I actually used to work with one of the parents. He was a very nice, hard-working, trustworthy guy. I looked at his FB page recently and it does seem like he’s gone thru a lot. I don’t doubt that his child really did die.
Definitely taking the Putin info with a grain of salt. The Greg Reese report right before this one put Putin in positive light, and I’ve watched Putin’s speeches and agree that it doesn’t seem like he would force jab his own people.
Very interesting! I may just have to use some of this info for the Nextdoor fight over this article, where the libtards keep screaming for “separation of church and state”. Fortunately, the CA patriots are far outweighing the libtards.
I’m absolutely celebrating it… going to haunted houses, watching scary movies, taking the kids out trick-or-treating, and maybe even throwing a Halloween Party. It’s my favorite time of the year. I’m not going to let the cabal stop me from enjoying life.
Exactly. I attended one of his seminars. Said he’s working under orders from Trump, that Hillary was executed, etc. Some attendees were in legal trouble from trying to follow his direction, but still coming back thinking he can help them out of it. Smh
Everyone I work with has been quadruple jabbed… I know b/c they kept bragging and cheering each other on every time they were going to be out to get another shot. Now they all keep getting sick over and over again. I keep expecting to log in and find out one of them has kicked the bucket.
It was pretty funny and I appreciate that he’s not afraid to joke about the Jews. Too bad he’s a Dem though that supports Ukraine and believes Trump colluded with the Russians.