doing, when you don't believe for your healing. I hope this helps some to realize and believe for what has belonged to them from the moment Christ paid the price for us on the cross..Christ died on the cross, defeated Satan and paid the price for our total Deliverance: mind, body and spirit. The rest of our benefits is listed in the rest of Psalms 103, I have focused on the healing because for many it's the hardest to believe for, since the body refutes the claim that we are healed by the pain. It's interesting that we need no physical proof,that we are forgiven, to believe we are forgiven, but somehow we need physical proof that we are healed before we will believe we are healed. Let us remember that God's spiritual law is: (BELIEVE then RECEIVE) (Mark 11:24). After all if you wait till you're healed to believe, why would you need to believe? God said, "Every place you put your foot, I will give you" Therefore take the bread at Communion, lift your eyes to heaven and thank God for your healing, (giving no attention to what your body says), this glorifies God, this is faith. Remember "Without faith it's impossible to please God" take the bread representing Christ's body, believe that by the stripes on his body you are healed,and you will be healed. Note: you don't have to wait to go to church to take communion, take communion right in your own home just like the early church did in the book of Acts. God's Grace, Peace and Love be upon you. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2B23 3 points ago +4 / -1

Jesus said, "Truly truly, whatever you ask the Father in my name, He will give it you" (John 16:23) therefore Heavenly Father based on your word, we asked for deliverance for President Trump, and our nations from the hand of evil. Thank you Father for hearing our prayer in Jesus name amen.

2B23 2 points ago +3 / -1

"If My people who are called by(My Name)will humble themselves and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways. Then will I hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land" (2chronicles 7:14)

2B23 4 points ago +5 / -1

Psalms 103:2, Speaks of the (benefits) that belongs to us by faith (because) of the price Christ paid for us on the cross. Verse3 says "Who forgives all of your sins and heals all of your diseases" We believe and receive easily the first part of verse 3 "Who forgives (all) of your sins" Let us believe and receive with egaul measure "Who heals (all) of your diseases"

2B23 0 points ago +1 / -1

Psalms 103: 1-13 belongs to anyone that will believe it and confess it. Add that to whatever you're already doing in the natural. "God's word is life to all that find it and health to all their flesh"

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