Oh yeah, ribeyes are a staple. Saw that segment earlier, definitely aligns with OP's message
Ah hello again. I did bookmark your original post and after some research, gave your protocol a go. I'm fairly young but a decade+ of drinking, smoking, and spending a lot of time on the computer has left me with fine but less than stellar health. Over the past few years, I've noticed blood pressure rising on the average, most notably hearing blood/heart beat in my right ear. In the weeks before trying the treatment, it was a daily occurrence. Blood test had come back with stratospheric LDL and HDL levels a month prior, so your post was good timing.
After two weeks of following the protocol, the noise in my ear is gone. I generally feel more even-keeled, especially with energy levels throughout the day and mood/focus. It's a more subtle effect than I would like, but it's freeing up my mental clarity to start focusing on things like diet and exercise and goals, so I'm hoping to snowball.
Plan on doing it twice yearly. I should also get another blood test and an arterial/heart scan but that's for later.
I cannot put into words my gratitude for you. Thank you.
Hello back 👋
Hey man at least you have each other.
Amen brother
Check out unjected.com, someone made a dating/community site for nonvaxxed people.
Yeah I'm fairly convinced she pulled the trigger
Fellow 2-monther. Quit on my birthday. Set myself a goal of a clean year and will probably set another goal after that.
Sorry to hear that, fren.
Really good point. Elon needs to stop teasing us and drop the files!
I use Qwant. Issa got a Q in it 😏
I've been to Meidum, the partially collapsed pyramid mentioned in the article. What they don't mention is that it and the mastabas are built on much, much, MUCH older megalithic structures underneath. I've also been to quarry in Aswan and it has this mind-bogglingly gigantic 1400 ton half-excavated granite obelisk with what seems like large scoop marks where it was being dug out. The official timeline and expalantions are full of these inconsistencies that don't hold up to scrutiny once you start looking.
If you're curious and don't mind longhand research videos, UnchartedX on YouTube does a phenomenal job of delving into these topics of ancient history/tech in Egypt and Peru. Nothing beats seeing these first-hand, though.
It's not geopolymer. There ARE large stones used, especially in the middle pyramid, southeast corner. There's plenty of granite used in the interior structure, as well as the whole thing was originally encased in granite before that layer was torn down and re-used in the millenia since. Don't be ignorant, and more importantly, don't be a condescending asshole, leave that behavior for our enemies. Keep digging.
The aliens thing is a thought-trap and pisses me off too. Any time I broach the subject, everyone always immediately goes to the alien hypothesis. The idea that our civilization is a linear technological progression is too deeply engrained. An alternative is that civilization ebbs and flows (due to earth's catastrophe cycle) and that our ancient predecessors had high technology of a type we cannot currently fathom, though likely had to do with crystal or aural tech paths (maybe psychic? Maybe a combination) that allowed them to shape and move enormous stone thousands of kilometers. The megalithic structures of Peru and Egypt (and others) cannot be explained otherwise, unless you wanna throw aliens into the mix.
That'd be September 24th 2019 given the Hollywood release date of March 18th, 2013 and according to wiki:
On September 24, 2019, Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi announced that six committees would undertake formal impeachment inquiries after reports about controversial interactions between Trump and the country of Ukraine.
It's not crazy but it's not nothing I suppose
And single...
Yeah no, fuck you. I'm more based than many of my American friends who've lost the script long ago. Where you're born is not the ultimate bearing on your world view or philosophy. Get that ignorant shit outta here
Ruthlessly accurate, pede
Valid points. Not a fan of sigs price points especially on their new stuff or anything other than pistols, really. Hope to one day own an MPX, that thing is nothing but sexy.
Sig Sauer right up there with them
And take the CIA, ATF along with it...
This is the way