Amazing news to start my day with. Thanks for posting. Yesterday's And We Know video LT showed a picture of a billboard that said Ivermectin cures cancer Cancer is a parasite.
One thing I've learned over the past dozen years of waking up to all the Bullshit the elite feed us is to have a wait and see attitude. That being said its starting to look like he is on the right side of things.
Anybody that was put on a ventilator and given remdesivir was murdered. Just like the meme sad. Covid only kills people in the hospital not at home. I hope someday every living soul figures out that covid is a hoax.
A friend told me a couple of months ago that the actor playing Biden had dementia and that Biden had a stroke years ago but was still alive. I think he watches Charlie Ward so most likely BS.
What The Fuck has happened to mother earth? Did we go through a black hole to another dimension? Kelloggs cereal for the mentally ill leftist nut jobs. Puts a whole different meaning to Fruit Loops.
My new favorite poem. Well, I didn't have a favorite before, but I do now.