I have 35000 ready for delivery
Let me add the lefts response to this, you're racist
We have the best hot judges
We can only hope
I would take over heart disease
Dan Crenshaw enters the room
I'm 66 and have never taken a vaccine since I was a young Kid, I'm currently only taking testosterone
This is great, but almost a year old
According to the Twitter link, this was before completion, they are bolted together anchored down, welded and secured
The dude's going to lose his thumb with it behind the slide👌
This will end badly
Reddit is cancer
13% paying the wages of the 87%
Problem is, too many of the Based companies are promoting this, with 20 something year-old green hairs running the HR departments
I think the level of dumb out there would astonish most of us, I blame the dumbing down our schools been working the last couple Generations
We're taking a full tube of Iverminton, by weight of course
I'm looking at scaling back my collection, this might be a good time
She /He will make someone a fine bitch in prison
Too many Harry Potter movies
The left has always played the long game and the right always gives a little bit a little bit a little bit.