Maybe we arent seeing the forest for the trees per se, what if its not the what of the unsealing of the first indictment, its the WHEN. Maybe its the marker for the other shit to roll out. The all systems go signal. The other deltas are noteworthy for tomorrow as noted in other posts, guess "we'll find out"
both of you should watch Candace Owens podcast about childhood vaccines and what they are for and what the history of each is. very informative and may shed A LOT of light on the subject "A shot in the dark" dosuseries, on parler
November 2017, Some anon accts on Instagram kept referring to "drops", and 8 chan, before the great Q purge on Instagram took them all out. I followed someone who was excellent at time stamp, mirror, delta analysis and i was hooked. I've always been a "conspiracy theorist", my nickname at work for years was "black helicopter". I grew up in Vegas listening to Art Bell, my dad was a "tax rebel", so I've always had a skewed eye towards government and unseen happenings and subterfuge. I found GAW January 2021 after the inauguration and my hopes were crushed and expectations were upended, I felt lost. GAW and X22 was like rehab, and thank God those things existed or Id be a hot ass mess right now, watching my country circle the drain.
Ok maybe going out on a limb, but the dude between Hussein an Xi is orange and appears to be wearing the rebel alliance pilot helmet and visor. Is that DJT wearing an x wing space pilot helmet? Aka Space force? Can’t figure out who else it would be. That visor is how the pilot was able to see the kill shot that took down the evil empire “Death Star” crazy
Dark community