Archon69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Here are 24 declensions of the word THIS in Russian. They can't be bothered to have any more grammatical complexity🤣

Им. этот эта это эти

Рд. этого этой этого этих

Дт. этому этой этому этим

Вн. этот; этого эту это эти; этих

Тв. этим этой этим этими

Пр. этом этой этом этих

Archon69 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you talk about climate change, are you talking about global warming, global cooling, or both?

If both, wouldn't the warming and cooling cancel themselves out?

Archon69 3 points ago +3 / -0

If he has committed arson twice, how could anyone possibly hire him if he is in jail?

Archon69 1 point ago +1 / -0

We'll have to see. They are supposed to keep it in the file.

The IRS prosecutor had Elaine Brown’s passport application in the courtroom and was asking her why, when traveling abroad, she WAS a U.S. citizen, but when it came to paying her taxes, she was NOT a U.S. citizen?

Consistency of one's foundation is important.

Archon69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Would anyone like to help me take up a collection to give them free AstraZeneca or Pfizer products?

Archon69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you saying that American republics refers to the list of South American countries shown in the right sidebar of:


or signed the document at


I put on my passport application "NOT VALID WITHOUT ATTACHED EXPLANATORY STATEMENT". I received the passport book and card. Now I am waiting for certified FOIA of passport record, which should include the statement denying federal citizenship and holding citizenship at the state level.

Archon69 0 points ago +1 / -1


20 U.S. Code § 221 - Instructions of citizens from American republics; Government maintained professional educational institutions

The President is authorized, in his discretion and under such regulations as he may prescribe by Executive order, to permit citizens of the American republics to receive instruction, with or without charge therefor, at professional educational institutions and schools maintained and administered by the Government of the United States or by departments or agencies thereof: Provided, That such citizens shall agree to comply with all regulations for the government of the institutions and schools at which they may be under instruction and to exert every effort to accomplish successfully the courses of instruction prescribed: And provided further, That the regulations prescribed by the President under the authority of this section shall contain provisions limiting the admission of citizens of the American republics to primary schools maintained and administered by the Government of the United States so that there will under no circumstances be any curtailment of the admission of citizens of the United States eligible to receive instruction therein.

Ask yourself who are these citizens of the American republics who are not citizens of the United States. Remember that the Constitution guarantees the States a republican form of government.

When you apply for a USA passport, you have a right to attach notarized, sworn statements explaining who you are and who you are not.

Archon69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, share your notes, any handouts, thoughts, and feelings with the group!

Archon69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even as a legal American, most are not even citizens of the United States of America. People with state birth certificates are citizens of their state. Naturalized citizens and those with Consular Reports of Birth Abroad have documents that say they are citizens of the United States of America.

Archon69 4 points ago +4 / -0

https://obfuscator.uo1.net/ has weak, medium, and strong settings.

Here is some weak:

Ӧոⅼіոе Техt Οḃfսѕсаtοr

Оḃfսѕсаtе tехt tо kеер іt ḃеⅼоԝ а rоḃοt'ѕ rаḋаrѕ. Տtау frее frοⅿ ḃоtѕ аttеոtіοո ԝḣіⅼе ḋеаⅼіոģ ԝіtḣ ḣսⅿаոѕ. Ԝḣу оḃfսѕсаtе?

Τехt οḃfսѕсаtіоո саո ḣеⅼр сіrсսⅿⅴеոt fіⅼtеrѕ οո ΑǏ ѕуѕtеⅿѕ ⅼіkе ĈḣаtǴṖТ аոḋ сеոѕοrѕḣір frоⅿ ⅿοḋеⅼѕ ⅼіkе Ĉⅼаսḋе. Ꭰіѕģսіѕе соոtеոt frоⅿ ḃοtѕ ԝḣіⅼе kееріոǵ tехt ḣսⅿаո-rеаḋаḃⅼе. Оḃfսѕсаtіоո саո ḃе ассоⅿраոіеḋ ḃу tоοⅼѕ ⅼіkе іոассսrаtе trаոѕⅼаtοrѕ аոḋ ѕуոοոуⅿ ǵеոеrаtоrѕ tο fսrtḣеr ⅿаѕk ѕеոѕіtіⅴе tехtѕ. Ǐⅿрοrtаոt!

