Can anyone point ne to story sources? Everytime i get one, the link has gone sour. I want to archive this stuff.
Colic, SIDS, and fibromyalgia are all made up doctor shrug diagnoses. It gives them a reason to meet their prescription quota, though.
Poast does the human check so you can't easily archive from their site.
Replace "twitter" or "x" with "twstalker" for the same features and easier archiving.
The taxation issue need to stop being about which individual tax type and should be about the whole tax system.
I am of the opinion that it needs to change to a tax-trickle-up system.
The local entity (probably a county) levies a single kind of tax (income, property, sales, w/e). This is then used to fund all activities in that county as appropriate. Then, all county citizens vote on how much of their revenue goes to the state (with each county getting a single vote for the state).
That revenue funds the state activities.
Then all state citizens vote how much of the state tax revenue goes to the federal government (again with each stage getting a single vote).
The federal votes can be every two years to match the election cycle. States and counties can set their own cycles.
This trickle-up means that people, counties, and cities will understand how much they have to give up to run the larger edifices of government. It will also shorten the leash on state and federal governments.
She benefits from the fraud.
Arnold Swartenegger looks more like a woman than Obama's spouse.
Except they will steal your babies and convert them to what they are. It's how they haven't died out already.
I began with the premise that you presented. In summary, that was that Jesus did not advocate for peace. In doing so, you quoted a scripture that was in warning of the trials that the disciples would face, which is not how He instructed us to live, but was a warning that living and shining a light would not be met with peace by the world.
However, in dealing with the world, we are to deal peaceably and fairly, as I pointed out in the scriptures I pulled from the earlier portions of Matthew.
I will be clear, as you request: the division is not from those following Christ's words, it is from those that work against Christ's words. Should any proclaim the darkness, Jesus never said to sunder them. That work was proclaimed as the right of the Lord to do in the end of days.
I believe you are mistaken in holding that quote as a guide to life. That quote is for Jesus' disciples to understand that merely being believers and even disciples doesn't mean that no hardship will follow them, as He sends them out to preach His word. For the Word of God and His son is anathema against those that rule this world. They will fight you tooth and nail for what they ascribe to rule.
He reinforces this in John, with more instruction to His disciples: “If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” -John 15:18–19
This is not how you are supposed to live, but what you can expect while living. And how does Jesus expect you to live? By the rules of the land and you are to end conflict as He called for in the sermon on the mount:
“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift. Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way, or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny." - Matthew 5:23-26
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[h] But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you." - Matthew 5:38-42
But I will agree to you, we are to put His light on the stand. That is why shit posting works so well. Matthew 5:15
I'm willing to accept that random photogrpahs of the aftermath of the wtc might not show plane parts. 100 story buildings out material a plane probably a couple dozen-fold. That's a logic i can wrap my head around.
How does a plane not exist outside the pentagon in any picture I've seen when it hit the ground and slid into it? We've seen plane crashes before - even ones where the plane wasn't coming apart before they landed. As soon as the plan makes contact with the ground, it looks like a discoball made love to a paper shredder.
"Code switching " and their examples are "grill nominees for the supreme court" and then switch to "hosting a Diwali celebration".
I totally get it. When it's Christmas time, I totally forget how the supreme court operates or even what a nominee needs to be there. In fact, I just lay on the floor in front of the tree, staring at the star abd making bubbles with my own spit.
I'm so glad this...."black" and "south-asian" woman can do those things.
More projection. Fascinating. Where did you get any of that?
You accuse falsely, three times in a row. First, you claim that I should be nice and let them spread their beliefs, and I should hold back my own. Second, when I asked you to explain why I should cater to this hypocrisy, you retreated into a projection of victimhood. Third, I also didn't direct you to not soeak about Christ. I used the narrative third person "you" to address why I said what I did and that which you objected to.
I was actually trying to indicate that Alzheimers acts like cancers - standard pathways are mutated away from and disregarded by the Alzheimers/cancerous taus. In any cancer, your body stops reaponsing to multiple signals for cell regulation. Thus enabling tau production and retention in a system with damaged tau production may be cou ter productive.
As seen in some od the studies of Alzheimers resistant peoples, they produce a form of Reelin that is free of the tau pathways, thus are not inhibited when the taus go rogue.
You cannot use darkness to spread the Light. As you can tell by the Catholic Church, all that happens is inviting your own corruption.
Further, if you two don't have to keep your own truths to yourself, why must I?
Note that Alzheimer's tau degredation acts like a cancer by "targeting" (for lack of a better word) Reelin-producing neurons.
You root your beliefs in what Jesus admonished those of His time for. You are either Christian or Jewish. You should make uo your mind.
Ignore what you saw with your eyes and ears There wasn't anything that happened recently. This is all hogwash by terrorists linked to Russia. Now, how are we to win this war against EastAsia--I mean, Russia? My grandparents and grand children both died fighting this threat to our very way of life from our eternal enemies!
(1984 reference)
Then you shouldn't be proclaiming, you should love your brothers and sisters as Jesus instructed and show them the Light.
Oh, then Bill.Clinton was a great Christian. So was Al Gore. They both hooted and hollered about their Christianity. Proclaiming demonstrated their lights, right?
Why are you using the Jewish books of the Bible, then?
Jesus broke bread with those that did not believe in Him. Even those society rejected - and not all of them became His followers. Jesus bade us to be loving of our brothers and sisters and gave us the golden rule. He spoke against having hardened hearts.
Why? Because darkness seeps into mens hearts where the light does not shine. If you keep the Light to yourself, you are helping evil setup shop in your neighbor.
Question: Assuming you dont eat during the blackout, can you combine the supplements? Why/why not?
Question 2: Is a cup of black coffee (no additives, just bean flavored water) or tea (again, no additives) appropriate consumption pairing with the supplements? Why or why nae?
I dunno if the left is really all that crazy for believing in beer guts.
Well, ghats three paragraphs of nothing.
How will it "cost Italy" $65b dollars?
So....What women died "and left children behind" because of Roe v Wade being overturned?