Andre123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can someone with an analytical mind summarize this? A brief perusal shows BHO, BHWB, Clinton, D. Chaney, Leon Panetta, Christine Lagarde, Sarkozy of France, Queen Elizabeth, JP Morgan Chase, J. Mack of Morgan Stanley, etc. are up to their eyeballs in corruption, treason, and money laundering. This is extremely hard to follow.

Andre123 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don’t believe Biden’s approval is 37%, with crime up, higher taxes, open borders, turmoil around the world, vax mandates, health care system in the toilet-never to be trusted again, military a mess due to the effeminate, woke top brass, Leftist hatred of the U,S. and the Constitution, human and drug trafficking, gasoline prices, inflation and stock market decline, just to name a few. I would really like to know the real number of Leftists who support the above. I believe the resident of the White House has approval ratings in the single digits, all of whom are the liberal heart bleeding open border, anti-Constitution millionaires, top Military brass, and young Communist non-voters.

Andre123 1 point ago +2 / -1

Finally, maybe a judge has some balls. Why has it taken 11 months for a judge or civil rights attorneys to ask this. Everyone who has been imprisoned, denied a speedy trial, bail and has been abused physically and emotionally must be awarded millions per person in compensation.

Andre123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Arrest for lying to Congress and falsification of documents. The his peers should sue him personally for slander

Andre123 2 points ago +3 / -1

That’s what I have been asking. You can’t test for Covid, so you can’t test for Omicron.

Andre123 1 point ago +1 / -0

John Kerry, George Soros and sons, Huma Abedin, Melinda Gates, all scientists who worked on the Covid shot, heads of the CDC, NIH, FDA, all hospital administrators who pushed the shots to employees, and denied ivermectin and hydrochloroquine to gravely ill Covid patients, heads of the AMA, AAP, PFIZER,J&J, Moderna,

Andre123 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope she gets $20 million. That will not replace a permanently damaged or dead child.

Andre123 10 points ago +10 / -0

A Judge with balls should order: release all videos or release all January 6 Capitol prisoners.

Andre123 2 points ago +2 / -0

If Biden is just the resident and not the President, that means any bills passed by Congress and signed by the resident are not valid. My question is, “where are all the children and human trafficking victims being kept?” Strange that no one has let slip anything. Remember when Trump said a girl was rescued and it would be divulged later? Was it Madeline McCann or Natalie Holloway? It had to have been someone who had been in the news because look at all who have been rescued and nothing was said by a Trump. This teaser was especially pointed out.

Andre123 0 points ago +2 / -2

Let’s get on with it already. He has been talking about this for weeks now. I thought the AG, sheriff and mayor were all related. Corruption will persist. Nothing will happen.

Andre123 9 points ago +9 / -0

So glad to hear of his improvement. God does work in mysterious ways. My prayers for his continued recovery and strength for you to see him through this difficult time. Keep us updated, please.

Andre123 10 points ago +10 / -0

How about this: Every precinct (depending on the size), have a minimum of 2 Republican, 2 Democrat vote counters. All counts must agree during the hand count. The votes are counted in batches to make recount easier, if needed.Then the ballots are counted twice per machine. All votes must tally. A notary certifies all counts when all agree on numbers and then it goes to the county and then on to the state. All results are published openly. All notaries are responsible for being sure their copy of what they certified jives with what is published. All the states publish the totals and notaries are responsible for checking the numbers verified and published still match and then they sign off as a final count. From this, electors are selected.

Andre123 9 points ago +9 / -0

Don’t forget a lot of the research started at the Univ. of North Carolina with Fauci funds (which I assume were taxpayer funds) before it was moved to Wuhan by Fauci.

Andre123 3 points ago +3 / -0

Until and unless business owners refuse to police the NYC mandate, their businesses will fail. Some business owners like the power and control, I.e. the Panerra manager who shut down the restaurant when several people without vax cards came in and sat down. 30 police responded.

Andre123 1 point ago +1 / -0

People world wide must not only resist the Covid shot and boosters, but also the vax passport or any form of insertion under or on the skin denoting your vax status. Think how great it would be if hackers broke into the data bases of all countries and wiped the vax data clean. If countries wanted it restored the hackers charge trillions in bit coin. Lol

Andre123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Didn’t Trump suggest NG be called in, in advance, but was rejected?

by BQnita
Andre123 7 points ago +7 / -0

If this doesn’t convince you about the true purpose behind the FDA, CDC, NIH and Big Pharma, nothing will. The intent is to kill with clots, bleeding, neurological issues,cancer, heart attacks, or to cause sterility. We don’t have any clue how this will shorten the lifespan of individuals.

Andre123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump signed it on her forehead on purpose. He always knows and has purpose behind everything he says and does.

Andre123 9 points ago +9 / -0

The military command needs to explain themselves. Why would you mandate a shot for a disease which: 1) still under EUA, 2) the disease has a 99.7% survival rate for healthy men and women, 3) the shot has an efficacy of 3 months at the most, 4) No one in Big Pharma or the CDC/FDA has addressed the deaths or adverse effects from the shot which is more in one year than 20 years with alll vaccines combined, 5) how does the shotSTRENGTHEN our military when it appears the opposite is true. I pray when there is a President in the WHITE HOUSE with common sense AND a brain, he restores all military benefits to these fired warriors and everyone of these irrational commanders with their evil intent to weaken our military so our country can be compromised and overthrown is court martialed or executed. I believe God has a plan and all involved in this fiasco by their superiors will have bigger and better promises in their future. I am sorry for your treatment, but there is a purpose. Maybe it was a God’s plan to save these warriors a life of misery or death because they believe in God’s power/guidance and their own decisions.

Andre123 5 points ago +5 / -0

Purple haired transvestite.

by BQnita
Andre123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have said for decades without government involvement there would be no drug problem.

Andre123 2 points ago +2 / -0

These two should be arrested immediately for fraud. Also investigate Xucker berg’s wife-Chinese, Chinese ties. “Watch the Wives.”

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