Presumably the ridiculous density of air defense anywhere near that combat area right now.
Your school sucked. Government and law was one of my favorite high school electives I took.
Why make threats about what would happen? Just release the information you have. Then there is nothing to gain by your death.
The ATF is absolutely not any better than the FBI.
Some reports said shell casing were found at Horiuchi's position. That would mean he was shooting people as they fled the fire.
Lon Horiuchi murdered people at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
The fines for traveling are preposterous.
That said, the idea of being able to safely bike or walk where I want or need to go sounds very appealing.
In China people were encouraged to invest in future real estate. Those cities were built and sold to people as investments. But it was basically impossible that their economy could grow large enough, fast enough that those cities would ever be needed. So now there are falling down ghost cities no one will ever live in.
Some nuclear weapon designs do use a conventional charge to compress an atomic mass into a smaller space so that it will go prompt critical. So they're not really wrong.
Home school.
Yeah they stole the story from this guy Plato. He has an allegory of a cave. It's a fun read.
Thank you.
Seems like a straightforward free speech case ie tinker v Des Moines.
For my own benefit, what do your abbreviations mean?
The cuban immigrants in southern Florida are strongly conservative. They fled a communist state.
Bacteria existed even before we could see them. It doesn't mean they were never real.
That's basically nothing. At one point the DOD could not account for the spending of trillions of dollars. And the Pentagon is allowed black money. You give it to them and no one ever gets to ask what it was spent on.
I see two white people. Two red, white and blue people that is.
Typically an appeal must rely on errors in the law and how it was carried out. Appeals based on facts of the case are very rarely successful.
Absolutely no chance. You would need 3/4 of the states to agree that we don't like free speech. Good luck with that.
Yeah it's absolutely never happening. You need 3/4 of the states to agree. There is literally nothing that 3/4 of the states agree on. The constitution might as well be written in stone.
It absolutely won't thanks to the first amendment.
Twitter taught the Microsoft chat bot to be a racist asshole inside of one day. These generative chat programs are mostly just a mirror reflecting back what we taught them.
It's not an AI. It's just a program that guesses what word is most likely next. It has a huge training data set and uses that to explore relationships between words.
It's not an AI. It's an example of machine learning. The only thing gpt does is predict what word is likely to come next based on probability from the training data set. It literally just guesses what word should come next. It doesn't think and it's not really intelligent. It just understand relationships between words. Like the word cream is often followed by the words and sugar.
Killing JFK and RFK was pretty fucking effective. JFK spoke out against secretive groups in government. Nowadays those groups are more numerous, larger, and more powerful than ever.
If it didn't work, they would stop doing it. They killed Epstein and the whole thing went away.