AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have read that drugs and alcohol are not social problems, but spiritual problems. Perhaps spending more time with your Lord & Savior would help put things into perspective. I understand the frustrations of waiting for things to get better in our world. But God's time is not our time. Our time spent praying for those who are suffering (ie. the children) and praying for conversion of sinners is not wasted. I pray that you know God's love and closeness to you in your suffering.

AgingGracefully 7 points ago +7 / -0

I often see social media posts asking for the Lord to take away all of our miseries. I don't respond to these, but think that our miseries should bring us closer to God. When our sons are experiencing difficulties, I wonder, What if THIS trial is the one that will bring them closer to God? So my prayers for those suffering, is that they feel the Lord's loving arms around them during their time of sorrow and pain; and that if there is a lesson to be learned that they are fast learners. God bless you and your family in this time of trial.

AgingGracefully 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'd like some popcorn that is not bio engineered, please.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

Another loser man who pretends to be a woman in order to compete in women’s sport got his wife pregnant. --- There, I fixed it for you.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +3 / -1

The problem with the Catholic Church is that it is made up of sinners. But that can be said of every church, every profession, every organization and agency. You will find corrupt people in every organization, but that does not mean that all of the people are corrupt. The history of the Catholic Church is the history of Satan trying to destroy what Jesus established.

AgingGracefully 4 points ago +4 / -0

My parents had 7 daughters and 1 son. There was always a baseball bat by the front door. Once, my date asked me if my dad played baseball. I said, "No, why do you ask?" (It made the guys think twice about doing anything.) Congrats on your beautiful girls.

AgingGracefully 4 points ago +4 / -0

I use a Wise.com account to order from Pharmacyonair.com, located in India. I bulk order to avoid the $30 shipping fee. Good price.

AgingGracefully 11 points ago +11 / -0

My husband suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm at the age of 58, from which he recovered. He was on a drug called Nimodipine (Nemotop) for 3-4 weeks, which was to prevent vasospasm. I wonder if your mom was on this drug. I also want to praise your pro-life stance for your mother. I believe that God has a plan for each of us. Who is to say that the life of someone in even a vegetative state is meaningless? What if all that person can do is pray and talk to God? At the very very least, persons in such a state teach the rest of us care and compassion for one another. God bless your sweet mother and your family during this period of pain and suffering.

AgingGracefully 5 points ago +5 / -0

As we get older, stomach acid production decreases, so you are not the only one with low stomach acid. Acid is the stimulant for the esophageal sphincter to close. I drink about a tablespoon of ACV in water at lunchtime daily. It really helps with the acid reflux. The liars who lie told us that the acid reflux is due to too much stomach acid and sold drugs to block the acid-releasing cells in the stomach lining. (The truth is that acid reflux is due to acid in the wrong place, not too much acid. Acid in the esophagus caused the pain of acid reflux. Some people do not have the painful experience, but can still have damage from the reflux of acid.) The drugs may block the cells that produce acid, but since acid is needed for the breakdown of food, the stomach lining makes more acid-releasing cells, which requires more of the drug. When these drugs first came out, they were only recommended for 6 or 9 months. Now, there is no limit. Are you getting the picture?

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

The point is that people have been enslaving other people forever, as noted in the Bible. Those who conquered, enslaved the conquered. Jesus did not order slaves to be freed, but told the masters to treat their slaves well. Some actually sold themselves into slavery (indentured servitude). Slavery is ongoing today, likely in all countries. We should work to end slavery everywhere, especially for those enslaved illegally, especially the children.

AgingGracefully 29 points ago +29 / -0

Some blacks also owned black slaves in this country. Blacks also owned slaves in other countries. Many Irish were sold as slaves in this country also. These facts are conveniently omitted.

AgingGracefully 7 points ago +7 / -0

Prayers for you and your family is this time of grief and fear. I agree with others who said your grandma is healing, as it is during sleep that much energy is diverted to healing. It is also possible that her good day with you was her "rally day", frequently seen especially in the elderly shortly before death. We had that experience with my dad. Either way, she will be healed and you will hug her again, in this life or the next. Do not give up your faith. If she goes on to heaven, you will be sad and miss her earthly presence, but how can you wish for her to be here rather than there. "There" is the goal for all of us. God bless you.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

I never took a PCR test, don't intend to. Medicare sent us free tests. I noticed that one ingredient in the BinaxNOW kit from Abbott Labs (Sodium Azide) is extremely hazardous and can cause organ failure or DEATH. The kit is not approved by the FDA, but has EUA, so no liability for the manufacturer. I sent an email to Abbott Labs on 3/1/2022, asking why they would use poison in a test kit that would be used in the home by persons not trained in proper handling. Abbott's response: "It's just a little bit of poison."

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

Recently learned that at least 500,000 illegals are in NC and that a local landowner is prepared to house some of them in our small town in his trailer parks (in Western NC). With the government paying $1200 per person per month, how many poor NC legal residents do you think will no longer have housing? Housing prices here are outrageous and salaries are low.

AgingGracefully 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am so thoroughly ashamed and disgusted about so called “Catholic” organizations that do this kinda thing.

As I like to say to those who criticize the Catholic Church, "Yup, the Catholic Church is made up of a bunch of sinners." (I am Catholic, also.) There are misguided Catholics just as there are misguided people of all faiths, who think that facilitating illegal immigration is the same as assisting immigrants. They should be forced to watch the videos showing how people are trafficked after they are helped to immigrate illegally.

AgingGracefully 10 points ago +10 / -0

Son's GF only feeds her Frenchie human foods. She was worried that her pup did not drink much water. One hot day after being outside a bit, his treats (frozen blueberries) were dropped into his water dish. He drank more water (~3-4 oz) to get to his treat!

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

Over the last 3-4 years, I've changed my cooking and eating habits to include more red meats, use lard or coconut oil for cooking, not seed oils. I only use butter, no margarine. Last summer's blood work showed a decrease in my cholesterol and triglyceride levels for the first time. For decades, I tried to follow the advertised advice (except that I refused to take statin drugs). Go figure.

AgingGracefully 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perhaps, if this is JUST an identity, it is not a crime. However, ACTING on it is a crime. I may think about killing my annoying neighbor, not a crime, but if I follow thru and kill my neighbor, I've committed a crime. Our society has laws that govern our actions. Harming a child = crime. Only stupid people are confused by morons like Katie Porter.

AgingGracefully 4 points ago +4 / -0

Very sorry for all that Zoe has suffered and continues to suffer. Prayers for her healing in body, mind & spirit. May I suggest ivermectin for her jaw infection? May God bless your daughter for helping her sister in Christ.

AgingGracefully 7 points ago +7 / -0

I feel strongly about the issue of child abuse also. Is it because I worked for a children's hospital for 38 years, or because pedophiles targeted our 2 sons (not once, but twice), or because I am a Christian, a child of God, wanting to protect His other children? Doesn't matter. I don't care if others feel uncomfortable. Everyone should feel absolutely repulsed by these crimes against the children of the world.

AgingGracefully 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am praying that you get to have a visit with your Grandmother. Many years ago, my husband's grandmother was very ill and I wanted to visit her. She had been very kind to me when our children were young. Before we could visit, I had a dream about her. The next day, we learned that she had passed. I believe that she came to visit me. For that, I've always been thankful. God bless your grandma and you.

AgingGracefully 1 point ago +1 / -0

And then what happens to the embryos, if there is no womb for them?

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