AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

So help me here. At some point in the last decade or so he is snatched by WHs, prosecuted for treason, and replaced with an actor?

Putting aside how his friends and family are duped, are we to believe: a) BHs all knew, were scared they could be next, but dared not scream out in the media about what happened because it will sound too unbelievable to normies? Or b) BHs are all still in the dark about the switch and only Anons can see it?

For me, there was something very, very pivotal/weird about March 2020. If you all recall, he was dead in the Dem primary polls (pardon the pun). Lost first two contests. Then in less than a week, he gets the Clyburn endorsement, wins South Carolina, and runs away with the nomination by early summer.

Forget the 2020 General Election...that is when I knew something screwy was happening. But who pushed his ascension over the primary finish line? Obama and Clinton? Or WHs? Cuz sure as hell wasn't the Sen. Biden the rest of us knew since the 80s. No way.

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump will be there. Well, not in the flesh. But most certainly he will be up front in the minds of everyone in the auditorium and watching at home. The prospective voters. The attendees. The moderators. And of course the other candidates. And those two hours go by, it will be interesting to see how many times his name, his competing interview, his criminal charges, or his past administration is mentioned, either directly or indirectly. I am guessing 5-10x more than any other candidate. Not bad for someone not there in the flesh!

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recent arrival here in HI. Decent turnouts at an independent doctors event a few weeks back (they made 3 stops, Maui, Big Island, and Oahu). But I must say, the mask wearing here is off the charts. Like easily 12-15% across the board, which is really staggeringly high when you consider it is 2023! There is a cultural (i.e. Asian) component to it, for sure. But it definitely makes LA or Seattle look like FL or Texas.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Anons posting about crazy theories immediately should at least Google "annual precipitation map Maui" and get am answer in two seconds. That is all I am saying. And yes. I am here now...

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +4 / -2

This map is literally the color inverse of reality. C'mon anons, show some common sense, or at least 21st century internet search accumen.

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

I would argue they "manage the problem with an illusion of succcess" rather than "fix" it.

AKtoSKN 3 points ago +3 / -0

They = White hats or Black Hats?! I am not sure any more these days.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Insure, Ensure, and Assure have three very specific meanings. Trust me. I'm a you-know-what.

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

As Lee Corso would say, "not so fast my friend." The real fun will be when the testosterone-addled FtM tranny beats the estrogen-saturated MtF tranny. Not sure how the sports books would assess the line/odds.

AKtoSKN 10 points ago +10 / -0

I admit I was one of those restless "two more weeks" folks back in Fall 2020 thru Spring 2021. I was fixated on mostly GEOTUS and the presidential election. Now I am so comfy. I see the larger chessboard and global players. And that perspective helps me deal with my anxious normie-conservative family/close friends...and in due time with my liberal sheep friends.

AKtoSKN 2 points ago +2 / -0

Quasi-clarification: RDJ plays a white Australian playing the role of a black American. And yes, viking12344 is right - - see the movie. Stuff like Tropic Thunder or Idiocracy or South Park are Jr High comedies, but with insane social and political depth sometimes. Not everything Hollywood is "satanic."

AKtoSKN 6 points ago +6 / -0

Note to self: Print flow chart. Put in nightstand. If wife wakes me up early on Nov 5th and asks "WTF is going on?", hand her said flow chart. Turn off light. Go back to sleep.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

@PhDinNY Storage?!? Umm, yeah. The only people "storing" my hard assets are VERY close family members with even more remote/secure locations than I maintain. That s*** goes where you go, buddy!

AKtoSKN 6 points ago +7 / -1

Maybe if Jay-Z, Taylor Swift, some A+++ list actor, and some YouTuber-de jour with 100M followers all died the same day -- and all four coroners immediately said it was the shot, then maybe....still a big maybe...but maybe normies will look up from their screens and legitimately start asking timely and relevant questions.

