3Beans 4 points ago +4 / -0

Same, and I'm in Mexico so I'm going to try the banks here to draw out pesos and see what happens. I have my funds in phoenix-area credit unions, midfirst and chase.

3Beans 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agree 100%. I’ve met him, stood shoulder to shoulder at a stop the steal rally in Phoenix. I felt he was very articulate and passionate about his beliefs, not violent, and he had a LOT of friends at the rallies he attended. Even spoke to the crowd as a guest speaker. I pray he sees justice for what he’s endured.

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was wondering if anyone was going to say the Cartels are raaaaaacist. There are many white Americans walking around border towns shopping, getting meds, medical procedures, so why did they target four black people? Well, cartels are very astute with their business and these 4 must've thought they were running their hood down there. The cartels don't play those games, they are not intimidated either, lol

3Beans 31 points ago +31 / -0

I personally am sick of the federal government. Aren't we done being "ruled" by "good people"?

3Beans 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pretty soon, they'll introduce a bill for re-education camps. Commies going to commie!

3Beans 7 points ago +7 / -0

They FAFO. Those games they play on whites in the USA didn't bid too well in Mexico.

3Beans 9 points ago +9 / -0

Cartels don't mess around. these low-level criminals got too big for their britches.

3Beans 2 points ago +3 / -1

Is that TS account InTheMatrix? The caps spell out MATRIX....

3Beans 163 points ago +166 / -3

No vaccines. God gave us immune systems, vax destroys them and causes cancer, other chronic health issues, etc. Decline them all.

3Beans 4 points ago +4 / -0

Did you take the jab? Did your spouse/kids? I'm fortunate that my three kids listened to me. My parents/nieces/nephews/cousins etc did not listen and are jabbed. All sick and slowly dying. It's so hard to watch in real time.

3Beans 8 points ago +8 / -0

Maybe Q meant we anons, because we know the cabal is intent on harming humanity and we are the resistance. We knew not to take the jabs and tried to warn everyone. My family IS safe, because they have ME. My kids didn't take the jab. However, my parents and friends, etc did. Can't wake everyone up. But at least my bloodline will go on....

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

I do, too. Only followed her for a minute back in 2017 era, her voice had a hypnotic cadence to it, which for me, is a warning sign.

3Beans 6 points ago +6 / -0

And he wasn't the first one, either. both Bushes, Clintons, Big Mike and Barry O, even reports of Nixon and LBJ. They had to be controlled to serve their puppet masters somehow...

3Beans 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well how the heck can she traffic kids to nobody? Either release the perps' names and charge them, or let her go. This is the state of our "justice" system. Pathetic.

3Beans 28 points ago +28 / -0

As a veteran, we see things. We hear things. We know things.My MOS was medical, so I came out with a hefty dose of skepticism on govt "healthcare." It wasn't until much later I realized the caduceus insignia I wore on my military uniform as a medical personnel was symbolism of Satan. What woke me up was slick willy, I became staunchly anti-govt during the Balkan war and us involvement. Then 911, it took me awhile to awaken that was done by the cabal. I woke up in stages. So much so, I advised against my three kids from joining the military d/t forced vax program. I, and most vets i know, are pretty ill with chronic disease from the forced vax/bio-weapons they tested on us. Love my country, proud of my service, but until we focus on defending USA citizens/borders from cabal, I will advise against joining. I also am praying for our veterans as they slowly awaken to the horrors that have been committed in our names.

3Beans 3 points ago +3 / -0

And the big line across her forehead, she looks like one of them. People, stop using these stupid filters!

3Beans 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or to show how big tech/media/medical professionals blacklisted/censored these medical experts and therefore affected the health of individuals-worldwide. Setting up the narrative for Nuremburg 2.0. I believe 3 countries are already setting up tribunals as we speak.

3Beans 9 points ago +9 / -0

Really going after the elderly. They don't want to pay them their SS and medical expenses, so off they go. Sick world.

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