Strong: Óῃɬїƞȅ Ṫҽẍṭ Ọḇſứԑϛậṭổř

Ởƅſǚšćâṭḗ ŧѐхẗ țο ķḛḙṗ ĭԷ ɒēɬốŵ ǟ ɼὂƅöԷ'ṡ ṛᾳḋḁӷṧ. Ŝȶάȳ ẛȓҿệ ḟӷȭṁ ьởṱś ᾶṱէễʼnṭιỏṉ ẉḩịǀȇ ⅾеᾆḻίňɕ ẉɩťẖ ʜưḿąņṧ. Ẅɧẏ ǭḅḟṻśḉḁťө?

Ṯȩẍṯ ṏƃſնṡčǡṯǐοñ ҫἂṇ ĥϱḽῤ ¢ɨґċս₥үеήṫ ƒἱŀʈëṝș ὄṅ ÀḬ šγṥեѳḿṣ ŀîḱḗ ℂɧåẗǴΡ₮ ǡὴḏ ćḕղšôŗѕћίṗ ғřὂṁ ḿốḑёľś ḻḭḳê ₢ľẚǖḓẽ. Ḏịṣɠɥȉѕѳ ƈձпէễἧṱ ẛṛȫṃ ƅöẗș ẇհῑĺɛ ƙөẹρίᾐզ ťệҳՒ ћսṁẫṋ-ŗѐᾇ₫ἅḅļế. Ớḅƒúșςᾂƫīὀὴ ҫᾲῄ ƅȅ ȁḉčỗḿṕάńȋёɖ ƅӳ †οṏĺš ɫίķȅ ĭἡἆḉćûɼαեɛ ẗɼᾇրșɭḁťὅȓś ȧɳḏ şẏᾒǒռƴṁ ĝẽπēȑᾶ†ớṛš ṭὀ ſủṝʈḥѐȑ ₥ẩԑĸ ṧѳἦʂ¡țῑῦḙ ṱӗẍṯś. Ὶɱþὄŗṯᾱἡţ!

Archon69 3 points ago +3 / -0

Circumcision is gender care too.

Years ago at a US consulate in a Muslim country, I saw many posters in the fight against female genital mutilation, but nothing against male genital mutilation.

Archon69 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'll extend this a little further and say that because he was a lawyer that helped legalize gay marriage, he took every injection and medicine they told him to and he told everyone else to do the same.🤡

Archon69 3 points ago +3 / -0

If this situation were real, a pro-life pregnant woman could be arrested for driving back to her husband after visiting her parents, if they are in different states.

Archon69 5 points ago +5 / -0

Why was the invader black? That's raaaayycist...

Archon69 2 points ago +2 / -0

Posted 13 years ago-

Little Britain USA - Gay Politician Senator White explains how he needed a bathroom and stopped at an airport bathroom🤣😂


in Washington senator white is apologizing for yet another indiscretion on Tuesday evening after a late night session in the Senate I was driving home when I discovered that I needed to use the restroom so I drove to a nearby airport on arrival at the restroom I met a young Puerto Rican gentleman he invited me into his cubicle to talk about Republican party policy as I made my way into the cubicle I slipped upon the wet floor and in the confusion pull down the young man's pants and breathe at that point my clothes accidentally fell off the young man Raul then realized he had lost a contact lens he then bent over to find it during his search he inadvertently backed on to me and I regret to say a part of my body entered his at this point the police arrived and I can see how the events could have been misconstrued thank you very much thank you

Archon69 1 point ago +1 / -0

After using Jdownloader2 on a PC to download podcasts from Youtube, Rumble, and Bitchute, I use an Android app to play most podcasts at 140% of normal speed on my phone.

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
Archon69 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ukrainian Border Patrol keeps people in, as no one from outside wants to sneak in for a visit!

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