AKtoSKN 14 points ago +14 / -0

How have we been in this war? Long enough that I literally forgot about my GME shares until just now.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reminds me of when I rebuked the concept of TSA Pre Check and Global Entry because I didn't want "muh Big Brother" to know my third grade teacher or what I had for breakfast. I stood firm!!! That is, until after waiting in regular TSA lines a few times and constantly taking off shoes and belts...I caved in and treated myself to saving countless hours of my life better dedicated to myself. Don't look at it like Twitter is the enemy. It is just a tool/platform, fren...

AKtoSKN 13 points ago +13 / -0

Even if the "We Are Everywhere" line is total bravado and/or comms to the DS enemy, it still gives me chills. There is something about this entire 4thPsyOps Ad campaign - and that is what it is, an ad campaign - that is just....what, totally unnecessary...in a normal world? But we are most definitely not in a normal world. And thus, that is precisely why I think it serves an important purpose.

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I walked out of RW's solo show about 6 or 7 years back because he was ranting about politics (and also not singing or playing bass either, but that is a different story). Now I get the nagging sense that we are going to be on the same team when the dust settles. (Will give FInal Cut a full relisten during my lunch hour...thx.)

AKtoSKN 1 point ago +1 / -0

That is my thought too: when "everyone" knows the current guy and then the new puppet are illegitimate and w/o support but there is nothing political/legal we can do about it. To me, that screams more of a great awakening than popular support of Trump (70%+?) in '24 and a quasi-legit election. Why? Because it does nothing to guarantee the future sanctity of an honest govt. Whatever happens has to be a once in a millennium game changer. There will also probably be an economic crash or WWIII scare or aliens or pandemic as well, but another blatant steal seems to be the better/final eye opener.

AKtoSKN 7 points ago +7 / -0

I am in the camp that believes that within the last 12,000 Earth years (probably between cataclysmic ice age and 6000 BCE) there has been some level of alien (off-planet) interaction, including at the hominid genetic level. And that these interaction stories somehow dovetail into various religious "origin" stories found in many religious scriptures and storytelling/lore. Including the major monotheistic religions today. Since that interaction, written history has also been re-crafted to fit with the default view of human history with a tidy bow on it. The good vs evil may also play out at the galactic level and that we are simply "behind the curve" compared to off planet evolution. A lot of people around the globe (much fewer on GAW) will not be able to handle any revelations that even touch upon this kind of narrative-destroying stuff. My 2 cents...

AKtoSKN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Are you talking to us anons? Or the desk trading team at your hedge fund?? Seriously. I comprehend (not necessarily agree with) about 99.9% of the posts on GAW that I read. But I read yours twice, just now, and I still think you intended that post for your account on the sub-Reddit "Options Trading."

AKtoSKN 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Whose down with OPP? Yeah you know me!" Ok. I will see myself to the door...

AKtoSKN 12 points ago +12 / -0

No prob, fren.

And folks here are always asking for "gateway drug" redpills for their friends and family. I think this video is a great low dosage one. I've got two new customers in the past 24 hours (NE Ohio, N.NJ) by sharing this video. It impacts them directly. Once you eliminate lightning storm...you are left with things like DEWs, old school arson, etc. So whether WH or D.S., ppl know something ain't right....

AKtoSKN 5 points ago +5 / -0

Over the last three years or so, I have captured screenshots of the most outlandish BS postings across my limited social media presence (mostly FB). There are two main offenders (one a former colleague, another the spouse of actually a long time friend), plus some additional not-so-hot takes by others in my social/familial/professional sphere. Why? B/C if they don't stay quiet, I will rub their faces in their past statements, and do it quite vocally. I personally think 99% of humans want group acceptance of being "in the norm" - - and what we are seeing now is a "norm" that is dramatically skewed by evil elements in govt, social media, entertainment, businesses, and especially MSM. That will end. Those True Believers who don't change their tune will be naturally ostracized by polite society. And if they do overreact and break the "new" social contract (via established law), the consequences will be swift and the remaining 99% won't lose a minute of sleep over it. At least that is my take...

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